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1) Write an SQL command that retrieves all the data from the CustDetails table. ____________________________________________________________________________...

1 answer below »

1) Write an SQL command that retrieves all the data from the CustDetails table.
2) Write an SQL command that retrieves only the first and last names from the CustDetails
3) Write an SQL command that retrieves all the data from the CustDetails table sorting it by
the customer’s last name.
4) Write an SQL command that retrieves all data on only customers living in Eastway from the
CustDetails table.
5) Write an SQL command that retrieves all data on only the first four customers from the
CustDetails table.
6) Write an SQL command that retrieves all data on only customers with a last name beginning
with ‘S’ through ‘Z’ from the CustDetails table.
7) Write an SQL command that retrieves all data on only customers with the text ‘east’
anywhere in the suburb from the CustDetails table.
8) Write an SQL command that retrieves only unique last names from the CustDetails table.
_______________________________________ _____________________________________
9) Write an SQL command that retrieves all the customer details from the CustDetails table if
their address details have been entered.
10) Write an SQL command that retrieves the total value of orders that have been delivered
from the OrderDetails table.
11) Write an SQL command that retrieves the count of orders in December and their total value
from the OrderDetails table.
12) Write an SQL command that retrieves all data for all orders sorted by customer number
from the OrderDetails table.
13) Write an SQL command that retrieves the Customers last name, first name, suburb and the
respective order values which have orders that have been delivered.
14) Write an SQL command that retrieves last name and first name of all customers and the
order numbers of orders they have placed.
15) Write an SQL command that uses a subquery to retrieve all customer data for customers
that live in a suburb other than where anyone with a last name of “Stevens” lives.
16) Write an SQL command that creates a database that has the following structure:
Table 2: Name: StaffDetails
Column Name Data Type Key/Index nullable
StaffRef int Key No
LName nchar(25) No
FName nchar(25) No
Phone nchar(25) Yes
StartDate date No
17) Write an SQL command that inserts a record into the StaffDetails database for staff member
John Jacobs, reference 52 who started on 2/11/2009.
18) Write an SQL command that updates the OrderDetails table to show order reference 4 as
being delivered on 16/12/2009.
19) Write an SQL command that adds a column called “Email” to the StaffDetails table as we
also need email details (allow for 50 characters).
20) Write an SQL command that deletes order reference 9 as the customer has cancelled the
21) Write an SQL command that creates a view called “Contacts” holding staff last name, first
name and phone number as we need a contact list.
22) Write an SQL command that deletes the view “Contacts

Answered Same Day Nov 14, 2019 Swinburne University of Technology


David answered on Nov 30 2019
145 Votes
1. Write an SQL command that retrieves all the data from the CustDetails table
Ans: SELECT * FROM CustDetails
2. Write an SQL command that retrieves only the first and last names from the CustDetails table
Ans: SELECT FName,LName FROM CustDetails
3. Write an SQL command that retrieves all the data from the CustDetails table sorting it by the customer’s last name
Ans: SELECT * FROM CustDetails ORDER BY LName asc
4. Write an SQL command that retrieves all data on only customers living in Eastway from the CustDetails table.
Ans: SELECT * FROM CustDetails WHERE Subu
5. Write an SQL command that retrieves all data on only the first four customers from the CustDetails table.
Ans: SELECT * FROM CustDetails WHERE CustRef<5
6. Write an SQL command that retrieves all data on only customers with a last name beginning with ‘S’ through ‘Z’ from the CustDetails table.
Ans: SELECT * FROM CustDetails WHERE LName LIKE (S%,T%,U%,V%,W%,X%,Y%,Z%)
7. Write an SQL command that retrieves all data on only customers with the text ‘east’ anywhere in the subu
from the CustDetails table.
Ans: SELECT * FROM CustDetails WHERE Subu
LIKE (%east%)
8. Write an SQL command that retrieves only unique last names from the CustDetails table.
9. Write an SQL command that retrieves all the customer details from the CustDetails table if their address details have been entered.
Ans: SELECT * FROM CustDetails WHERE Address IS NOT NULL
10. Write an SQL command that retrieves the total value of orders that have been delivered from the OrderDetails table.
Ans: SELECT SUM(Value) FROM OrderDetails
11. Write an SQL command that retrieves the count of orders in December and their total value from the OrderDetails table.
Ans: SELECT COUNT(OrderRef) FROM OrderDetails WHERE EXTRACT(MONTH FROM DateOrdered) = 12
SELECT SUM(Value) FROM OrderDetails WHERE EXTRACT(MONTH FROM DateOrdered) = 12
12. Write an SQL command that retrieves all data for all orders sorted by customer number from the OrderDetails...

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