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QUALIFICATION: BSB80615 Graduate Diploma of Management (Learning)
Unit: BSBLDR803 - Develop and cultivate collaborative partnerships and relationships
Candidates: Submit this entire document
    CANDIDATE to complete this section
    Student ID:
    Email address:
    Trainer name:
    Koos Roux
    Date submitted:
        Date resubmitted (1)
    Date resubmitted (2)
I confirm that I am taking the marked assessment home to make co
ections. In case the assessment is misplaced or lost, I understand that it is my responsibility to resubmit the assessment again.
    Candidate declaration—By signing below, I declare that     no part of this assessment has been copied from another person’s work with the exception of where I have listed or referenced documents or work and that no part of this assessment has been written for me by another person. I understand and accept the assessment.
Signed: ___________________________      Date: __________________________
    ASSESSOR to complete this section
    Did not submit
    Assessment 1
    Assessment 2
    Assessment 3- Part A
    Assessment 3- Part B (Role-play)
    Assessment 4
    ASSESSOR to complete this section
    Name of assessor:
    Date portfolio review completed:
    Overall Results
     Not Yet Competent
    Assessor signature
Oral testing (if applicable)
Assessors may ask the candidate oral questions to gather further supporting evidence, where written evidence is deemed to be incomplete or insufficient.
1. You need to achieve a ‘Satisfactory’ grade in ALL the assessments items to be granted a ‘Competent’ grade in the unit.
1. In case you are not able to achieve a ‘Satisfactory’ grade in any assessment task, you will be given three (3) attempts to resubmit your assessment. Your trainer will be available to assist you in any areas of difficulty. Please discuss the assessment with your trainer to seek advice on how you can achieve competency in the unit.
1. Where relevant, oral questions may be asked to gather more information on your knowledge, skills and competence in the unit.
1. A holistic approach is used to assess your skills relevant to this qualification. The skills are assessed across the different units offered within this qualification. Where a skill relevant to this unit is not assessed within this assessment pack, please note that the skill will be assessed in another unit.
ASSESSMENT 1- Networking
To complete this assessment you need to review:
· Reading 1
This assessment has TWO parts
Answer the following questions.
Part A: Theory Questions related to Reading 1
1. Describe the differences between the three forms of networking
2. What are the benefits of networking?
3. What are ‘clusters’ and ‘’
okers’ within a network in any organisation?
4. Why is it important to network outside your organisation?
5. What is an ‘elevator pitch’?
6. Give examples networking events in any industry?
Part B: Practical Activity related to networking
7. STRUCTURE YOUR NETWORK: Write a list of people/ positions you network with (or should network with in the given timeframes:
a. Daily:
. Weekly:
c. Monthly
d. Bi-monthly
e. Quarterly
f. Half-yearly
8. Internet Activity: Complete the steps below
a. Go to
. If you are not a member, then join LinkedIn. If you are already a member, login to your account
c. Go to ‘Interests’. then ‘Groups’
d. Go to ‘Find a Group’ and type in any topic/industry that is of interest to you (for example: ‘hospitality’ or ‘engineering’ or ‘golf’
e. Join any group
f. Write the name of the group you joined here: ________________________________
g. Seek a connection with your trainer through your ‘LinkedIn’ account
ASSESSMENT 2- Networking and partnerships
To complete this assessment you need to review:
· Reading 2
Answer the following questions
1. Explain the five types of relationship typologies defined by Alan Fowler in your own words
2. What is a partnership?
3. What are the three partnership principles? Explain why each of the three are important?
4. Describe any THREE key characteristics of effective relationships in networking and partnerships
5. What are some of the ba
iers that can come in the way of a successful partnership?
6. Explain emotional intelligence and its relationship to individual and team effectiveness within and organisation
7. Explain organisational transformation and the management of the stages of change during a partnership formation
8. What are some of the steps you would take if there were a conflict with a network partner?
9. Explain the five types of conflict management strategies in your own words
10. What steps can you take to end a partnership that is not working well?
ASSESSMENT 3- Practical Application
· For this assessment you can use your own workplace as the case study. Alternatively, if you are not working you can use ACTB as your workplace.
· Imagine that you have been appointed as a senior manager in your workplace. It is your responsibility to grow the networks for the business in order to:
1. Promote the business in the local community
2. Enhance the reputation of the business
3. Get acquainted with the local council and members of parliament
4. Represent your business at community business forums and other local industry events
This assessment has TWO parts
Part A: Prepare for networking
Complete the following activities:
1. Describe your organization
iefly? (Name of the organisation, when was it established, location, what does it do, what are its key products and services, who are its main customers, number of employees etc)
2. Complete the following quiz about your own networking skills and identify your strengths and weaknesses
3. Prepare an ‘elevator pitch’ about yourself and your organization that you can use at professional networking events. (You can look at examples here: http:
Write your own ‘elevator pitch’ below.
Part B: Participate in a professional networking meeting (Role-play)
Your trainer will set up a business-networking event during class time. It is COMPULSORY to attend the scheduled networking event in class.
1. You will be representing your selected organization at the network meeting
2. You will meet and greet other invited members
3. During the formal part of the networking meeting, you will be required to introduce yourself and your organization to the whole group.
4. After the formal introductions, you will be required to identify any ONE organization with which you can form a partnership in the future to grow your business further.
Your trainer will observe you during the role-play and write his/her comments about your participation below:
Trainer to complete this section:
Student name: _____________________________
Student ID: ________________________________
Date observed: _____________________________
Good introduction         Confident delivery          Good body language     Satisfactory overall
Trainer name: ______________________________
Trainer signature: ___________________________
ASSESSMENT 4- Forming a partnership
This is a MAJOR assessment. To complete this assessment you need to review:
· Reading 3: Partnerships: Frameworks for working togethe
· For this assessment you need to use your own workplace as the case study.
· Imagine that you have been appointed as a senior manager at BEST & MORE (BM), a retail outlet in the city. Imagine that BM’s mission is to become Australia’s leading customer service provider. BM upholds the values of ‘customer care’, ‘friendly service’ and employee safety.
· The strategic goal of BM is to:
1. Achieve 30% growth in sales by improving customer service standards
2. Reduce workplace injuries by 50% within one year by providing workplace health and safety training to staff
· BM is covered by all relevant Australian laws. In particular, the organisation must comply with:
1. Work Health and Safety Act 2011
2. Fair Work Act 2009
3. Racial Discrimination Act 1975
4. Age Discrimination Act 2004
5. Australian Human Rights Commission Act 1986
6. Disability Discrimination Act 1992
7. Racial Discrimination Act 1975
8. Sex Discrimination Act 1984.
· The CEO of BM wants to see an improvement in BM’s customer service standards. The other Senior Executives include the Finance Manager and the Human Resources Manager. The senior executive have made a decision to partner with a training organisation to achieve its long term goals. The annual budget for this program is $20,000. The funding will be provided by BM
· It is your responsibility to develop a learning program partnership for BM with ACTB, a registered training organisation in order to:
1. Up-skill your team of 40 employees in the following areas:
· Customer service skills
· Workplace health and safety legislation
2. Enable two selected senior staff members to attain a nationally recognised ‘Diploma of Management’ qualification through ACTB every yea
Your task:
1. Based on the above scenario, respond to the following questions:
· What is the mission of your organisation?
· What are the core values of your organisation?
· What are the strategic goals of your organisation?
· List at least three specific laws that your organisation must comply with:
2. Read the ‘Checklist for setting up and maintaining the partnership’ on Page 16-18 of Reading 3 (Partnerships: Frameworks for working together) to understand how you can develop a detailed plan for the above partnership between your workplace an ACTB. Answer the questions below:
a. Step 1: Defining the need for a partnership
i. What is the need for a partnership with ACTB?
ii. What benefits will be gained for BM by this partnership?
iii. What benefits will be there for ACTB?
. Step 2: Starting the process
i. Who should be involved in the discussions regarding forming a partnership between BM and ACTB?
ii. List the responsibilities of ACTB in the partnership.
iii. List the responsibilities of BM in the partnership
iv. What is the function and nature of the partnership?
v. What are the benefits and outcomes for the target groups?
c. Setting up and maintaining the partnership
Answered Same Day Apr 07, 2020 BSBLDR803 Training.Gov.Au


Sangeeta answered on Apr 14 2020
153 Votes

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QUALIFICATION: BSB80615 Graduate Diploma of Management (Learning)
Unit: BSBLDR803 - Develop and cultivate collaborative partnerships and relationships
Candidates: Submit this entire document
    CANDIDATE to complete this section
    Student ID:
    Email address:
    Trainer name:
    Koos Roux
    Date submitted:
        Date resubmitted (1)
    Date resubmitted (2)
I confirm that I am taking the marked assessment home to make co
ections. In case the assessment is misplaced or lost, I understand that it is my responsibility to resubmit the assessment again.
    Candidate declaration—By signing below, I declare that     no part of this assessment has been copied from another person’s work with the exception of where I have listed or referenced documents or work and that no part of this assessment has been written for me by another person. I understand and accept the assessment.
Signed: ___________________________      Date: __________________________
    ASSESSOR to complete this section
    Did not submit
    Assessment 1
    Assessment 2
    Assessment 3- Part A
    Assessment 3- Part B (Role-play)
    Assessment 4
    ASSESSOR to complete this section
    Name of assessor:
    Date portfolio review completed:
    Overall Results
     Not Yet Competent
    Assessor signature
Oral testing (if applicable)
Assessors may ask the candidate oral questions to gather further supporting evidence, where written evidence is deemed to be incomplete or insufficient.
1. You need to achieve a ‘Satisfactory’ grade in ALL the assessments items to be granted a ‘Competent’ grade in the unit.
1. In case you are not able to achieve a ‘Satisfactory’ grade in any assessment task, you will be given three (3) attempts to resubmit your assessment. Your trainer will be available to assist you in any areas of difficulty. Please discuss the assessment with your trainer to seek advice on how you can achieve competency in the unit.
1. Where relevant, oral questions may be asked to gather more information on your knowledge, skills and competence in the unit.
1. A holistic approach is used to assess your skills relevant to this qualification. The skills are assessed across the different units offered within this qualification. Where a skill relevant to this unit is not assessed within this assessment pack, please note that the skill will be assessed in another unit.
ASSESSMENT 1- Networking
To complete this assessment you need to review:
· Reading 1
This assessment has TWO parts
Answer the following questions.
Part A: Theory Questions related to Reading 1
1. Describe the differences between the three forms of networking
A LAN (local area network) refers to a set of computers as well as network devices linked together, frequently in the same building (Bennett, 2009). By description, the connections need to be of high speed and comparatively low-cost (such as Ethernet). The majority of divisions of Indiana University Bloomington are on local area networks.
A MAN (metropolitan area network) is basically a bigger network, which normally includes a number of buildings within the same region (Kurose and Keith, 2005). Moreover, the IUB network is a good example of metropolitan area network.
A WAN (wide area network), in contrast with MAN, isn’t limited to a specific geographical region, even though it may be limited within the boundaries of a region or nation (Bennett, 2009). A wide area network links a number of LANs and might be restricted to some specific company or reachable for the people. Additionally, the technology is comparatively costly and high speed (Kurose and Keith, 2005). Moreover, the Internet is considered as being a good example of a global public wide area network (Spurgeon, 2000).
2. What are the benefits of networking?
File sharing – One could effortlessly share information among diverse users or view it distantly in case if the person keeps it on some other linked devices.
Resource sharing – making use of network-connected tools such as printers, copiers and scanners or sharing software among several users saves upon cost.
Sharing a single internet connection – it’s cost-effective and could assist in protecting the systems in case if one co
ectly secures the network.
Augmenting storage capacity – one could view files as well as multimedia, like images and music that is stored remotely on some other devices or network-connected storage tools.
3. What are ‘clusters’ and ‘’
okers’ within a network in any organisation?
Clusters make possible for a Message Queue service in scaling messaging procedures through distributing client links amongst several
okers (William, 2004). For the reason that a cluster involves several
okers, the cluster assists in protecting against individual
oker letdown (Kurose and Keith, 2005). Two cluster frameworks offer diverse degrees of message service accessibility.
4. Why is it important to network outside your organisation?
It is important to network outside the company for gaining access to outside sources.
5. What is an ‘elevator pitch’?
An elevator pitch basically refers to a
ief, convincing speech, which one uses for sparking interest in what the company ca
ies out. One could also utilize them for creating interest within a project, product or idea. A sound elevator pitch must continue for not more than 20 to 30 seconds (Bennett, 2009). Moreover, an elevator pitch is a short explanation of some product, idea, corporation or oneself, which outlines the conception in a manner that any listener could comprehend it in a short time-period. Such explanation normally highlights who the offering/corporation is for, what it actually ca
ies out, why exactly it is required and lastly, how it would be performed (Kurose and Keith, 2005). Additionally, for the latter, at the time when explaining a person, the explanation normally enlightens one’s abilities and objectives and the reason why he/she would be a productive as well as helpful individual in the team or a corporation. Further, an elevator pitch doesn’t need to involve all these aspects, nevertheless it frequently does highlight what the concept, product, corporation, or individual is and the reason why it is valued (Bennett, 2009). Finally, an elevator pitch could be employed for enticing an investor, executive within an organization. The chief objective is to express the overall conception or theme in a stimulating manner. Not like a sales pitch, there might not be an obvious selle
uyer relation (Spurgeon, 2000).
6. Give examples networking events in any industry?
The below sections highlight examples of networking events within retail industry.
Firstly, considered as being the NRF's leading market event, Retail's BIG Show is a 3-day expo as well as conference, which is organized every year within New York City. The majority of individuals within the sector consider it as being the largest event of the year for the reason that it entices a large number of retail experts, thought leaders and supplier belonging to different sectors.
Secondly, the biggest and highly diverse standard merchandise purchasing show within the United States, ASDLV pulls together vendors from various groups, taking in gift and home, jewellery/cash and ca
y, fashion accessories, health and beauty, toys and novelties, value and variety and others.
Thirdly, Dx3 Canada is basically a 2-day event, which pulls together retail experts,
and reps and digital marketers for the purpose of networking as well as education. It is regarded as being an outstanding conference and tradeshow, which is focused towards digital marketing, digital retailing and digital advertising.
Part B: Practical Activity related to networking
7. STRUCTURE YOUR NETWORK: Write a list of people/ positions you network with (or should network with in the given timeframes:
a. Daily:
Team Leade
. Weekly:
Department Manage
c. Monthly
Colleagues of other department
Manager of other department
d. Bi-monthly
e. Quarterly
Top Management
f. Half-yearly
8. Internet Activity: Complete the steps below
a. Go to
. If you are not a member, then join LinkedIn. If you are already a member, login to your account
c. Go to ‘Interests’. then ‘Groups’
d. Go to ‘Find a Group’ and type in any topic/industry that is of interest to you (for example: ‘hospitality’ or ‘engineering’ or ‘golf’
e. Join any group
f. Write the name of the group you joined here: _The retail banking industry_______________________________
g. Seek a connection with your trainer through your ‘LinkedIn’ account
ASSESSMENT 2- Networking and partnerships
To complete this assessment you need to review:
· Reading 2
Answer the following questions
1. Explain the five types of relationship typologies defined by Alan Fowler in your own words
2. What is a partnership?
A partnership simply refers to an a
angement where groups i.e. partners, decide to collaborate for the purpose of advancing their common interests (Bamford et. al., 2004). The partners within a partnership might be people, companies, interest-based corporations, governments or combinations. Additionally, companies might partner for increasing the possibility of each accomplishing their set mission and amplifying their scope (Larson, 2016). Moreover, in a partnership, every member contributes something towards the company like opinions, funds, property and other things (Larson, 2016).
3. What are the three partnership principles? Explain why each of the three are important?
Three partnership principles include:
· Shared Respect
· Shared capabilities
· Shared rewards
All three principles are important since they all play an important part in making a partnership successful. In the absence of even one principle the entire group effort could go waste.
4. Describe any THREE key characteristics of effective relationships in networking and partnerships
· Relationships and trust: a widespread theme with respect to networks, chiefly during the beginning phases of design and execution, is the significance of ‘soft’ models, like trust that
ings individuals together (Bamford et. al., 2004).
· Diversity and dynamism: one among the influential productive abilities of networks is the fact that they pull together distinct individuals and concepts.
· Time and resources: the research illustrates that network co-ordinators as well as facilitators are frequently encumbered and are continually juggling competing demands and priorities (Larson, 2016). The network design must develop during succession planning and attempt at preventing member burn-out.
· Open: Effective partnerships need partners those are constantly familiar with what is taking place inside as well as outside of the relation along with the likely affects upon the partnership (Bamford et. al., 2004). 
· Cohesion: Trust is considered as being a fundamental prerequisite for an effective partnership. All associates must understand that the relationship is cooperative, faithful and sound (Bamford et. al., 2004). 
· Rewarding: Every member within a partnership need to view the reward associated with coming together (Bamford et. al., 2004).
5. What are some of the ba
iers that can come in the way of a successful partnership?
· Ineffective alignment of standards and targets among partners
· Short-term political funding and timescales
· Power disparities
· Past account of ineffective partnership
· Inco
ect partners
· Blu
ed responsibilities
· Continues change
· Partnership fatigue
· Poor decision-forming approach
· Ineffective communication
· Absence of mutual objectives
· Lack of information integration
· Lack of training in partnership abilities
· Absence of understanding regarding other partner organisations
6. Explain emotional intelligence and its relationship to individual and team effectiveness within and organisation
Emotional intelligence (EI) can be simply defined as the competence of people in recognizing their own reactions and ones of other people, discern amid diverse feelings and labelling them suitably, using emotional information for the purpose of guiding thinking as well as behaviour along with managing and/or adjust emotions for adapting to the su
oundings or accomplish one's objectives (Bamford et. al., 2004). Moreover, EQ can result in sound relations and team effectiveness within the company. Firstly, it has been observed that individuals having greater emotional intelligence find it simpler to develop and uphold interpersonal relations and to ‘fit in’ to team conditions. Additionally, individuals having greater EI are also good in comprehending their own psychological condition that could handle stress efficiently and being less likely to suffer from depression.
7. Explain organisational transformation and the management of the stages of change during a partnership formation
Organisational Transformation is basically a concept refe
ing jointly to practices like reengineering, redefining and redesigning business practices (Larson, 2016). The leading enabling technology within organization transformation is technology and information.
Step 1: Defining the need for the specific partnership
The objective in partnerships is achieving above individual companies could accomplish alone. Recognizing self-interest is an important fraction of the foremost step. 
Step 2: Begin the procedure
Partnerships must be created as well as encouraged in manners, which respect and distinguish every person. Developing relations isn’t only the accountability of organizational leaders, nevertheless of everybody part of the partnership (Bamford et. al., 2004).
Step 3: Setting and maintaining the partnership
There could frequently be conflict or ambiguity with respect to the division of accountability among the partnership as well as individual associates (Larson, 2016). Partners might be unwilling for delegating authority to partnership.
8. What are some of the steps you would take if there were a conflict with a network partner?
· Setting Boundaries. Everybody must be seen with proper respect, even at the time of an argument. In case if the partners curse at each other, they must stop (Larson, 2016).
· Finding the actual problem. Normally, arguments take place at the time when wants of one partner aren’t being satisfied (Larson, 2016). Thus, the focus must be to discover the actual problem so one could evade constant clashes.
· Agree to Disagree In case if the partner could not solve a problem, at times it is considered best to drop it
9. Explain the five types of conflict management strategies in your own words
The accommodating approach fundamentally involves offering the opposing side what it actually requires. The application of accommodation generally takes place at the time when one of the groups decides to maintain calm or considers the problem as minor (Bamford et. al., 2004).
The avoidance approach attempts to end up the conflict indefinitely. Through postponing or overlooking the conflict, the avoider believes that the issue resolves itself that to without any clashes (Larson, 2016).
Collaboration works through way of incorporating ideas laid down through a number of individuals (Larson, 2016). The chief purpose is finding a creative explanation satisfactory for everybody.
The compromising approach normally requires both groups of a conflict for giving up components of their position for the purpose of establishing an acceptable solution (Bamford et. al., 2004).
Competition functions line a zero-sum game wherein one groups wins over the other.
10. What steps can you take to end a partnership that is not working well?
Reviewing the partnership agreement
While few partnerships do not need a written or formal contract, the majority of partners prefer having one anyway for the purpose of protection (Bamford et. al., 2004).
Discussing with partners
It is highly suggested to ensure that all the partners are on same course
Filing dissolution papers
Although it might not be needed, it is highly suggested to file a form of partnership dissolution with the state for officially announcing and giving notice of the partnership termination (Bamford et. al., 2004).
Settling and closing out all accounts
Making sure that all the creditors are informed and all the debts are settled or paid off (Bamford et. al., 2004). 
ASSESSMENT 3- Practical Application
· For this assessment you can use your own workplace as the case study. Alternatively, if you are not working you can use ACTB as your workplace.
· Imagine that you have been appointed as a senior manager in your workplace. It is your responsibility to grow the networks for the business in order to:
1. Promote the business in the local community
2. Enhance the reputation of the business
3. Get acquainted with the local council and members of parliament
4. Represent your business at community business forums and other local industry events
This assessment has TWO parts
Part A: Prepare for networking
Complete the following activities:
1. Describe your organization
iefly? (Name of the organisation, when was it established, location, what does it do, what are its key products and services, who are its main customers, number of employees etc)
2. Complete the following quiz about your own networking skills and identify your strengths and weaknesses
3. Prepare an ‘elevator pitch’ about yourself and your organization that you can use at professional networking events. (You can look at examples here: http:
Write your own ‘elevator pitch’ below.
Part B: Participate in a professional networking meeting (Role-play)
Your trainer will set up a business-networking event during class time. It is COMPULSORY to attend the scheduled networking event in class.
1. You will be representing your selected organization at the network meeting
2. You will meet and greet other invited members
3. During the formal part of the networking meeting, you will be required to introduce yourself and your organization to the whole group.
4. After the formal introductions, you will be required to identify any ONE organization with which you can form a partnership in the future to grow your business further.
Your trainer will observe you during the role-play and write his/her comments about your participation below:
Trainer to complete this section:
Student name: _____________________________
Student ID: ________________________________
Date observed: _____________________________
Good introduction         Confident delivery          Good body language     Satisfactory overall
Trainer name: ______________________________
Trainer signature: ___________________________
ASSESSMENT 4- Forming a partnership
This is a MAJOR assessment. To complete this assessment you need to review:
· Reading 3: Partnerships: Frameworks for working togethe
· For this assessment you need to use your own workplace as the case study.
· Imagine that you have been appointed as a senior manager at BEST & MORE (BM), a retail outlet in the city. Imagine that BM’s mission is to become Australia’s leading customer service provider. BM upholds the values of ‘customer care’, ‘friendly service’ and employee safety.
· The strategic goal of BM is to:
1. Achieve 30% growth in sales by improving customer service standards
2. Reduce workplace injuries by 50% within one year by providing workplace health and safety training to staff
· BM is covered by all relevant Australian laws. In particular, the organisation must comply with:
1. Work Health and Safety Act 2011
2. Fair Work Act 2009
3. Racial Discrimination Act 1975
4. Age Discrimination Act 2004
5. Australian Human Rights Commission Act 1986
6. Disability Discrimination Act 1992
7. Racial Discrimination Act 1975
8. Sex Discrimination Act 1984.
· The CEO of BM wants to see an improvement in BM’s customer service standards. The other Senior Executives include the Finance Manager and the Human Resources Manager. The senior executives have made a decision to partner with a training organisation to achieve its long term goals. The annual budget for this program is $20,000. The funding will be provided by BM
· It is your responsibility to develop a learning program partnership for BM with ACTB, a registered training organisation in order to:
1. Up-skill your team of 40 employees in the following areas:
· Customer service skills
· Workplace health and safety legislation
2. Enable two selected senior staff members to attain a nationally recognised ‘Diploma of Management’ qualification through ACTB every yea
Your task:
1. Based on the above scenario, respond to the following questions:
· What is the mission of your organisation?
Become Australia’s leading customer service provider.
· What are the core values of your organisation?
BM upholds the values of ‘customer care’, ‘friendly service’ and employee safety.
· What are the strategic goals of your organisation?
The strategic goal of BM is to:
a. Achieve 30% growth in sales by improving customer service standards
. Reduce workplace injuries by 50% within one year by providing workplace health and safety training to staff
· List at least three specific laws that your organisation must comply with:
a. Work Health and Safety Act 2011
. Fair Work Act 2009
c. Racial Discrimination Act 1975
2. Read the ‘Checklist for setting up and maintaining the partnership’ on Page 16-18 of Reading 3 (Partnerships: Frameworks for working together) to understand how you can develop a detailed plan for the above partnership between your workplace an ACTB. Answer the questions below:
a. Step 1: Defining the need for a partnership
i. What is the need for a partnership with ACTB?
· Up-skill your team of 40 employees in the following areas:
· Customer service skills
· Workplace health and safety legislation
ii. What benefits will be gained for BM by this partnership?
· Improvement in BM’s customer service standards
· Enhancement in customer service skills
iii. What benefits will be there for ACTB?
ACTB would gain rewards and appreciation for its efforts in case if the objectives of setting this partnership are successfully accomplished. Also, it would gain a chance of collaborating with a known Australian company i.e. BM.
. Step 2: Starting the process
i. Who should be involved in the discussions regarding forming a partnership between BM and ACTB?
Top management and managers of both the companies will be involved in the discussions regarding forming a partnership between BM and ACTB
ii. List the responsibilities of ACTB in the partnership.
· Making sure that the employees gain the required training
· Making sure that BM has required resources for offering appropriate training to the staff members
iii. List the responsibilities of BM in the partnership
· Effective alignment of standards and targets among partners
· Equal distribution of power
· Proper responsibilities
· Incessant change
· Effective decision-forming approach
iv. What is the function and nature of the partnership?
The function of the partnership is to Up-skill team of 40 employees in customer service skills and workplace health and safety legislation
i. What benefits will be gained for BM by this partnership?
· Improvement in BM’s customer service standards
· Enhancement in customer service skills
ii. What are the benefits and outcomes for the target groups?
The employees would become more proficient in their tasks and ca
y out the assigned procedures more effectively.
c. Setting up and maintaining the partnership
i. What is the vision and agreed goals for this partnership?
Vision: To be recognized as a known customer service provider and uphold the values of ‘customer care’, ‘friendly service’ and employee safety.
Agreed Goals
· Achieve 30% growth in sales by improving customer service standards
· Reduce workplace injuries by 50% within one year by providing workplace health and safety training to staff
ii. What skills and competencies will be needed to manage and support the partnership
· Effective Stakeholder Alignment
· Handling Performance
· Conflict Resolution
· Harnessing Diversity for Capturing Innovation
· Change Management
· Influence without control
· Financial and Business insight
· Cultural Sensitivity and Savvy
· Collaborative Selling

iii. What is the recommended process for decision making?
The decision making process should involve the following steps:
· Identifying the decision
· Collecting information
· Identifying alternatives
· Weighing the evidence
· Choosing amongst the alternatives
· Taking co
ective action
· Reviewing the decision
iv. What processes can be used for performance monitoring?
· Committing to a plan
· Leading by example
· Looking for teaching and guiding situations
· Fostering connections
· Asking for feedback
v. Who will fund the program?
The program would be mostly funded by BM Company
vi. Develop a communication strategy for BM and ACTB
Effective partnerships are developed upon mutual understanding as well as clear objectives and goals. A strong communications plan, which considers how effectively to share as well as allocate information amongst partners is considered as being a necessary part of this partnership. In the given case the partners should be constantly familiar with what is taking place inside as well as outside of the relation along with the likely affects upon the partnership. Moreover, trust is considered as being a fundamental prerequisite for this partnership. All associates must understand that the relationship is cooperative, faithful and sound. Additionally, it should be made sure that both the groups are properly and regularly updated regarding the progress and procedures through way of regular meetings, discussions and notice.
vii. Define ground rules between BM and ACTB
· Knowing what both the parties are getting into
· Establishing the basics from the very beginning
· Getting everything in writing
· Being flexible
· Having clear boundaries and control
viii. Develop an administration plan for this partnership to work effectively
Bamford, J., Ernst, D. and Fubini, D. G. (2004) Launching a World-Class Joint Venture, Harvard Business Review
Bennett, R. (2009) Designed for Change: End-to-End Arguments, Internet Innovation, and the Net Neutrality Debate, Free Press
Kurose, J. F and Keith, W. R. (2005) Computer Networking: A Top-Down Approach Featuring the Internet, Pearson Education
Larson, A. (2016) What is a Partnership, Wiley 
Spurgeon, C. E. (2000) Ethernet: The Definitive Guide, O'Reilly & Associates
William, S. (2004) Computer Networking with Internet Protocols and Technology, Pearson Education
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