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Task Assessment 2 requires you to prepare a business report that addresses one (1) of the following three options. These questions relate to Topics 2, 3 and 4. Option 1- Work design pilot at CERA...

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Assessment 2 requires you to prepare a business report that addresses one (1) of the following three options. These questions relate to Topics 2, 3 and 4.

Option 1- Work design pilot at CERA (Topic 2)
Refer to the story of CERA relating to work design in Topic 2. Using the information in the topic and at least 10 additional sources published in the last ten years, provide advice to Rachel Amaro on how to design jobs in her area to support innovative behaviour. At least five of the additional sources must be academic journals or books/book chapters.

Option 2- The business rationale for diversity management (Topic 3)
Study the business rationale for diversity management and the debates surrounding this using the information in Topic 3, and at least 10 additional sources published in the last ten years. At least five of the additional sources must be academic journals or books/book chapters .
Then, answer this question.
Are you convinced by the business rationale argument for diversity management? What argument would you make to Mark French regarding the business case for focusing on diversity management in CERA?

Option 3- Options for performance measurement in CERA (Topic 4)
Consider the story of CERA as it relates to individual performance measurement in Topic 4 (note that this does not include the operation of the bonus scheme). Then, answer these two questions, using the information in Topic 4 and at least 10 additional sources published in the last ten years. At least five of the additional sources must be academic journals or books/book chapters.

1. What limitations are evident in CERA’s individual performance measurement, taking into account its organisational strategy and recent developments in this HRM practice as reported in professional literature provided in Topic 4?
2. Recommend two alternative measurement approaches and indicative methods within each approach that you believe could work in CERA to address the limitations.

Online submission via Turnitin is required for this assignment. Details will be provided by your subject lecturer.


This assessment task will enable you to demonstrate your achievement of the following learning outcomes in the subject:
• be able to critically analyse and assess recent literature on human resource management, and debate the issues raised;
• be able to explain how human resource management initiatives assist stakeholders within organisations to respond to changing workplace environments;
• be able to discuss, explain and analyse the relationship between organisational strategy and human resource strategies.

Marking criteriaMarking guide for Assessment 2

Criterion and weightingHigh distinctionDistinctionCreditPassFail
Critical analysis and assessment of relevant literature in the development of an argument (35 marks)Demonstrates critical reading ability in reviewing recent literature.Constructs an evidence-based argument, drawing on academic and professional sources.Uses the literature to develop the student’s own voice in constructing an argument.Demonstrates critical reading ability, the ability to construct an evidence-based argument and the exercise of independent judgment. There are gaps in critical evaluation of claims and in the use of the literature to develop the student’s own voice.There is an imbalance between description and critical evaluation of the literature.This leads to an argument that is driven more by authors’ claims.The discussion demonstrates an attempt to exercise critical, independent judgment; however, it tends to be overly descriptive of the literature.Thus, the argument consists largely of an organised set of claims made by authors.Largely descriptive, lacking independent critical evaluation of claims. The line of argument is difficult to find.
Referencing (5 marks)(Minimum referencing requirement: ten sources, including fiveacademic sources from the last ten years.)Referencing is comprehensive, demonstrates academic integrity, and conforms exactly to APA style conventions.Referencing is comprehensive, demonstrates academic integrity, and conforms to APA style conventions with fewer than three minor errors or omissions which don’t impact on the transparency and traceability of the source, or the demonstration of academic integrity.Referencing is comprehensive and mostly accurate according to APA style conventions. Up to eight minor errors or omissions in style and formatting choices (e.g. italics, punctuation, underlining) don’t impact on the transparency and traceability of the source, or the demonstration of academic integrity.Referencing is comprehensive and mostly accurate according to APA style conventions. Frequent minor errors or omissions in style and formatting choices (e.g. italics, punctuation, underlining) don’t impact on the transparency and traceability of the source, or the demonstration of academic integrity.Fails to meet criteria for a pass.(
Report writing technique(5 marks)The report is formatted correctly. It is written usingappropriate language and style. A coherent argument is built, with each point building on the previous one. Each part of argument is connected to the question.Minor errors in report format. The writing style and language are appropriate for a report.There are minor errors in coherence of the argument and in connections made to the question. It is thus unclear at times why some parts of the argument have been provided.The report is formatted according to business report conventions, but with some errors in format. The language and writing style are not always appropriate to a report genre. There may be gaps in coherence of the argument, making it difficult to follow.The report is on the right track, but needs significant improvement in format and/or writing style and/or coherence.Poor formatting, written expression and/or coherence.


  • Use the business report format that is provided in the Resources link on the HRM502 I2 site.
  • Use 12 point font size, and 1.5 line spacing.
  • Include a cover page stating the subject code and title, the assessment number and title, your name and student id, and the word count.

• Upload a Word document only to Turnitin. Do not upload rtf or pdf or Pages documents. It is recommended that your name, student ID and page number are included in the header or footer of every page of the assignment.
• Do not use appendices, footnotes and endnotes.
• Use the APA6 referencing system for citations and references to sources.
• Keep to the word count. Papers that exceed the word count will lose marks. Please take note of the CSU policy on extensions

Answered Same Day May 11, 2020 HRM502 Charles Sturt University


Arpana answered on May 13 2020
145 Votes
Option 2: Diversity Management
    “Diversity is about all of us, and about us having to figure out how to walk through this world together” – Jacqueline Woodson. Globalization is increasing in today’s world. Due to this, people from different backgrounds are meeting, interacting and working together. Due to globalization, people are becoming part of economy the world and no more working alone for their own economy. Workplace Diversity refers to different types of people in terms of gender, race, age, ethnic group, tenure, education, background etc. Diversity is integral and challenge for organization as well as management. Kelli Green (2002) has emphasized on the fact that it is very important for the companies to em
ace diversity and look for the ways to become inclusive organization. Diversity has been taken as having great potential of leading a competitive advantage and productive.
Environment around us is changing at rapid pace. It has become important for companies to take diversity seriously otherwise they will be engaged in conflicts which are difficult to overcome. Internet is playing important role in making world a small place. Every organization is having people from different backgrounds in terms of culture and nationality. Many companies are enjoying this culture of diversity as they are using measures that are co
ect and mix up all the talents and ideas coming from this diverse culture. Patrick (2012) states that diversity is all about knowing ways that are created by personal, institutionalized disparity and culture and have privileged for some and disadvantage for others. They can form alliances across differences in order to work together so that any kind of discrimination can be eradicated.
Most of the organizations aspire to be inclusive workplace that value the differences, em
ace diversity and support participation of employees. They have started understanding the diversity’s value at workplace. But on the other hand, there are still many organizations which are not yet clear on the way to build and sustain inclusive and dynamic workplace by implementing plans, policies and practices.
Diversity has become crucial in today’s organization as companies are continuously interacting with different clients and cultures. They are getting more aware of the importance of diversity and are including it as a part of their management practices. The businesses that are giving emphasis to diversity have been seen more productive, creative, skillful and improved retention and recruitment.
Need and Rationale of Study
    Diversity management is aimed of creating and maintaining positive work and environment where the similarities and differences of each individual is valued to make it reach their potential and maximize their contribution and hard work to the vision, mission, strategic goals and objectives of an organization. The main aim of diversity management is to provide equal opportunity in order to utilize the potential at an optimum level and make improvement in self-development and their contribution to the organization. They appreciate to the idea of people coming from diverse backgrounds and
inging in fresh ideas and perceptions which helps in making work effective and efficient. If diversity is managed well by any organization, it fosters innovation and creativity and lately can tap hidden competency for growth and enhanced competitiveness.
Business Rationale for Diversity
    Business rationale for Diversity argues that diversity policies make a good business match. To form more strategic response to market structure, customer base, diverse society and workforce, an improvement is happening at business level for managing diversity. Anon (2009) exemplifies that European Union with the help of different activities has helped to put diversity management more profoundly on strategic business activities of organizations across European Union.
    In the study of diversity management, Ng, E.S., & Burke, R.J. (2005) investigated the importance of managing diversity in job choice decision of an applicant. Person-organization fit theory concludes that every decision of a person their job choice is made as per their personal values fitting with the values of an organization. A study conducted survey on 113 MBA and found that women and ethnic minorities are found more comfortable working in diverse management when they are accepting the offer of the job. New immigrants and top achievers are other category to whom diversity managed organization attracts for doing job.
    On the contrary, it should be known that too much of diversity at workplace can also lead to communication problem, conflict and factionalism and to an extent nepotism that have negative consequences for intra-group and inter-group cohesiveness. Social classification and many other attraction theories put forth relationship between diversity and group performance. Taylor Cox (2008) argument for the relationship of diversity management and organizations performance. Relationship between the diversity and performance is complex. There is requirement to create effective climate for an organization so that they can perform well even in diversity. Diversity at workplace is...

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