Sangeeta answered on
Mar 29 2020
Topic 1 : Introduction to International Business Options Menu: Forum
Think about the company you work for (or a company you are associated with). Discuss the implications of globalisation for this business. For example, do they export goods or services overseas? Discuss the implications of globalisation for this business rt any supplies from overseas? You may wish to share your company situation on the forum.
Globalization simply implies towards the economic growth and advancement of the global trade as well as investment. A large number of corporations provide their services worldwide for expanding their marketplace or they make use of provisions from overseas for decreasing their expenses (Bridges, 2012). Outsourcing facilities, fall in wages, employees’ rights along with dependent economy are few among the negative impacts of globalization upon corporations (James, 2016). There is no doubt in the fact that Ford has turned out to be global
and in the present day. The Automobile Company exports as well as imports vehicles from different regions across the world. However, there are few implications of globalization that Ford should not overlook. These include:
Changes in Price
Globalisation results in changes in price globally within several different regions. Because of rise in the level of competition, business firms like Ford within developed countries are forced to lower their prices for their products (James, 2016). A big example of this is Ford manufactures products at a much lesser cost as compared to other nations that lead other companies of the globe lessen down their prices for maintaining buyer satisfaction as well as loyalty (James, 2016). This has holds a negative impact since it trims down the capability of sustaining social well-being.
Job Insecurity in Business:
Within developed nations, the risk of job uncertainty is growing. Globalisation has led to companies like Ford outsourcing their jobs to other developing nations, which has resulted in lesser number of within developed nations (Bridges, 2012). Outsourcing takes place because companies want to produce their products at a lower price that is possible within developing nations.
Workers’ Right
Worker regulations, which safeguard employees from mistreatment and exploitation are almost absent within few emerging nations (James, 2016). This could possibly have a negative impact upon the image of a corporation, which outsources facilities from some foreign corporation, which exploits rights of their employees (Bridges, 2012). The public image of the company in how it deals with the staff members, even in case if they are overseas, could result in a loss in consumer support for products.
Topic 2 - International Trade Options Menu: Forum
What factor endowments does Australia have? What about our neighbouring Asian nations including China, India, Singapore, Vietnam and Indonesia? Consider each on its own merits. Do these factor endowments reflect our trade patterns? Share your observations on the forum.
Every nation has diverse kinds as well as amounts of resources, which would decide what they could or could not manufacture. The combination of all the resources (including land, labour, enterprise and capital) is considered as being a nation’s factor endowment (Hill et. al., 2014). Moreover, factor endowments are...