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Task Description As an entrepreneur you plan to open and operate a new restaurant located in Melbourne’s CBD. You are in the fortunate position of having investors who may be willing to finance the...

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Task Description

As an entrepreneur you plan to open and operate a new restaurant located in Melbourne’s CBD. You are in the fortunate position of having investors who may be willing to finance the operation, but first you must convince them that your proposed restaurant is a worthwhile concept. You DO NOT have to present finance estimates for the business as the investors will assess this when they do their full feasibility study. You MUST, however, convince them that the concept is one for which there is MARKET DEMAND. You will present your proposal to the investors through a written report. Student to write the report that discusses the critical factors which influence a restaurant’s business performance. It should be based on research evidence rather than personal opinion. You should use relevant material from the weekly topics as well as other resources such as academic journal articles and texts to support your ideas.

Task Length:2000 words

Date Due:15 june

Task Weight:40%

Submission Details:Submissions must be online v

Assessment Criteria

1.Identifythe size and scope of the food and beverage operation

2.Assess the feasibility of the restaurant proposal

3.Discussfacility design, layout and menu

4.Justify the marketing/advertising/public relations strategy of your food and beverage service

5.Evaluate the wide variety of processes available for food and beverage production

6.Analyse the importance of motivation, training and retention to an organisation’s success

7.Describe a systematic approach to managing quality and explain its importance

Answered Same Day May 26, 2021


Nishtha answered on Jun 13 2021
152 Votes
Hospitality Management
This report is the feasibility study that will go in the hands of the investors; it contains the critical factors that influence the market demand of the restaurant in Melbourne’s CBD. Report have seven sections, first is the Identify the size and scope of the food and beverage operation after that assess the feasibility of the restaurant proposal. In addition with, discussion of the facility design, layout and menu of the restaurant.
It proceeds with, the justification of the marketing/advertising/public relations strategy of the food and beverage service. Moreover, evaluation of the wide variety of processes available for food and beverage production. The last two parts of the report consists of Analysis of the importance of motivation, training and retention to an organisation’s success and describing about systematic approach to managing quality and explain its importance.
1. Identifying the size and scope of the food and beverage operation
Food and beverage service deals with serving any of the food items ordered from the menu card, it also includes all the companies involved in processing raw food materials, packaging, and distributing them. This includes fresh, prepared foods as well as packaged foods, and alcoholic and non-alcoholic drinks or beverages. With the increase in significance of business meetings, a range of personal and social events, a large number of customers visit catering establishments frequently.
The food and beverage professionals’ inexhaustible work very hard to satisfy and intensify customers’ experience through their service. It is a very popular and money making industry and from the past years this industry has been growing each year creating 20% more job opportunities year by year (Nam, Kim & Carnie, 2018). Food and beverage operations include catering events, managing services quality, Inventory of raw material, examine the business outcomes, and accordingly decide its future prospects.
It seems that hospitality industry is growing and with that more than one lakh separate businesses are also coming up. People no matters whether they are hungry or not they want to try new food and explore new dishes, this sector will never face depression period. Food use as a pleasure to eat and investing in health, people use food as a way to deal with depression, anxiety and stress they are going through in their lives (Sarioglan & Yabaci, 2018).
Food and beverage operation will give best medicine to the humans. As our restaurant is concerned in Melbourne city it will be mid size business operation. Given with the level of globalisation and competition level in the Melbourne city, the prices of the food and beverages will be decide by market demand and supply forces.
2. Assessment of the feasibility of the restaurant proposal
It is important to conduct the feasibility test of your business plan to know the sustainability. It is significant to know whether your restaurant is fulfilling the demand of the customers and market. For starting any business, it is an essential step to conduct feasibility study of the business proposal (Bosch, de Haan, Steenhoek & Thalmayer, 2017). Preliminary analysis is the first step of the feasibility test, as this restaurant business is in the one of the prime cities of the Australia, it will caught attention of all the consumers.
The second step is the market survey, Melbourne is well known for its quality food all around the year. It is hub of cafes, outlets, malls and shiny bars. The third step is financials, as the restaurant is in fortunate position of having investors who may be willing to finance the operation. The last step includes review of the business proposal, this indicates re-examining the proposal again and again, analysing the risk factor and factors affecting the business. Make proper plan, thoughts, concept, task, application and execution of the business plan.
It is for the long term of the business operation and ensures long range plans for economic success of the business (Mukherjee & Roy, 2017). There is always abundance of activities to do in Melbourne; it is hub of entertainment for everyone. Singles, child, parents and youngsters all attract to Melbourne city and its nightlife. Restaurant can take this as a great opportunity and give premium services to the customers. It is hard to doubt on the demand side in this business proposal as city has best infrastructure facilities and integrated system of all mode of transports that is rail, seaways, airways, and road transport.
3. Discussing the facility design, layout and menu
Facility design includes Planning of space allocation, approximated funding, time details, equipment, work force, facilities, utilities, tools, material handling, supply, storage, delivery, details, with work in progress, etc. restaurants should go with minimum designing strategy as more designing will create clutter and chaos. 3-d arts...

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