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Task one – Reflection – Leadership Style When you lead a group you will need to consider how you will ensure your group is innovative and creative in the processes and/or activities you use to solve...

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Task one – Reflection – Leadership Style

When you lead a group you will need to consider how you will ensure your group is innovative

and creative in the processes and/or activities you use to solve each problem.

This task has 2 questions to it, question 1 relates to you prior to leading your group and

question 2 relates to after you have led your team.

Prior to leading your group answer the following question

a) Choose a leadership style you think would best apply to this situation. Explain why you

choose this leaderships style and explain how you will use this style to achieve a successful


You should write 300‐350 words for each section 

b) After you have led your group, reflect on your leadership by:

Describing: What happened in terms of the intention of the activity and the outcome?

Evaluating: Which ideas helped the group be creative and innovative? Why?

Evaluating: Which ideas and/or activities did not help? Why not?

Discussing: What would you do differently another time? Why?

You should write 200‐250 words for each section

Link this section to the theory of leadership and working with teams. 

Task two – Reflection – Personal Followership Style

Reflect on one of the occasions when you were a follower to answer the following questions.

a) Describe your involvement as a follower in the group

b) Analyse your involvement and link it to the theory of followers 

c) Theorise – suggest at least one different way of approaching your role as a follower. Base

your answer within leadership and follower theory. 

d) Act – Explain what you might do differently if you found yourself in a similar situation as

you described in the first section (a) of Task Two. 



Answered 918 days After Oct 07, 2019


Ayan answered on Apr 12 2022
113 Votes

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