Demonstrate theological thinking about the temptations in the life of Christ.
General Instructions
Read chapter 4 of Stafford
Jesus was tempted! The Son of God was tempted! If He, then certainly you! What can you learn from He who was tempted … but was without sin? What can you learn that can help you … and others?
Even still, we can learn from some of Jesus’ experiences. For instance, Jesus was tempted. This may surprise people familiar with the truth that He "knew no sin" (2 Cor 5:21). At the same time, His temptations mean that He can help us with our temptations (Heb 2:18). Similarly, because of our experiences, we can and should help others (2 Cor. 1:4).
Everyone is tempted. All need to be prepared to do spiritual battle with the tempter.
Each of us faces within the struggle between what unrighteousness desires and the desires of the Spirit.
For this assignment, discuss the temptation stories when Jesus was fasting in the desert. Describe them; analyze them; discover truth within them. What did Jesus experience that can help you, and that can help you help others? During your discussion, feel free to consider other passages or stories about temptation. Consider 1 Corinthians 10:13, James 1:13-15, or 1 John 2:15-17. Think of Joseph and Daniel, as well as David’s sin with Bathsheba, or Eve in the Garden of Eden. As you engage each other in discussion, use your time wisely. Challenge yourself to grow. Learn all you can. Risk, so you become stronger in the Spirit. Seek what God has for you and the group. Seek for what God has for you in the group. Spend a few moments praying for one another, that the victory over temptation might become a reality.