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Task Description Video Presentation In this assignment, each student will create four to six minutes of YouTube video of futures scenario for Tourism/Hospitality in 2030 based on the trends identified...

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Task Description

Video PresentationIn this assignment, each student will create four to six minutes of YouTube video of futures scenario for Tourism/Hospitality in 2030 based on the trends identified and on your understanding of of Lectures, readings and tutorials from week-1 to 6. Students should also use research material from EBSCO Online Resources, Digital Magazines (Flipster), Gale (Hospitality, Tourism & Leisure).

it is a video presentation need to talk about hospitality futures (hotel industry). how it would be in 2030. what would be the difference. based on 5 mega trends

More from less

The earth has limited supplies of natural mineral, energy, water and food resources essential for human survival and maintaining lifestyles.

Going, going ... gone?

Many of the world's natural habitats, plant species and animal species are in decline or at risk of extinction.

The silk highway

Coming decades will see the world economy shift from west to east and north to south.

Forever young

The ageing population is an asset. Australia and many other countries that make up the Organisation for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD) have an ageing population.

Virtually here

This megatrend explores what might happen in a world of increased connectivity where individuals, communities, governments and businesses are immersed into the virtual world to a much greater extent than ever before.

Great expectations

This is a consumer, societal, demographic and cultural megatrend. It explores the rising demand for experiences over products and the rising importance of social relationships.

Some online tools you might like to consider include:

1.A YouTube Video (10%):

You are required to develop a four to six-minutes YouTube video presentation. This presentation can include student talking to the camera, animations, PowerPoint, Keynote or Prezi content, pictures, narration, multimedia or a mix of all of these. The main objective is to communicate and present your ideas in an engaging, persuasive and entertaining way. Your scenario must be supported by research and evidence but you are encouraged to make your scenario as creative as possible without compromising the accuracy of the content. You can record your video using a range of technologies, including video cameras, smartphones, webcams, flip cams or screen capture software. There are a range of online tools and iPhone/Android apps for creating very interesting and professional presentations. Some online tools you might like to consider include:

•GoAnimate ( GoAnimate is an online app that lets you make animated videos without having to draw. You can even create your own cast of characters.

•Voki ( Voki is a free service that lets you create customized speaking characters.

•Powtoon ( Powtoon is an online tool for creating animated presentations with easy to use drag and drop functions.

•Canva ( Canva’s infographic maker includes hundreds of free design elements for creating beautiful infographics that can be included in your video.

•Piktochart ( Piktochart provides a tool for designing traditional infographics which can then be inserted into a video.

•YouTube ( Lots of tips on creating video content, checkout the Creator's Corner and the YouTube Video Editor (

•Prezi ( sign up for a student account to get more features, create your presentation then use a screen capture tool such as CamStudio to add narration and convert your prezi to video

•Software such as Microsoft PowerPoint, Sway, Keynote, MovieMaker, iMovie, QuickTime Pro etc.

Answered Same Day May 28, 2021


Moumita answered on May 29 2021
159 Votes
Hotel Industry in 2030
Hotel management and hospitality is a very crucial part of the present business scenario
The travel and tourism has bloomed a lot in the past few decades
The increased amount of tourism and the globalization is an opportunity
It has increased the hospitality services of the hotel industry throughout the globe
The gradual growth of the hotel industry can speak for the future developments as well. After observing the present condition of the hotel industry the future prospects can be portrayed vaguely. The different scopes and opportunities for the future development are analyzed for the betterment of the future scenario. Thus the hotel management and its future are discussed throughout this paper.
Overview of the Future
The emergence of the hotel services have increased since a long time
It will increase more in the future
The blossoming travel industry will also impose greater scopes
It is for the betterment of the hospitality services in the hotel industry
The new zeal of the human beings to travel the world is important
If these trends continue in the future too then it can open up new gates for the development in the hotel industry in the near future and it will be very beneficial for the different economies associated with the different countries.
Over view of the Future in 2030
The year 2030 is ten years in future than the present time
There are will be lot of changes for this industry which are somewhat predictable and somewhat unpredictable as well
Observing the cu
ent trends it can be said that the future needs for the hospitality in the hotel sectors will increase with time (Wittmann-Wurzer & Zech, 2019)
It will also impose greater facilities to the industry in the prospect of resources, technologies
Some differences that can be there in the year 2030 will be dependent on the different criteria’s. They are described
iefly in the below parts with proper reasoning. As there is difference of ten years within the preset time and 2030 it is important to analyze the different criteria’s of the present
iefly and with proper light.
Differences between Now vs. Then
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The probable differences between this time and the future time will be dependents upon some key variables and the differences can be analyzed on the basis of these contexts as well.
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The earth has a very limited stock of the different resources needed for...

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