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Task back to top WHAT TO DO: Follow the Study Schedule and work with the Topics (Modules) in Interact as they provide a "scaffold" for your learning in this subject. Develop a detailed CapstoneProject...

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  1. Follow the Study Schedule and work with the Topics (Modules) in Interact as they provide a "scaffold" for your learning in this subject.
  2. Develop a detailed CapstoneProject Proposal and Planusing project management software (as listed in the Study Schedule) and the skills you have acquired from IT Project Management to develop a project plan with aWork Breakdown Structure(WBS), milestones andGantt chart. These tools may help.
    1. MicrosoftProject Pro (;
    2. Open source tools like GanttProject (;
    3. OpenProj(
    4. OpenProject (
    5. ProjectLibre (
  3. Begin using the 'project blog' as a tool beyond theweekly progrees reportsfor your chosen emerging technology topic:
    1. The blog is a way to not only "think by writing" and make your notes but also store project files and links in a cloud-based service.
    2. Consider sharing the site with your peers as a way to tell a story and harness each others knowledge.
  4. The blog is ideallyupdated each weekwith 3 or 4 entries for documenting your project notes and as the foundation for editing and writing the Capstone Project Report. An ideal blog entry will have around XXXXXXXXXXwords XXXXXXXXXXwords a week).
  5. Group Work OPTION for Assessment Items(Not recommended for Online Study mode students): The Group Capstone Project Proposal and Plan is submitted by the team of three (3 maximum group size) for a group mark on a project proposal and plan that clearly indicates the Work Breakdown Structure (WBS), Role and Responsibilities of EACH member to carry an equal share of the load in the project work.


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This assessment task will assess the following learning outcome/s:

  • be able to interpret and evaluate an overview of recent trends in emerging technologies and innovation.
  • be able to apply project management and information and communication technologies (ICT) tools to plan, execute, record and present their research and project work as a capstone experience.

TheCapstone Topic Project Planallows for a broad range of project areas like systems administration, database systems, IT security, mobile technology etc. Often the project has a sponsor and is linked to your interest or workplace needs. The proposal has a research component(Assessment Item 3 Annotated Bibliography) so in some cases you may need to find a supervisor willing to accept you as a candidate.

TheLearning Outcomesbeing assessed in this item include how you interpret and evaluate an overview of recent trends in emerging technologies and innovation and begin to to plan, execute, record and present your research and project work as a capstone experience.

YourCapstone Project Proposal and Planwill be evaluated with aseries of questionsthat you can use as aChecklist:

  • Is the capstone topic area appropriate?
  • Has the Project Blog been setup?
  • Has there been sufficient justification of the choice of the topic?
  • Is there enough scope for a sufficiently deep/complex analysis?
  • Is the scope appropriate for what might be reasonably expected in the capstone project subject?
  • Is the methodology proposed clear?
  • Are the deliverables clearly set out?
  • Are the deliverables sufficiently complex to justify a pass in this activity?
  • Is it likely that the proposed activities can be reasonably carried out?
  • Is it likely that the student will have access to the necessary resources to do a satisfactory job?
  • Is the time line proposed realistic?

Marking criteria and standards

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Capstone Project Proposal and Plan Assessment Criteria 10% (100 marks)

Answered Same Day Aug 02, 2020 ITC571 Charles Sturt University


Meenakshi answered on Aug 05 2020
128 Votes
WIFI Implementation( Network Upgrade and Improvement)
Eexcutive Summary
In this project we work on ABC company that have retail shownroom in different places and the company having issue with present network system. The IT director of the company decide the company will move on wi-fi that will help to company to gtow rapidly . In this project we create plan for the project implements improvement of present system and we create work
eakdown structure . in this project we are three member for working on this project . Therefore, company is required to adapt the technology improvements and use latest technology to improve its efficiency across sales departments. The Wireless Mobility solution is the best solution. The Wireless Mobility solution according to company requirement is WWAN and WLAN all are in solutions in place This solution will be completed in phases, and rolled out to the over a period of 29 days from the day of budget approval from company. After the project implementation, the company staff and sales store clients will get all the updates with the help of smart phones and staff member easily communicate with all the store update of products and that will help to increase the business
The project is considered as the transition towards an efficient network system being introduced at the company. ABC Company needs a proper system of managing client records and ensures easy accessibility of such records to ensure effective product purchase of every client. As the company is planning for an extension, it is necessary that the focus should be shifted to improving the speed of Internet making it possible to access any historical data in a quick and easy manner.
There are 15 servers and 10 retail departments in the company and the requirement of Internet is high and the 5 servers for this retail department will meet the requirement.
The company service transitions focus on creating a plan where in communication, training and confidence or support of various stakeholders is considered before actual change implementation (Reza, 2017)
Under the implementation of new networking at ABC Company, the steps involved in ensuring improvement in quality will include the following:
· Regular check on satisfaction of client and staff members
· Monitoring of quality indicators
· Monitoring of safety of clients
· Monitoring efficient utilization of services and facilities
· Monitoring the rate of client and staff satisfaction
Therefore, company is required to adapt the technology improvements and use latest technology to improve its efficiency across departments and functions.
A well-planned process of change implementation and management makes the plan for ABC Company robust and efficient in nature. We find out the best and most secured network solution would be a wireless wide area network. As we suggest a reliable and cost effective vendor for ABC wireless implementation and reliable connection. We assume that from the service provider, we need a monthly bandwidth of 2000 MB per store that will be easily provider our suggested vendor. The Verizon Wireless Company that is a service provider, this will also free up ABC from any concerns of managing a wireless wide area network because the service Verizon Wireless provider will have that...

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