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Essay questions 1 AST3PoP essay 1 questions 2021. Select one question from the following list. 1) Both Indonesian Wayang komiks and Indian Amar chitra katha draw upon the Indian Hindu epics of...

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Essay questions 1
AST3PoP essay 1 questions 2021.
Select one question from the following list.
1) Both Indonesian Wayang komiks and Indian Amar chitra katha draw upon the Indian Hindu
epics of Ramayana and Mahabharata for their source material. Discuss why this is the case.
Discuss the similarities or differences between each type of comic.
2) Japanese manga are known for their different genres and subgenres– shōnen, shōjo,
kodomo (child), lady etc as well as sports, ho
or, sci-fi, BL etc. Pick one genre or subgenre to
3) Chinese Lianhuanhua are described as ‘pirated films’. Why? Give examples.
4) Comic genres are often used as a form of social or political commentary and critique.
Explain how the medium lends itself to this. Pick one instance or event to illustrate your
5) “C-pop” covers a number of musical genres and languages. Discuss one (or more) of these
genres in terms of transcultural flows.
6) “K-Pop” has taken the world by storm. Give an overview of the genre’s styles, hallmarks and
development. Why is it so popular and what are the ramifications of this?
7) How does music overcome ba
iers of language and space? Give examples from regions in
8) Increasingly, the idol factory system of producing stars and talents has come under fire.
Select a site where this system is used and discuss.
9) (Negotiate your own essay question based on your pet research topic. Contact Instructor
The essay should be no more than 1500 words.
The purpose of the essay is to introduce you to researching a topic over a period of weeks,
marshalling evidence for your argument, and presenting your considered academic opinion in an
appropriate style of academic English
Be sure to focus on answering the question, and use carefully chosen examples to reinforce the
argument of the essay. Give citations using the citation style of your choice. See the La Trobe Li
Guide for examples and instructions
Remember to give your essay a title (this is not just the question) to guide your reader.
Do not pad your bibliography; it should contain references only to those books and articles you have
actually read in preparation for, and refe
ed to in, your essay. – Bibliography vs Reference list.
Upload your completed word doc to LMS using Turnitin by April 1st.

• A range – Excellent/Outstanding work. The student has an excellent understanding of the
subject that they are writing on and that they communicate this well through their writing.
The student has outstanding written expression and has given clear references.
• B range – Very good / solid work. The student has clearly understood the topic and their
work critiques/gives commentary which shows this. The student has good written expression
although there may be some e
• C range – The student’s work is satisfactory and shows some understanding of the topic.
When no direct references to any texts are given (direct quotes etc) the student should
eceive a C-.
• D/E range – The student’s work is unsatisfactory and or incoherent and shows little to no
understanding of the topic
Answered Same Day Mar 31, 2022


Manashi answered on Mar 31 2022
114 Votes
Chinese Lianhuanhua, adaptation and ‘pirated films’
Introduction to Chinese Lianhuanhua
Before the emerge of the pirated DVDs which became to curse to most of the movie industries which decreased their movie earnings, piracy started long back. This a tradition which is not a new practice. We are all aware about pirated movies. Now we will talk about a piracy which is the “Chinese Lianhuanhua”. Let us have a
ief introduction about “Lianhuanhua” before understanding why is it called “Pirated Films”. Lianhuanhua and another one popularly known as Manhua were Chinese comics historically known as such. Lianhuanhua was very popular in China in the 20th century. This is because at that time the printing technology was very cheap and it made it possible for the publishers to produce such images and comics printed at a very low cost. That is why lianhuanhua become very popular at that time due to its availability in abundant. Also, Lianhuanhua was a source of entertainment for the people because these comics use to na
ate stories in pictures.
The drawings and the stories were so interesting that it was a kind of addiction to the people who started reading these comics and they struggled to know more if it was a sequence. They don’t stop until they complete the entire series. This was basically a comic production which took its adaptation from various popular sources, movies, characters, etc. They were using sequence of drawings or we can say comics in sequence. Basically the “hua” means drawings and “lianhuan” means linked up that are joined together in a chain. The pictorial sequence that was used in the comic started telling stories to us depicted in pictures. The contents of lianhuanhua’s ranges from Chinese literary classics, fiction, non-fiction, translated literature, fairy tales, myths, folklore, biography, etc.
It is said that lianhuanhua proceeded manhua because both of them emerged as distinct forms of production. These comics consisted of colourful and even black and white drawings in normal and big images, often consisting text just below the image describing the situation or the story. Also, speech balloons were used to jot down text. These comics were very cheap and in very low prices could be purchased. Even if someone couldn’t purchase or cannot afford, they could rent these comics in the streets kiosks and can read them. There were chairs in the street where a vendor selling such comics had shelves containing these whole lot of tiny comics and people usually came rented them and started reading them. These comics were sequences of stories which can run up to several volumes and people can finish it up in one sitting too. They can be compared to manga cafes but it has gone now. From the year 1949, lianhuanhua’s were more prominently used in disseminating information and ideas regarding communist...

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