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Course Paper A systematic Literature review paper on security policies Guidelines · There are two main goals to conduct this SLR paper in this course: · Help you toward your PhD thesis. My experience...

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A systematic Literature review paper on security policies
· There are two main goals to conduct this SLR paper in this course:
· Help you toward your PhD thesis. My experience advising many phd students in different universities is that one of the “easiest” approaches to reach the “difficult” task of finding your research subject in your phd is to start by conducting an SLR in your general subject. It can help you as an output of this work to know what are some of the hot topics or trending research subjects in your area of interest.
· As a phd student or soon to be graduate, publications are key factors in evaluating your profile. A good SLR paper in this course can be publishable whether in a conference or a journal whether directly or through extending the work after the end of the course
· The overall grade for this course paper is 25 or 25% of the overall course grade.
· The paper to be submitted no later than June 10th, a firm-deadline.
· We will follow APA guidelines (Please read relevant material about that)
· It is important to write in your own words. Paper will be evaluated using University integrity checking services.
· Systematic Literature Review has a structured approach that you have to follow. You can find online many references on how to conduct SLR. Below is a table as an example describing SLR steps (https: As an alternative to the 8 steps described below, minimum steps in SLR can be 5 (see https: You will be graded based on following one of those two SLR templates in completing each step properly.
· You may have issue reaching or accessing some papers. Use University li
ary or any available resources, to the best of your abilities.
· You can always submit progress documents for me to discuss and evaluate (i.e. before your final submission throughout the semester).
· In terms of the subjects to pick from, I will create a discussion board for that in which students should not pick repeated subjects and so you can reserve your subject earlier through the discussion board.
· Verify with me through an email before finalizing your paper subject
· Remember, instead of selecting a paper subject, you can start from framing a question to review or even from few selected keywords.
· ABAC Security policies implementations, comparison
· Security policies implementation in the health domain
· Security policies implementation in the finance
anks domain
· Security policies implementation in the education domain
· Security policies implementation in the “cyber security” domain
· Security policies implementation in the “e-commerce” domain
· Security policies implementation in the cloud
· Security policies implementation in the “X” domain
· Challenges in security policies implementations
· Security policy frameworks
· Global and federations in security policies
· Challenges in security policies enforcements
· Challenges in Security policies conformance
· Challenges in Security policies testing
· Centralized Vs decentralized Security policies
    PICO template
    1. Identify your research question. Formulate a clear, well-defined research question of appropriate scope. Define your terminology. Find existing reviews on your topic to inform the development of your research question, identify gaps, and confirm that you are not duplicating the efforts of previous reviews. Consider using a framework like PICO or SPIDER to define you question scope. Use Database Search Log Excel spreadsheet to record search terms under each concept. 
Optional: It is a good idea to register your protocol in a publicly accessible way. This will help avoid other people completing a review on your topic. Similarly, before you start doing a systematic review, it's worth checking the different registries that nobody else has already registered a protocol on the same topic.
· Cochrane Collaboration - Systematic reviews of health care and clinical interventions
· Campbell Collaboration - Systematic reviews of the effects of social interventions
· F1000 Research - The protocol is published immediately and subjected to open peer review. When two reviewers approve it, the paper is sent to Medline, Embase and other databases for indexing.
· Joanna Briggs Institute - Systematic reviews of healthcare practices to assist in the improvement of healthcare outcomes globally
· Open Science Framework (OSF) Registries - Registry of a protocol on OSF creates a frozen, time-stamped record of the protocol, thus ensuring a level of transparency and accountability for the research. There are no limits to the types of protocols that can be hosted on OSF.
· *** PROSPERO - International prospective register of systematic reviews. This is the primary database for registering systematic review protocols and searching for published protocols. Scoping reviews are not accepted. PROSPERO accepts protocols from all disciplines (e.g., psychology, nutrition) with the stipulation that they must include health-related outcomes.
· Research Registry - Similar to PROSPERO. Based in the UK, fee-based service, quick turnaround time.
· Zenodo - Share your search strategy and research protocol. No limit on the format, size, access restrictions or license.
Example outlining the details and documentation necessary for conducting a systematic review:
Hersi, M., Traversy, G., Thombs, B. D., Beck, A., Skidmore, B., Groulx, S., … Stevens, A XXXXXXXXXXEffectiveness of stop smoking interventions among adults: protocol for an overview of systematic reviews and an updated systematic review. Systematic Reviews, 8(1), 28. https: XXXXXXXXXX-
    Inclusion/exclusion criteria template 
    2. Define inclusion and exclusion criteria. Clearly state the criteria you will use to determine whether or not a study will be included in your search. Consider study populations, study design, intervention types, comparison groups, measured outcomes. Use some database-supplied limits such as language, dates, humans, female/male, age groups, and publication/study types (randomized controlled trials, etc.).
    Database search log template
    3. Search for studies. Run your searches in the databases that you've identified as relevant to your topic. Work with a li
arian to help you design comprehensive search strategies across a variety of databases. Approach the grey literature methodically and purposefully. Collect ALL of the retrieved records from each search into a reference manager, such as Endnote, Zotero or Mendeley, and de-duplicate the li
ary prior to screening.
    Rayyan - export your Endnote results in this screening software
    4. Select studies for inclusion based on pre-defined criteria. Start with a title/abstract screening to remove studies that are clearly not related to your topic. Use your inclusion/exclusion criteria to screen the full-text of studies. It is highly recommended that two independent reviewers screen all studies, resolving areas of disagreement by consensus.
    Review matrix template
    5. Extract data from included studies. Use a spreadsheet, or systematic review software (e.g. Rayyan, RevMan), to extract all relevant data from each included study. It is recommended that you pilot your data extraction tool, to determine if other fields should be included or existing fields clarified.
    Cochrane Risk of Bias Tool
    6. Evaluate the risk of bias of included studies. Use a Risk of Bias tool (such as the Cochrane RoB Tool) to assess the potential biases of studies in regards to study design and other factors. Read the Cochrane training materials to learn about the topic of assessing risk of bias in included studies. You can adapt existing tools (PDF p.5) to best meet the needs of your review, depending on the types of studies included.
    - PRISMA Flow Diagram
- PRISMA Checklist
- Manuscript template
    7. Present results and assess the quality of evidence. Clearly present your findings, including detailed methodology (such as search strategies used, selection criteria, etc.) such that your review can be easily updated in the future with new research findings. Perform a meta-analysis, if the studies allow. Provide recommendations for practice and policy-making if sufficient, high quality evidence exists, or future directions for research to fill existing gaps in knowledge or to strengthen the body of evidence.
For more information, see: 
· Lium
uno, G. M., Velati, C., Pasqualetti, P., & Franchini, M. (2013). How to write a scientific manuscript for publication. Blood Transfusion, 11(2), 217–226. https: XXXXXXXXXX 
· Academic Phrasebank - Get some inspiration and find some terms and phrases for writing your manuscript
· GradeProof - Automated high-quality spelling, grammar and rephrasing co
ections using artificial intelligence (AI) to improve the flow of your writing. Free and subscription plans available.
    - Elsevier Journal Finde
- Springer Journal Suggeste
    8. Find the best journal to publish your work. Identifying the best journal to submit your research to can be a difficult process. To help you make the choice of where to submit, simply insert your title and abstract in any of the journal finder tools listed under the Publishing your Systematic Review tab.
Answered Same Day Jun 06, 2021


Anju Lata answered on Jun 10 2021
144 Votes
Running Head: Security Policies Implementation in Automobile Industry
Security Policies Implementation in Automobile Industry 9
Topic: SLR on Security Policies Implementation in Automobile Industry
Identifying the Research Question
As the interconnectivity of modern cars is increasing, the information security standards for automobiles emphasize more on functional safety and protection. Existing quality systems may be extended to identify and manage risks. According to PICO framework, the Problem in this context is –lack of the security of automobile systems, Intervention is- to include the IT systems in Automobile industry, C is Comparison of automobiles with improved security policies to earlier automobiles, and O is Outcome- which is better security in Automobiles through use of technology.
Research Question is: How the implementation of Security policies may improve the functional safety of modern cars or automobiles?
Inclusion & Exclusion Criteria
The literature resources from date 2014 to 2019 were sought. Only the conference papers and journals were included which were discussing the Security policies and their implementation , the security threats and their solutions. Non Journals and non conference articles are excluded, along with all the websites and digital sources of information are excluded. Only the articles published in English language were searched and the articles in other languages were excluded to save unnecessary translation costs.
Search Strategy
The data was searched using the keywords (Security Policy OR Security Policies) AND ( “Threat” OR “Safety”) AND (“Automobile” OR “car”); The digital li
aries consulted during the SLR are Google Scholar, Science Direct.
The sample size was not mentioned in the articles specifically as the search was technology based. As per the PRISMA evaluation, the search retrieved 6550 articles, through the search of Google Scholar and Science Direct databases. The screening of abstracts eliminated 350 duplicate articles and 5320 studies were eliminated due to absence of any security based intervention for the automobile industry. Over the eligibility criteria based on title and abstract, 880 studies were assessed. 870 studies were removed from the review due to several other causes. Few of them were not sufficient in illustrating the security policies and their implementation. Few of them were not peer reviewed while few of them were focusing on other policies of automobiles which did not include security aspect. There was no restriction on the basis of country, as the study is mainly aimed to explore the security policies.
After the evaluation and screening, mere 10 studies cleared the eligibility criteria and were included in the final review of literature.
The Summary of Journals Retrieved
    The Threat/ Protocol
    Summary of Article/ Technology
    Macher, G., Messnarz, R., Armengaud, E., Riel, A.,Brenner, E. & Kreiner, C. (2017). Integrated Safety and Security Development in the Automotive Domain. 10.4271/2017-01-1661.
    Threat Analysis and Risk Assessment (TARA), ISO26262 Ed 2.0 and J3061
    There is a need of integrated and systematic approach to cybersecurity design and functional safety of electronic automobiles
    Engoulou, RG, Bellaïche, M, Pie
e, S.(2014). VANET security surveys. Comp Comm 2014; 44: 1–13.
    Denial Of Service
    Signature based authentication and Bit Commitment. Trustworthiness of nodes and digital signatures. SEAD (Secure and Efficient Ad hoc Distance).
    Eiza, MH & Ni, Q. (2017). Driving with sharks: rethinking connected vehicles with vehicle cybersecurity. IEEE Vehic Tech Magazine 2017; 12: 45–51.
    Cybersecurity Threats
    Cyber security threats such as on board diagnostics, mobile app threats and malwares.
    Contreras, J, Zeadally, S, Gue
ero-Ibanez, JA. (2017). Internet of vehicles: architecture, protocols, and security. IEEE Internet Things J ; 5: 3701–3709.
    Temporal Leash, Time stamp, Shared public Key Distribution, Trusted Hardware, TESLA with instant Key
    Hamida, EB, Noura, H, & Znaidi, W. (2015) Security of cooperative intelligent transport systems: standards, threats analysis and cryptographic countermeasures. Electronics 2015; 4: 380–423.
    Repay, Traffic Analysis
    Changing Key Anonymously, Data Encryption, Algorithms like VIPER
    Azees, M, Vijayakumar, P, & Deborah, LJ. (2017). A comprehensive survey on security services in vehicular ad-hoc networks. IET Intel Trans Syst; 10: 379–388.
    Sybil Attack and Message Tampering
     The Address Resolution Protocol like Detection of active position, RobSAD (Robust Method of Sybil Attack detection) , Validation Authority validating the real time entities.
    Hasrouny, H, Samhat, AE, Bassil, C. (2017). VANet security challenges and solutions: a survey. Vehicular Comm ; 7: 7–20.
ication Attacks
    Secure ECDSA and SAODV
    Mejri, MN, Ben-Othman, J, & Hamdi, M. (2014). Survey on VANET security challenges and possible cryptographic solutions. Vehic Comm 2014; 1(2): 53–66.
    Frequency Hopping Spread Spectrum, Cryptographic Algorithms, OFDM
    Manvi, SS & Tangade, S. (2017).A survey on authentication schemes in VANETs for secured communication. Vehic Comm ; 9: 19–30.
    GPS Spoofing
    Position data signature tool to validate identity
    Deeksha, N, Kumar, A, Bansal, M. (2017).A review on VANET security attacks and their countermeasure. In: 2017 4th international conference on signal processing, computing and control (ISPCC), Solan, India, 21–23 September 2017, pp.580–585. New York: IEEE.
    Using Trusted software and hardware, ID based cryptography,CoPRA, and secure protocols for routing.
Literature Review
The standard approaches to functional safety in automobiles according to ISO26262, mainly emphasize on minimizing the hazard risks occu
ing due...

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