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SUBJECT: MANAGING CULTURAL DIVERSITY CONSULTANCY REPORT- What strategies should Australian Business adopt in current times .Please select one from these current trends: a)Covid 19 b)Black Lives matter...

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What strategies should Australian Business adopt in current times .Please select one from these current trends: a)Covid 19 b)Black Lives matter c)Brexit d)USA China Trade war e)The rise of the Internet Revolution etc)

This assessment requires students to provide a briefing report as a consultant on a key global

issue in international business management. The length of this report is 4000 words. You are

a Management Consultant tasked with an assignment to research and report on a prominent

issue that will impact on the world and Australian Business in any industry operating

overseas. You can select any existing Australian business small or large operating overseas in

any country and select a current issue impacting their business or your own choice and

research and write a report on that topic. Please note you can also select a hypothetical

Australian business operating in a country of your choice.

YOUR TASK: You are a consultant tasked with a submission, developing a comprehensive

analysis of the impact of any current global event in general and to "AUSTRALIAN

BUSINESS" in particular to assist them with their future internationalisation strategy.

Whilst doing this your focus will be on the "CULTURE" and the “CONTEXT” you select

and you will analyse the situation based on the cross cultural dimensions, concepts and

cultural theories that you study in class. Your report should encompass all risks: Political,

Cultural, Social, Legal, Economic and provide advice on the impact of the current happenings

to Australian businesses operating globally. In particular you are required to critique, analyse

and assess the following four issues with CULTURE as a basis:

i. Global impact of a current happening (For example: Covid 19, Black lives matter, Brexit,

USA China trade War) on businesses in general in the World and in specific on Australian

businesses operating overseas and what strategies they should adopt.

ii. Country (where the Australian business is operating) specific economic, political, legal,

cultural, social, cultural characteristics and history and its impact on Australian business.

iii. Possible implications, strategies and contingency planning for Australian business.

The assignment is research based and requires the student to gain knowledge about using varied research sources. The assignment will develop critical thinking and analytical skills and enable students to synthesize information and develop informed views. This assignment requires students to explore and apply an advanced body of knowledge in a range of current contexts in Diversity Management, Cross Cultural Management/Business or Cross-Cultural Leadership/International Business/ Management discipline.

The research report will begin with identifying a current topic in the above-mentioned disciplines. Discuss with your unit coordinator for guidance if necessary. Start the project with conducting a brief research on the topic to advance the theoretical knowledge and develop your cognitive skills in the discipline. Students will identify one or two theories from the vast knowledge in the area and investigate their research informed by these theories. Collect quantitative or qualitative data, secondary data or case studies to support your


research. The report will end with a conclusion section to analyse the data and draw outcomes, implications, strategies and conclusions for the business in context. Please note that the time available to you is limited, so please keep the scope of the research limited and commence the research and writing work as soon as possible as the individual report is an important part of your unit. Sample assignments from past semesters can be seen on ilearn.

Please prepare your research paper, using the following guidelines:


All files should be submitted as a Word document: Times Roman, Font 12.

Article Length

Articles should have a max length of 4000 words. This includes all text including references and appendices.

Article Title

A title of not more than eight words should be provided.


  • Purpose/Objectives

  • Body

  • Findings

  • Practical implications


References to other publications must be in Harvard style and carefully checked for completeness, accuracy and consistency. You should cite publications in the text: (Adams, 2006) using the first named author's name or (Adams and Brown, 2006) citing both names of two, and (Adams et al., 2006), when there are three or more authors. At the end of the paper a reference list in alphabetical order should be supplied

Answered Same Day Oct 23, 2021 Macquarie University


Parul answered on Oct 24 2021
153 Votes
With massive spread of novel coronavirus in Australia has largely influence the economy of the country halting various operation activities, inte
uptions proper functioning of business and movement of people and complete isolating the existing supply chains. Australian economy and businesses are em
acing the uncertainty of COVID-19 pandemic and how all the stakeholders are evolving their business in most unprecedented manner. Business of food as well as agriculture has deeply impacted to different degrees with several food companies that experiences escalated levels of demands for products. Other industries like seafood was also impacted since most export markets were in close vicinity to China while on the other hand there has been a tremendous decline in demand for restaurants, food service as well as cafe. While Technology and Telecommunication industries are booming in this COVID times. More number of customers are connecting with the organisation for either their connections to internet as well as there is major inclination of working digitally (Foroughi, C., 2019).
Findings & Practical Implication
Leaders in business are wrestling with hard realities of establishing premise that is remote, have minimum face to face interaction with customers, relocate their employees to their home as well as experimenting new ways of working. With the spread of coronavirus, business everywhere have been impacted...

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