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Task is here i amgiving the scenario

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3.2.2 Poste
Weight: 40%
Type of Collabora- | Individual
Due: Week 9, Monday 16th September 2024 at 23:50 pm
Submission: Refer to instructions below.
Format: Poste
Length: 400 words

Use of Artificial Intel- | In this assessment task, you will not be able to meet the learning outcomes related
ligence: to the development of the text analysis by using generative artificial intelligence (Al)
tools. Working with another person or technology in order to gain an unfair advantage in
assessment or improperly obtaining answers from a third party including generative Al to
questions in an examination or other form of assessment may lead to sanctions under the
Student Misconduct Rule. Use of generative Al tools may be detected. More information
is available on the Li
ary Webpage.
Word Count:
There is a limit of 400 words. Use your computer to total the number of words used in your assignment. However,
do not include the reference list at the end of your assignment in the word count. Use your computer to total the
number of words used in your assignment. In-text citations will be included in the additional 10% word count. If you
exceed the word limit by more than 10%, the marker will stop marking at 400 words plus 10%
Aim of the Assessment:
Students will have the opportunity to develop their creativity and writing skills as they create a mental health
educational poster that can be used by consumers, their carers, family and significant others. The poster will provide
educational information that is easy to understand by non-health professionals. Using non-jargonistic language and
some visual information, you can communicate your knowledge and provide education to help promote the mental
health and recovery of consumers and their carers, family and significant others.
Assessment Details:
~ Please refer to the scenario available on the VUWS site under the Assessment Zone- Assessment 2. You are to
create a 400-word A4 size poster.
~ Your poster must be submitted in a Word document to Turnitin and must include the following: Page
1 - The A4 size poster, Page 2 - All the text from the poster, Page 3 - Reference list.
— Further instructions are provided to you in the VUWS site. If you have any technical difficulties, please contact
the IT Service Desk on XXXXXXXXXXor email XXXXXXXXXX
~ Use the scenario (available in the UWS site under the Assessment Zone- Assessment 2), you will choose a
topic and create a poster that will help consumer and their carers, family and significant others have a bette
understanding of the consumer's mental ill-health or illness and recovery.
— The poster must be educational, help promote good mental health, and be easily understood by non-health
— Choose one topic from the list of topics (found in VUWS - Assessment Zone- Assessment 2) that you would
like to provide to the consumer and their carers, family and significant others from the scenario, that would
help promote positive mental health and recovery. The information should help with educating consumers and
carers. The poster should effectively communicate the key message in an engaging and succinct manner.

Marking Criteria:
selected topic
of the chosen topic
that will promote
mental health,
prevent mental
ill-health or mental
health problems
and/or the use of
early interventions
for consumers
experiencing mental
ill-health or mental
health problems.
that will promote
mental health,
prevent mental
ill-health or mental
health problems
and/or the use of
early interventions
for consumers
experiencing mental
ill-health or mental
health problems.
that will promote
mental health,
prevent mental
ill-health or mental
health problems
and/or the use of
early intervention
for consumers
experiencing mental
ill-health or mental
health problems.
that will promote
mental health,
prevent mental
ill-health or mental
health problems
and/or the use of
early interventions
for consumers
experiencing mental
ill-health or mental
health problems
Criteria High Distinction Distinction Credit Pass Unsatisfactory
Criteria 1 Excellent summary | Very good summary | Good summary of | Basic summary of | Limited summary of
Knowledge of and understanding | of the chosen topic | the chosen topic the chosen topic the chosen topic
that will promote
mental health,
prevent mental
ill-health or mental
health problems
and/or the use of
early intervention
for consumers
experiencing mental
ill-health or illness,

20 Marks
9 Marks

Criteria 2
Understanding of
the importance of
their selected topic
to the consume
and/or their carers
explanation of how
the chosen topic
will facilitate the
ecovery of
Very good
explanation of how
the chosen topic
will facilitate the
ecovery of
Good explanation
of how the chosen
topic will facilitate
the recovery of
experiencing mental
Basic explanation
of how the chosen
topic will facilitate
the recovery of
experiencing mental
Limited or absence
of an explanation of
how the chosen
topic will facilitate
the recovery of
Poster design and
design and use of
visual aids. Flow of
information is
polished, clear,
logical and
engaging. Excellent
use of colour and
imagery. Excellent
choice of formatting
including the size
and number of
design and use of
visual aids. Flow of
information is very
good. Very good
use of colour,
imagery and
including the size
and number of
images, font etc
and use of visual
aids. Flow of
information is
logical, with some
lack of clarity at
times. Average use
of colour and
imagery. Average
including the size
and number of
and use of visual
aids. Minimal use
of colour and
adequate, including
the size and
number of images.
family / experiencing mental | experiencing mental | ill-health or illness | ill-health or illness | experiencing mental
significant others. ill-health or illness. | ill-health or illness. ill-health or illness.
Criteria 3 Excellent poster Very good poster | Good poster design | Basic poster design | Poorly organised o
disorganised poste
design with limited
use of visual aids.
Flow of information
unclear. Distracting
use of colour and
Lack inconsistent
use of formatting,
including the size
and number of
of recovery
academic and
throughout the
poster. The poste
use of recovery
orientated language
that is academic,
professional and
can be easily
style. Good use of
ecovery orientated
language that is
professional and
can be understood.
style. Academic
professional and
ecovery orientated
language was
sometimes used
Some areas of the
poster can be easily
images, font etc images, font, etc image.
Criteria 4 The 400-word The 400-word The 400-word The 400-word The 400-word
Academic writing | poster is presented | poster is presented | poster is presented | poster is presented | poster is not
use of co
ect in highly developed | in well-developed | in logically in logically presented in a
sentence and and logically and logically sequenced sequenced logical sequence
paragraph sequenced sequenced sentences that has | sentences. Up to More than half of
structure, spelling, | sentences. sentences. Most a cohesive flow. half of the the sentences
and punctuation Sentences free of | sentences free of Most sentences are | sentences are free | contain e
ors in
ors in vocabulary, | e
ors in vocabulary, | free of e
ors in of e
ors in vocabulary, spelling,
spelling, grammar, | spelling, grammar, | vocabulary, spelling, | vocabulary, spelling, | grammar,
punctuation, and punctuation and grammar, grammar, punctuation and
style. Excellent use | style. Very good punctuation and punctuation and style.
Minimal /absence of
professional and
ecovery orientated
can be easily understood.


High Distinction

Criteria 5
The reference list
and in-text
citations are
formatted according
to APA 7th Ed
style. References
should be within
the last 5 years
with the exception
of seminal pieces
and key documents.
A minimum of 4
eferences is
Reference list
includes 4 or more
elevant references
including cu
journal articles.
and accurate use of
APA 7 style fo
oth in-text
citations and the
eference list with
no e
ors detected

A minimum of 4
Reference list has 4
elevant references
including, cu
journal articles.
Very good,
and accurate use of
APA 7 style fo
oth in-text
citations and the
eference list with
very minor e
Reference list has 3
mostly cu
ent and
elevant references
including some
journal articles,
Good, consistent
and accurate use of
APA 7 style fo
oth in-text
citations and the
eference list with
some e
A minimum of 3
Reference list has 3
ent and relevant
eferences including
some peer-reviewed
journal articles
Inconsistent and
some inaccurate use
of APA 7 style fo
oth in-text
citations and the
eference list
A minimum of 3
Reference list has
one or no relevant
eference. Absence
of pee
journal articles
In-text citation and
eference list are
not consistent with
the APA 7.
Absence of in-text
citations and the
eference list.
equired. references. A minimum of 4 references.


What to include in my poster:
At a minimum, students should include:
— Student name and Student ID.
A title that clearly indicates your topic (Make it catchy).
Significance of the topic - You can start by explaining why your topic is important.
— Include statistics and images that reflect your topic
— Explain how your topic can facilitate recovery and promote wellbeing.
— This A4 size poster is a visual representation of your chosen topic.
— Use graphs, tables diagrams and images where appropriate. Use colours to attract attention to give your work
some impact and engage consumer, their carers, family and significant others.
— Ensure that all graphics and visual images are relevant to your topic.
— Keep it simple, clear and concise. Use language that is academic, professional and recovery-orientated. Avoid
jargon, acronyms and stigmatising language.
— The poster needs to be eye-catching, attractive and engaging but avoids overcrowding of information
— What software to use: You may use Powerpoint, Word, Adobe lllustrator, Photoshop or Canva to name a few.
— If you have any technical difficulties, please contact the IT Service Desk on XXXXXXXXXXor email itser-
i. Examples may be available on the UWS site.
ii. There are a number of textbooks and resources available through the Western Sydney University Li
ary that may
assist you. Please refer to the Subject’s vVUWS site for specific Subject resources.
iii. Assessments listed as individual assessments must be completed independently. Students are advised to refe
ack to their notes, textbooks or appropriate academic, peer-reviewed resources utilised during Subject delivery

Untitled document
Mike is a 21-year-old male who presented in Emergency Department (ED) with thoughts of
self-harm, agitation and insomnia. He was
ought in by his flatmate who is a student nurse,
who had noticed the changes in his mental health. He has not been sleeping well and gained
weight over the last two years. Mike has moved from Melbourne to Sydney to study engineering
at university. After two years of working part-time at Kmart, he was given the opportunity to
supervise some of his co-workers. This is a new role and Mike found this to be very challenging,
particularly as he is required to supervise a crew. He wants to show his supervisors that he can
do the job. When he a
ived in ED, he was agitated, had minimal eye contact, disinterested in
engaging and would only engage with selected nurses.
Lately, he has been having trouble sleeping. A GP from a medical centre prescribed
Temazepam 20mg nocte. He also started taking Phenergan 10mg to help him sleep. He has
previously taken Phenergan for his allergies which he can buy from the chemist without a
prescription. He thought this might help with his sleepless nights. He has been watching shows
on his iPad in bed at night, in the hope that it would help him go to sleep. The medications did
not help and instead, he stated that it kept him awake at night. He started smoking marijuana to
help manage his insomnia with very little effect. He stated that he has intermittent sleep and
has not slept properly for 6 days.
Mike remembers when he first started having difficulty sleeping. Mike experienced severe
ullying during his high school years. His classmates would often corner him, taunt him, and
sometimes physically assault him. One day, while working, he overheard a group of colleagues
making disparaging comments about another employee. The tone and nature of the
conversation immediately
ought him back to his high school years.
Mike explained that he felt his chest tighten, pulse quicken, and nauseous. He excused himself
from the conversation and rushed outside to calm down. The feelings of fear, shame, and
helplessness were overwhelming; as if he was reliving the bullying all over again.
That night, Mike struggled to sleep, his mind replaying the bullying incidents from his childhood.
He often avoided social gatherings and team-building events at work, fearing that simila
Answered Same Day Sep 15, 2024


Shubham answered on Sep 15 2024
9 Votes
Understanding Anxiety and PTSD:
· Anxiety is the persistent feeling that is caused because of wo
y and fear and this is caused because of clear cause. It can lead to symptoms like restlessness, i
itability and trouble concentrating.
· Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder can be cause because of experiencing traumatic event. Symptoms includes flashbacks, nightmares and emotional distress.
· These conditions can affect daily life and can making hard to focus, sleep and engage in social activities.
· In the absence of treatment, it can lead to isolation, stress and affect mental health.
Causes and Triggers:
· Anxiety and PTSD can be caused because of high stress, past trauma and major life changes.
· Common triggers include work-related stress, confrontations and situations that can remind the person about past trauma.
· The Unresolved trauma can start again faced with similar stressors and this can cause emotional flashbacks and panic.
· This can make...

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