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Suppose that the supply curve for gold is very steep (positively sloped, but almost vertical). Would a $Ttax tend to have a relatively large or a relatively small effect upon the quantity exchanged in...

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Suppose that the supply curve for gold is very steep (positively sloped, but almost vertical).

  • Would a $Ttax tend to have a relatively large or a relatively small effect upon the quantity exchanged in the market? Would there tend to be a relatively large or a relatively small effect upon the gross price paid by buyers? Upon the net price received by sellers?

  • Explain in terms of the underlying economic meaning.

4. a. If the price of gasoline rises as a result of a reduction in petroleum supplies, what effect would you anticipate on the price of automobiles?

b. Upon the relative price of small, light cars versus large, heavy cars?

Answered Same Day Dec 27, 2021


David answered on Dec 27 2021
128 Votes
Suppose that the supply curve for gold is very steep (positively sloped, but almost
ï‚· Would a Tax tend to have a relatively large or a relatively small effect upon the
quantity exchanged in the market? Would there tend to be a relatively large or a
elatively small effect upon the gross price paid by buyers? Upon the net price
eceived by sellers?
ï‚· Explain in terms of the underlying economic meaning.

Ans. Since the gold supply curve is steep, thus its supply elasticity or price elasticity is
quite low. Tax will reduce both the demand as well as supply of gold...

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