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the academic paper that you create and post in the discussion. The presentation must have a quantitative aspect; it must include information of a quantitative nature.

1 answer below »
LA 255 Final Project Description and Instructions
The Final Project is due by the close of Module 14, and comprises 15 percent of your course
grade. Your instructor may or may not accept late work for a reduced grade.
The Final Project is a stand-alone paper that you create, submit to, and then post in
the assignment topic by the due date. By “stand-alone” we mean that it is a complete product and
equires no extra explanation. In other words, your assignment should not be a slideshow
presentation that that you might use in support of a live presentation.
Regardless of the subject, your Final Project should be in the format of an academic paper
describing some research you undertook or a project that you completed on your own. Your file
needs to be in .doc or .pdf format.
Instructors are not allowed to grade your assignment until you have submitted it to
By now you should have a account and have used it in this course in submitting
your essays. However, there will be a topic dedicated to using Tu for the Final Project
in Module 14.
Choose a subject and project that furthers your understanding or skills in your major, or
addresses your career goals. Some students will choose to complete a digital media-based
project. In this case the digital product should be submitted, but still accompanied by an
academic paper describing what you did and meeting all of the requirements described in the
grading ru
ic. Alternatively, screen shots of digital work may be integrated into the text of your
paper. Many practical projects can be documented with text and original images, whether
photographs or computer-generated images. While images and graphics do not increase the page
count of the paper, original images and graphics are one of the criteria on the grading ru
Of course, the central focus of the work should be quantitative and demonstrate the concepts and
skills covered in this course. Quantitative literacy is often complex reasoning with simple math
and graphics, involving the use of numbers in descriptions, analyses, organizing and analyzing
data or works that have some quantitative component.
Start with an Introduction section. Explain what you did and why. Write your assignment to a
general audience, who may or may not know much about the subject you chose. Particularly if
you do some kind of practical project, include a section that explains the basic elements
involved before launching into the project itself.
Critical thinking, creativity, the generation of original material (text, photos, graphics, computer-
generated or physical media of any kind), and the accuracy and clarity of quantitative
communication are the most highly valued elements for this project. Regardless of your major,
these skills are a contributing factor in navigating and succeeding in our highly digital and
information-based world. Ideally, you will develops knowledge and skills in your major. This
assignment could be the basic math and quantitative aspects to some project you are developing
for your portfolio. See if you can get some guidance from instructors teaching courses in your
Original charts, graphs, and images are valued in grading this assignment, but art skills are not a
grading criterion. This is a Liberal Arts course, not a studio course. Your original images or
graphs will be evaluated on their effectiveness in conveying quantitative information.
Cite your images, even when they are your own. You can do this simply by creating a caption
elow the image with your name and the year.

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1 My subject is based on a home studio set. I chose this topic as my final subject because I am majoring in Music, so when it comes to the costs and numbers, there must be connections between my major and math.
2 Materials that I have collected are the accessories that I need for the home studio. For example, the audio interface(Focusrite Scarlett), $99.99.
3 For the part of putting everything together, it is almost done but needs to be organized.
Surface Studio 2+ - 12th Gen Intel® Core™ H35 i7, 32GB RAM, 1TB SSD
Digital Audio Workstation (DAW):$4499.99
Allen & Heath SQ-6 48-Channel / 36-Bus Digital Mixer with 24+1 Motorized Faders (Open Box)
Audio Interface:$6099.99
Allen & Heath SQ-7 48-Channel / 36-Bus Digital Mixer with 32+1 Motorized Faders (Open Box)
Neumann TLM 49 Condenser Microphone, ErnieBall 25FT Mic Cable, Pop Filter Bundle
Fostex TH900mk2 Premium Reference Headphones (Open Box)
Studio Monitors:2499.98
(2) Dynaudio BM15A 10″ Powered Studio Monitors (Left and Right)
MIDI Keyboard/Controller:$1399.00
Acoustic Treatment:$129.99
Primacoustic London 16 Acoustic Room Kit - Beige
https: XXXXXXXXXX&dskeywordid= XXXXXXXXXX&lid= XXXXXXXXXX&ds_s_kwgid= XXXXXXXXXX&ds_s_inventory_feed_id= XXXXXXXXXX&dsproductgroupid= XXXXXXXXXX&product_id=London16Bg&prodctry=US&prodlang=en&channel=online&storeid=&device=c&network=u&matchtype=&adpos=largenumber&locationid=9032185&creative= XXXXXXXXXX&targetid=pla XXXXXXXXXX&campaignid= XXXXXXXXXX&awsearchcpc=&&&gclid=CjwKCAjwjYKjBhB5EiwAiFdSfv-ysMoba6qu1asf2xPJToiLfGu1xbfF3uwZeFGy3obDRIqebWdNpBoCQmYQAvD_BwE&gclsrc=aw.ds
3m, 12 Fiber MTP Cable, Multimode OM3, MPO - MPO
Comfortable Furniture:$2,729
https: XXXXXXXXXX&utm_keyword=8676c10894&gclid=CjwKCAjwjYKjBhB5EiwAiFdSfh-FTdLKWdDWUfK3Dk7AQSKw3yEacHujZPNjnMbLJnBNkd-hvp95jRoCva8QAvD_BwE
Martin XXXXXXXXXXStreetMaster Acoustic Guitar (with Gig Bag)
Digital Audio Workstation (DAW)
Audio Interface:
Studio Monitors
MIDI Keyboard/Controlle
Acoustic Treatment
Comfortable Furniture

LA 255 Final Project Description and Instructions
The Final Project is due by the close of Module 14, and comprises 15 percent of your course
grade. Your instructor may or may not accept late work for a reduced grade.
The Final Project is a stand-alone paper that you create, submit to, and then post in
the assignment topic by the due date. By “stand-alone” we mean that it is a complete product and
equires no extra explanation. In other words, your assignment should not be a slideshow
presentation that that you might use in support of a live presentation.
Regardless of the subject, your Final Project should be in the format of an academic paper
describing some research you undertook or a project that you completed on your own. Your file
needs to be in .doc or .pdf format.
Instructors are not allowed to grade your assignment until you have submitted it to
By now you should have a account and have used it in this course in submitting
your essays. However, there will be a topic dedicated to using Tu for the Final Project
in Module 14.
Choose a subject and project that furthers your understanding or skills in your major, or
addresses your career goals. Some students will choose to complete a digital media-based
project. In this case the digital product should be submitted, but still accompanied by an
academic paper describing what you did and meeting all of the requirements described in the
grading ru
ic. Alternatively, screen shots of digital work may be integrated into the text of your
paper. Many practical projects can be documented with text and original images, whether
photographs or computer-generated images. While images and graphics do not increase the page
count of the paper, original images and graphics are one of the criteria on the grading ru
Of course, the central focus of the work should be quantitative and demonstrate the concepts and
skills covered in this course. Quantitative literacy is often complex reasoning with simple math
and graphics, involving the use of numbers in descriptions, analyses, organizing and analyzing
data or works that have some quantitative component.
Start with an Introduction section. Explain what you did and why. Write your assignment to a
general audience, who may or may not know much about the subject you chose. Particularly if
you do some kind of practical project, include a section that explains the basic elements
involved before launching into the project itself.
Critical thinking, creativity, the generation of original material (text, photos, graphics, computer-
generated or physical media of any kind), and the accuracy and clarity of quantitative
communication are the most highly valued elements for this project. Regardless of your major,
these skills are a contributing factor in navigating and succeeding in our highly digital and
information-based world. Ideally, you will develops knowledge and skills in your major. This
assignment could be the basic math and quantitative aspects to some project you are developing
for your portfolio. See if you can get some guidance from instructors teaching courses in your
Original charts, graphs, and images are valued in grading this assignment, but art skills are not a
grading criterion. This is a Liberal Arts course, not a studio course. Your original images or
graphs will be evaluated on their effectiveness in conveying quantitative information.
Cite your images, even when they are your own. You can do this simply by creating a caption
elow the image with your name and the year.
Answered 1 days After May 17, 2023


Rhea answered on May 19 2023
37 Votes
Music and home studio-1
Designing the perfect Home-Studio for music
If we were to interview a room full of musicians as to what would be the most
important thing needed for being a good musician, they would unanimously
come to an agreement that it is CONTROL. Control not only over the
instruments and acoustics but also over the sound that is entering or exiting the
studio. When we think about designing spaces for musical purposes, be it for
ecording or performing, or simply for a jamming session; it is of paramount
importance to have control over every aspect possible and such control can only
e exercised if we consider the quantitative aspects involved. We need to keep
in mind some basic concepts of sound which can drastically enhance the aural
environment of our studio and make the necessary changes with our
understanding of Maths.
Choosing the right space
The first thing that we need to consider is what do we intend to do in our home
studio. It is obvious that a space intended for jamming sessions with my college
and would be quite different from a studio intended for recording and such.
The second thing is the location of the room in which we wish to set up our
home studio. It has a big impact on how much we need to isolate it from the rest
of our house. We can imagine the extent of requirements needed for soundproof
of a studio which is adjacent to a nursery v/s the requirements for that in a
garage. At the same time it is important that the studio has to be shielded from
mechanical equipment noises or motor noises coming from the street. A room
without windows lying somewhere indoor would be ideal for that. But a studio
set ups like ours which is mostly informal in nature also need to make sure that
we do not distu
our family members with the sound coming from our studio.
It is for this reason that we prepare an Adjacency matrix. It is a simple graphical
epresentation of relations between all the elements in terms of whether they are
adjacent (next) to each other or not. If there is an edge between 2 elements (i.e if
two rooms are separated by a wall in our case), then we assign the value of 1 or
else 0.
Here, I have presented a rough floor plan of my house for understanding and
illustration purposes.
As we can see, there are several
spaces in the house, however
not every room can be used for
setting up a home studio. The
spaces that we can consider are-
5.Living Room (LR)
The rest of the spaces are all “N
A” apart from “Road”(R),
“Lane”(L1) and “Lift”(L2) as
these 3 are sources of
considerable noise outputs
which can interfere with the
sound quality of the studio. I
have observed that the degrees
of sound are as follows:
R>L2>L1 (i.e. the loudest noise
interference comes from the
Road, followed by Lift and
Thus, we have the following elements: G, B1, B2, B3, LR, R, L1& L2
Adjacency Diagram and Adjacency Matrix :

From these two diagrams we see that G, B1, B2 and LR all have 3 1s each. But
B2 is the only one which doesn’t have a 1 with R and L1 which provide the
loudest noise interference. Hence, B2 is the most suitable option.
Shape of the room
Now that we have decided on the room, we need to now customize the shape of
the room. The Maths behind it is quite complicated but it has been accepted in
the musical community that the golden mean proportions of the Greeks i.e. 1 :
1.6 : 2.6 (Height: Width : Length) results in the most pleasing room as far as
acoustics is concerned. If the room has a ceiling which is of 8 feet.
Height = 8 feet
Width = 1.6 x 8= 12.8 feet
Length = 2.6 x 8= 20.8 feet
G B1 B2 B3 LR R L1 L2
G 0 0 0 1 0 1 0 0
B1 0 0 1 0 0 0 1 0
B2 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 1
B3 1 0 0 0 1 1 0 0
LR 0 0 0 1 0 1 0 0
Thus, our room should be of the size 8 x 12.8 x 20.8
If our room has a slightly larger width and length, we can construct of a very
good device which is capable of changing the room’s shape as well as the
acoustics of the rom. These are the panels which are pivoted and we can see
them at the rear wall at the back in the stage....

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