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Task Assignment 2 consists of one essay question (worth 30 marks) based on text material. Before attempting this assignment you are expected to have read Text chapters 1 to 10. You are encouraged to...

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Assignment 2 consists of one essay question (worth 30 marks) based on text material. Before attempting this assignment you are expected to have read Text chapters 1 to 10. You are encouraged to make use of additional sources. Sources used in your answer should be fully referenced in APA 6th style.

Answer the following question ensuring that you apply economic principles or theory related to the concepts of benefits, costs and market structure in which a firm operates to inform your analysis and support your decisions. Communicate your ideas with correct grammar, spelling and writing style and support your answer with diagrams and illustrative examples as necessary.

Question (30 marks)
Explain how and why governments may want to regulate the price setting of a natural monopoly.


This assignment provides an opportunity for you to present a detailed analysis of the operation of firms in a particular market context through the application of your knowledge of theory supported by evidence drawn from sources of your choosing.

The question addresses the following learning outcomes:

Learning Outcome 3: be able to make decisions that incorporate the relevant benefits and cost analysis.

Learning Outcome 4: be able to explain and defend why it is important to understand the structure of the market in which a firm operates.

PresentationAnswers should be typed and diagrams must be clear and neat and preferably drawn electronically. Hand-drawn diagrams are acceptable. Sources used in your answer should be fully referenced in APA 6th style. The answer to the question should be divided into three parts:
Part 1: IntroductionThe introduction sets up your response by succinctly stating your understanding of the issues, what you think is the best way to analyse the situation – including choice of theory and sources of evidence, what type of findings you expect and what potential applications you expect there to be.
Part 2: Analysis
The analysis will represent the bulk of your work. Here you will provide your answer in detail by drawing upon the literature, the theory and the evidence to come up with an answer to the question posed. You may find that you want to break this section up into a number of sub-parts – one for a detailed discussion of the issues including your non-technical response, one for a detailed analysis of the tools of analysis you will use (theory), one for your extensive consideration of the evidence, one where you draw together your information and findings along with their implications.
Part 3: Conclusion
In the conclusion you briefly and succinctly review what you have done in answer to the question and indicate what further issues there might be to be considered.

Sources used in your answer should be fully referenced in APA 6th style.

Answered Same Day Dec 27, 2021


Robert answered on Dec 27 2021
126 Votes
Natural monopolies and Its Price Setting by Government
A natural monopoly’s in the system occurs when close by is usually efficient
amount of group in the segment is one amongst another’s. It might be state that usual
control will obviously must self-same high enduring charges intellect that it i
ational to
comprise additional than one association business the good. Used for example of a usual
egulator, is tap water. It kinds intellect to essential fair exclusive commercial providing a
emaining of water pipes and sewers subsequently there are real great assets values
ied in environments up a countrywide method of pipes and compost preparations. To
have two unlike companies influence water wouldn’t mark intellect as the standard cost
would be self-same great associate to directly one. Here would also be the problematic of
needing two establishments exhume up the thoroughfare to put down a spare set of water
Examples of the Natural Monopoly would be:
 Gas system
 Energy network
 Railway substructure
Economies of scale
Over and done with natural powers, economies of scale are exact significant so
that smallest efficient law is not affected until the companies has industrialized very big
in comparative to the whole size of the open market.
Smallest capable measure is the lowest equivalent of manufacture at which all
scale financial prudence is wrecked.
Usefulness of companies
Regular monopoly’s System is shared in open market for crucial facilities that
demand a comfortable infrastructure to ca
y the good or facility, like as in the
possessions of water supply, electricity supply, and gas and other businesses documented
as community ethics. Meanwhile there is the conceivable to movement monopoly
control, management’s inclination to type community or deeply regulate them.
Controllers of Monopoly
If common standards are clandestinely controlled, as it was occu
ed in the United
Kingdom in the meantime privatisation through the 1980s, they classically have their
separate remarkable supervisor to make sure that they do not deed their monopoly place.
Samples of organizers encompass “Ofgem”: the energy controller, and “Ofcom”:
the telecoms and media supervisor. Supervisors can boundary values or the different
phases of return enlarged.
Railways as a natural monopoly
Railways are each so frequently restrained a characteristic example of a natural
monopoly’s control. The definite excessive charges of insertion pathway and building a
organization, as well as the amounts of acquiring or payment the trains, would eliminate,
or depress, the entry of a participant.
November 28, 2012, Tejvan Pettinger “Natural Monopoly”
Long Run Average costs of Natural Monopoly.

Government Regulation of price setting on Natural Monopoly:
Administration supervisor’s aspects a dilemma in trade with natural monopolistic
industries for example the power commerce. An electricity company with a regulator in a
precise open market will inappropriate its worth and productivity excellent on the
evenue growth lessons that all unencumbered businesses will, they’ll generate at the
phase anywhere their marginal profits is equal to their marginal price. The difficult is, for
a monopolist its marginal proceeds is less than the value it needs to maintenance, which
proceeds that at the income mark the maximum of equal of manufacture (where MC =
MR), on the edge price will be a smaller amount than cost, suggestion of allocative
ineffectiveness, So that it is not adequate control will be shaped and the value will be too
great for some clienteles to have sufficient cash.
At the same period increases the indispensable for administration
instruction. A government concerned with in receipt of the precise quantity of
power to the exact amount of peoples could choice to set a price extreme for energy
at the period everyplace the price equals the company’s marginal cost. This,
however, will likely is beneath the company’s even total prices; a condition which
would importance in upset for the firm, and might lead it to closed down in entire.
So that whatever furthest governments must finished in the past is set a price ceiling
where the price matches to the organization’s even total cost,...

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