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Part one Oral presentation:400 words with a PowerPoint slide -Students will be required to choose a research article (NOT a review or textbook entry) on any topic that is covered in the Social...

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Part one Oral presentation:400 words with a PowerPoint slide

-Students will be required to choose a research article (NOT a review or textbook entry) on any topic that is covered in the Social Psychology readings from the PSY2042 Custom textbook. This should be something that expands the students’ knowledge of current research in these areas. The article chosen must be peer-reviewed.

Students will each give a 3min presentation on their chosen article summarising the method, results and implications of the study (see the marking rubric below for more detail). Students will be allowed to use a maximum of 1 PowerPoint slide to aid their presentation. This PowerPoint slide must be completely static (no ‘moving’ elements or introduction of new information). The slide cannot include any video or audio information. Additional props (such as posters or costumes) are not permitted. The PowerPoint slide must have your name and student ID written on it so that those marking it can easily identify the presenter. The PowerPoint slide, video and written submission will need to be uploaded to Moodle prior to the due date.

Part 2 Written report on oral presentation topic: In addition to delivering your oral presentation, you will be required to submit a 500-word report based on your oral presentation topic. This will require students to consider the importance of the peer-reviewed paper they have selected within the broader field of social psychology. The structure of the report will be as follows:

● A brief summary of the paper including the aims, method and conclusions
● An explanation of where this paper sits within the field of social psychology (What theories does this paper build on? What is the theoretical foundation of the paper?)
● The theoretical implications of the paper (What impact does this paper have on the theories it builds on? Does this paper call for a modification of a theory?
How is the paper important to the field of psychology and broader society?)

Answered Same Day Oct 24, 2019 PSY2042 Monash University


David answered on Dec 27 2019
154 Votes
Student’s name
Lecturer’s name
Method, result, implication
Method: this research was conducted using different methodologies applied in social psychology; these included direct observation, lab assessment tests non-experimental research and
ain scanning.
Results: findings from the research methods above indicated that aggression level can be determined through stability and development; there is an indication that physical aggression is at its peak...

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