Tasks:1. In the case of Andar Transport Pty Ltd v Brambles Limited [2004] HCA 28 the court dealt with the issue of the relevance of corporate structure. Analyse this case and explain what the judges of the High Court of Australia said about the issue of separate legal entity. With the aid of this and other case law, explain whether a company can enter into an employment contract with a shareholder or director in the same company. [10 Marks]2. Instructions:2.1 Due date:SUNDAY 14th May 2017, no later than 11.59 p.m AEST12.2. Word Limit-1200 words2.3 General information:a. Referencing Style Guidelines: You must use the APA referencing style.b. The word count of 1,200 does not include footnotes or direct quotes.NB! Direct quotes should be limited to the absolute minimum. You should express ideas and concepts in your own words and not rely heavily on direct quotes.c. Students will be penalized with 3 points for every 200 words (or part of 200 words) they are under or over the word limit. Example: 1,000 words (no penalty); 1,400 words (no penalty); 980 words (1.5 point penalty); 1, XXXXXXXXXXpoint penalty).d. All assignments must be submitted electronically in the assignment drop box on Moodlee. Late assignments : Late assignments will be penalized at the rate of 10% per day, that is, an assignment will be marked out of 90% for one (1) day late, 80% for two (2) days late, etc. and after five (5) working days, assignments will attract zero (0) marks.
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