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Task Identify a business problem and the associated dependent variable which is of interest and perform the following tasks. 1.Briefly describe the context and/or organisational background for the...

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Identify a business problem and the associated dependent variable which is of interest and perform the following tasks.

1.Briefly describe the context and/or organisational background for the business problem.2. Conduct a brief literature review which employs at least five articles which does the following:
(a) Identifies how to most appropriately measure the dependent variable of interest, document and comment on its validity and reliability properties.
(b) Identify at least two other variables (independent, mediating or moderating) which are hypothesized to influence or explain the dependent variable of interest, document and comment on their validity and reliability properties.3. List the specific hypotheses relating the dependent variable to the other variables. Draw an accompanying diagram illustrating the conceptual model. Briefly outline the theory which underpins these hypotheses and the conceptual model.4. Develop and justify an appropriate questionnaire which can be used to generate the data to test the proposed conceptual model. Explicitly consider other control and demographic variables which may impact on the employed framework.
5. Using the proposed quantitative method develop a research plan.

The research plan should address, at least, the following, choices must be justified:
• What is the population of interest and what sampling frame will be used? How will sampling be conducted? What is the target sample size?
• How will the data be collected, mail survey, on-line distribution, face-to-face? Justify your choice.
• How do you propose to analyse the data?
• What are the ethical implications of your research, and how will they be addressed?

Online submission via Turnitin is required for this assignment. Details will be provided by your subject lecturer.


This assignment is designed to address how the researcher would plan a quantitative research methodology to investigate a business problem. The capacity to know how to measure variables, specify and justify hypotheses, develop an questionnaire, identify a sampling design and choose an appropriate data collection mode is critical for conducting successful quantitative business research. This task will help you achieve the learning objectives with regard to: identify a business opportunity for research; synthesise literature; apply appropriate methods; plan and design a research project; identify and justify appropriate quantitative research methodologies; and discuss ethical issues for business research.

Answered Same Day May 01, 2020 MGT598 Charles Sturt University


Soumi answered on May 09 2020
144 Votes
Table of Contents
Introduction    3
1. Background Information and Problem    3
Background Outline    3
Identification of Key Variables    3
Research Aim    4
2. Literature Review    4
(a) Measuring the concerned Dependent Variable, its reliability and validity    4
(b) Identifying the Independent Variables, their reliability and validity    4
Description of Measurement Properties    5
3. Hypotheses, Conceptual Framework and Justification    5
4. Questionnaire with Justification    6
5. Quantitative Research Method and Plan    7
Population, Sample, Sampling Design and Sample Size    7
Method of Data Collection with Justification    8
Data Analysis Plan    8
Ethical Considerations    9
Conclusion    9
References    10
Appendix    12
    The sales and revenues earned by an organisation are an outcome that is dependent on the influence of a number of factors. The usage of effective and innovative strategies as well as analysing their suitability for the business of the organisation is one of those identified factors. In the modern context of business operations, many innovative ways are emerging of conducting business activities, which are leading to enhancing the sales and revenues of the organisation. The concept and implementation of e-commerce is one such strategy that is not only innovative, but also strategic to impart to the organisation the benefits of earning high sales due to its immense popularity. The proposed research, here, is an analytical study of the importance of implementing e-commerce strategies for the purpose of increasing sales of a business firm. The study will be conducted in specific context of Myer, which is an Australian retailer.
1. Background Information and Problem
Background Outline
    Myer has been a successful retailer, in Australia, dealing in clothes for kids, women and men. It has been quite popular amongst its customers so far for the variety of products it offers, which include home appliances, accessories, toys, furniture and other useful goods (Myer, 2017). However, recently, it has been facing a huge drop in its percentages of revenues, which have decreased by 80% in the financial year 2016-2017 (ABC News, 2017). The key reason identified behind this downfall is the lack of focus on their online shopping website, which has often been at the face of complaints for being, outdated (, 2017). They have also not focused much on the content, availability or variety of the products found online, which is why customers have been quite disappointed thus, shifting their preferences to other competing
ands (Reuters, 2018).
Identification of Key Variables
    The research will mainly deal in the inculcation of two variables— e-commerce and sales of a business organisation. While e-commerce can be defined as the way of conducting business through the online platform, sales are the process of selling the products of the company in exchange of receiving money (Drotsky & Wiese, 2017).
    Dependent Variable
    Independent Variable
    Sales of the business organisation
    E-commerce strategies
Table 1: Dependent and Independent Variables
(Source: Researcher)
Research Aim
    The proposed research will focus on analysing the importance of the e-commerce strategies that can help to increase the sales of a business organisation. This will be conducted with reference to Myer in Australia, which is suffering from low sales presently.
2. Literature Review
(a) Measuring the concerned Dependent Variable, its reliability and validity
    The dependent variable of concern in this proposed research will be sales of the business organisation. As stated by Chuang and Lin (2017), sales give the total amount of purchases made by the customers of the company, which occurs due to selling the products or services of the company to the customers and generates revenues for the former. When this variable will be measured, items that will be considered are factors influencing sales in the organisations, theories underpinning it and its role in organisational success. The scale that will be used is critical analysis of the papers on these items.
As supported by Gregory, Ngo and Karavdic (2017), sales also impart market position to the company, which is why in a competitive market, the enhancement of the sales of a company is very important. It is so because if the revenues earned by the company remains stable or decreases over the years, then the other competing firms would surpass it in the competition to hold a better market position and
and image than it would.
However, as argued by Chong, Li, Ngai, Ch'ng and Lee (2016), many times, despite knowing these implications, firms fail to increase their sales, which is otherwise possible through implementing innovative, strategic decisions. Hence, sales is a valid dependent variable regulated by a large number of factors, which can be measured quantitatively.
(b) Identifying the Independent Variables, their reliability and validity
    In this proposed research topic, the independent variable is e-commerce strategies. As indicated by Tu
an et al. (2018), it is a contemporary concept of executing business operations and transactions that provide the customers with the ease to shop any time of the day, from anywhere and only with the usage of a stable internet connection to an electronic communication device, such as mobile, laptop or desktop.
As noted by Kozlenkova, Palmatier, Fang, Xiao and Huang (2017), e-commerce have made shopping easier for people, especially who do not get time to visit the stores in person, along with providing a wider range of options for buying the products, than it is physically possible for any large store or showroom to store and display. Thus, it allows more number of customers to purchase from a company than that in an offline store, consequently, increasing the sales of the organisation.
Nevertheless, as criticised by Macchion et al. (2017), many organisations are unaware of this massive advantage, which is why they fail to focus on their e-commerce strategy and lead to continue with their traditional methods only, thus, the contemporary customers shifting their loyalty away from the company. Hence, this variable can also be measured quantitatively if the number of the customers shifting their loyalty to other firms is identified, or the amount of sales decreased is calculated.
When this variable will be measured, items that will be considered are significant of e-commerce strategies such as a wider range of products being displayed, convenience of purchasing, time saving and price flexibility; along with theories and models...

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