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Assignment 1 2021 FIT2102 Programming Paradigms 2021 Assignment 1: Functional Reactive Programming Due Date: 10/09/2021 Weighting: 30% of your final mark for the unit Overview. Students will work...

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Assignment 1 2021
FIT2102 Programming Paradigms 2021
Assignment 1: Functional Reactive Programming
Due Date: 10/09/2021
Weighting: 30% of your final mark for the unit
Overview. Students will work independently to create a classic arcade game using Functional
Reactive Programming (FRP) techniques. Programs will be implemented in TypeScript and will
use RxJS Observable streams to handle animation and user interaction. Programs should
demonstrate a good understanding of functional programming techniques as explored in the first
five weeks of the course and should include written documentation of the design and features.
Submission instructions. A .zip file named which should extract to
a folder named studentNo_name. Do not submit the node_modules or dist folder. It should
contain all the code for your program along with all the supporting files as well as the report. It
should include sufficient documentation that we can appreciate everything you have done. You
also need to include a report describing your design decisions. The report must be named
studentNo_name.pdf. The only external li
ary should be RxJS li
aries supplied with the
starter code. Make sure the code you submit executes properly.
Task description
In this assignment we will use the RxJS Observable stream explored in the Week 4 worksheet
to create the classic Space Invaders game (YouTube) in an SVG image hosted in the
spaceInvaders.html webpage. The YouTube video is meant to give you an idea of the basic
gameplay, but yours needn’t look the same or work in precisely the same way. You will also
need to write a report detailing the design of your game. The baseline functionality required for a
passing grade, what needs to be included in your report and a list of alternative ideas fo
achieving an HD, are listed below.
Minimum requirements. All of these requirements must be reasonably executed to achieve a
passing grade (detailed marking ru
ic below).
- Implement a one-player Space Invaders game with a spaceship movable by mouse
(while the mouse cursor is over the svg canvas) or by keyboard.
- Rows of aliens should appear and move across and down the screen.
- The aliens should fire bullets at the user. If the user is hit by one bullet, the user will die
and the game will end
- Indicate the score for the player.
- A 1-2 page PDF report detailing your design decisions and use of functional
programming techniques discussed in the course notes.
Full Game:
- Meets minimum requirements
- The user has shields, which disintegrate over collisions
- Smooth and usable game play.
- Able to restart when game finishes
- The game progresses to a new level after all aliens are shot
- See video for an idea of appropriate gameplay
All the above need to be implemented in a good functional reactive programming style to get a
good grade. To get a higher grade you have to use a little creativity and add some functionality
of your own choice -- suggestions below.
Ideas for getting an HD. Any one or more of the following (or something of your own devising
with a similar degree of complexity) done well (on top of the basic functionality described above)
will earn you an HD provided it is implemented using the functional programming ideas we have
covered in lectures and tutes:
- Create unit tests and create a file tests/main.test.js
- Incorporate gameplay from other classic arcade games -- e.g.,
eakout, galaga, etc.
- Add power-ups to the game -- larger shields, slower aliens, faster spaceship, etc.
- Add combination bonuses, e.g if you hit 5 aliens in a row.
- Advanced (not recommended unless you already know how): Make a distributed
multiplayer version, wrapping the comms in Observable (you’ll have to provide your own
server for this).
- Your own ideas!
Some of the above will require a little independent research. That’s what computer science is all
Report. Your report should be 1- 2 pages in length, plus up to one page per extension, where
you should:
- Include basic report formatting headings/paragraphs
- Include diagrams as necessary.
- Summarise the workings of the code and highlight the interesting parts.
- Give a high level overview of your design decisions and justification.
- Explain how you tried to follow the FRP style.
- How you manage state throughout your game.
Marking. The goal of this assignment is to assess your understanding of FRP. The marking is
done in two parts.
1. Implementation of game features.
2. Use and understanding of proper functional programming style.
The idea here is that adding features to Space Invaders will grant you a higher grade under the
condition that it is done in proper Functional and FRP style. For an example of the proper style,
efer to the example Asteroids Game described in the Course Notes. Code that does not use
Observable will not get a passing grade; code which relies on imperative code will be penalised.
To achieve a mark in the HD range you need to implement a complete Space Invaders game
with good style and a choice few additional features, as above.
Additional information
Similar to the tutorial exercises we will provide you with a starter project which you can
download in a zip file from Moodle that contains:
- spaceInvaders.html cu
ently just an empty SVG object. Your Space Invaders game
goes here! Add instruction text to the page to explain how to play your Space Invaders
game. Make sure the instructions are sufficient that we can properly try out all of you
- spaceInvaders.ts source code for your Space Invaders game. This is where most of
your work will go.
Tips for getting started.
- Complete the Week 4 Tutorial Worksheet Observable exercises and begin studying
Observable in the course notes.
- In week 5 Tutorial you will complete observableexamples.ts
- Once you have completed the above, work through the example Asteroids Game
described in the Course Notes. Follow the same framework to begin adding functionality
to spaceInvaders.ts as above.
More tips.
- Finish all the JavaScript and TypeScript tutes (up to the first part of Week 5) and the
course notes FRP material first. They are designed to give you the experience you need
to prepare for this assignment.
- Come to the workshops and tutes for important tips and assistance.
- Attend consultations given by the teaching team.
- Any general questions should be directed to the Ed forums when possible. However, try
to avoid posting potential solutions. If you cannot make the consultations, you may make
a private post with Staff on the assignment with code.
- Your code should include
ief comments to explain logic and design choices where
necessary or to refer to detailed explanations in your report. Please do not add
comments that are self evident from the code, e.g.:
- const x = 1;
variable x is set to 1.
- Start as soon as possible. Do not leave the assignment until it’s too late.
Recommended coding practises.
- Structure your program in a consistent and coherent manner (group relevant functions,
declarations, and variables together)
- Use block/section comments to clearly layout each part of your code
- Use nice indenting and formatting (can look into formatters if you wish prettier beautify)
- Use camelCase for names and UPPER_CASE for constants
Plagiarism. We will be checking your code against the rest of the class and the internet using a
plagiarism checker. Monash applies strict penalties to students who are found to have
committed plagiarism.
Marking ru
It is important to realise that, as stated above:
- If you implement the Minimum requirements above, demonstrating application of
functional programming ideas from our lectures and tutes, you will achieve a pass grade.
- You can receive up to a D for perfectly implementing the Minimum requirements,
demonstrating a thorough understanding of how to use Observable to write clean, clea
functional UI code.
- To achieve a HD you will need to implement the Full game requirements
- To achieve the maximum possible marks you will need to implement the full game
equirements plus some aspect of additional functionality as described above.
ic table.
Code/Report quality Space Invaders implementation
Full game Full game
+ extension(s)
Any of the following are not acceptable:
- Use of imperative code
- TypeScript compile e
- `any` types
- Not using rx.js
- No comments
- Missing or unreadable report
- Missing instructions for how to
play the game
Not passing. Not passing. Not passing.
Pure functional code (except in
`subscribe` handlers), no compile e
asic comments, basic report covering
the implemented features.
The code leverages Observable, has
generic types, and side-effects are
identified; comments only describe the
code. In addition to covering the
implemented features, the report
demonstrates basic understanding of
FRP principles.
Small pure functions, immutable data
and reusable code exploiting parametric
polymorphism, side-effects are
contained; complete comments
explaining the rationale and choices fo
the code. Detailed report of implemented
features that demonstrates strong
understanding of Functional
Programming and FRP.

Assignment XXXXXXXXXXpdf
FIT2102 Programming Paradigms 2021
Assignment 1: Functional Reactive Programming
Due Date: 10/09/2021
Weighting: 30% of your final mark for the unit
Overview. Students will work independently to create a classic arcade game using Functional
Reactive Programming (FRP) techniques. Programs will be implemented in TypeScript and will
use RxJS Observable streams to handle animation and user interaction. Programs should
demonstrate a good understanding of functional programming techniques as explored in the first
five weeks of the course and should include written documentation of the design and features.
Submission instructions. A .zip file named which should extract to
a folder named studentNo_name. Do not submit the node_modules or dist folder. It should
contain all the code for your program along with all the supporting files as well as the report. It
should include sufficient documentation that we can appreciate everything you have done. You
also need to include a report describing your design decisions. The report must be named
studentNo_name.pdf. The only external li
ary should be RxJS li
aries supplied with the
starter code. Make sure the code you submit executes properly.
Task description
In this assignment we will use the RxJS Observable stream explored in the Week 4 worksheet
to create the classic Space Invaders game (YouTube) in an SVG image hosted in the
spaceInvaders.html webpage. The YouTube video is meant to give you an idea of the basic
gameplay, but yours needn’t look the same or work in precisely the same way. You will also
need to write a report detailing the design of your game. The baseline functionality required for a
passing grade, what needs to be included in your report and a list of alternative ideas fo
achieving an HD,
Answered 2 days After Sep 06, 2021


Neha answered on Sep 09 2021
146 Votes
90677 - space invadors/index.html

90677 - space invadors/Play-Regular.ttf
90677 - space invadors
The space invader is a game which is based on the JavaScript and HTML5. There are no frameworks in this game, and it is fun to recreate it. Once we start the game on screen will appear with the start menu options and it will have controls for the games. The controls will be provided for the a
ow keys and the other controls will be available in the game manual. The game will have multiple space enemies and shooting will be done with the help of space bar for this game. Once the game is started the enemies will start to show the bullets remove, please do italics then we keep on. If we move or try to stop done the enemies can come to work, they use it will appear institute after they get. Did speed of increasing after period of time for JavaScript insert in part of the games.
To play this game the user does not have to get any type of local server. It is executable on the
owser. We can use Mozilla Firefox or the Google Chrome to get optimised and better game plays. To start the game, we have to open the game the
owser and click the industry. The space invaders game can be used for the educational purpose as it helps us to learn about the JavaScript and its multiple usage for the single focus.
The enemies will be present on the top of the screen and the player will be present at the ground. The elements will start coming down from the top of the screen in the particular grid and they can also move left or right until they are able to hit either edge and at that point, they will start moving down and shoot in the projectile direction from the top. The whole grid works as a single screen so that if any of the enemy hit the edge then they all will move down and move in the opposite direction. The enemies who are present at the bottom of each column will be able to shoot to watch the player in projectile direction occasionally poster each of the enemy will have a rank and it will have their own graphic and points will be provided when they are killed. The enemies closer for the player will have lower rank and the enemies present on the top will have higher rank.
The player will be present at the bottom of the screen, and they get only move either left or right. They will be able to shoot projectiles in the upward direction and they can shoot only a single shot over the screen at a particular time. If the player is able to shoot the enemy, then the enemy will be deleted from the grid and player with able to gain some points. All the enemies will increase their speed. If the player is able to kill all the enemies, then a new grid of enemies will be created which are faster and more likely to shoot. The player will be awarded for another ship.
90677 - space invadors/script.js
let canvas = document.getElementById('myCanvas');
let ctx = canvas.getContext("2d");
(function () {
var requestAnimationFrame = window.requestAnimationFrame || window.mozRequestAnimationFrame || window.webkitRequestAnimationFrame || window.msRequestAnimationFrame;
window.requestAnimationFrame = requestAnimationFrame;
var cancvelAnimationFrame = window.cancelAnimationFrame || window.mozCancelAnimationFrame;
var animationID;
const tank = new Image();
tank.src = spriteBase64;
const invader = new Image();
invader.src = spriteBase64;
var startScreenTimeout;
var frameCount=0;
var armyPrevFrameCount=0;
var framesInOneSec = 1000/16;
var spritUnitHeight = 35;
var spriteUnitWidth = 64;
var scoreBarHeight = 50;
var tank__bottomOffset = (spritUnitHeight/2) + scoreBarHeight;
var tankX=canvas.width/2;
var tankdX = 4;
var tankY=canvas.height-(tank__bottomOffset);
var tankWidth= spriteUnitWidth/2;
var tankHeight =spritUnitHeight/2
var keys =[];
var score = 0;
var allowedLives = 3;
var lives = allowedLives;
var hasLifeDecreased = false;
var gameRunning = false;
var invaderWidth = spriteUnitWidth/2.5;
var invaderHeight = spritUnitHeight/2.5;
var invaderSpriteHeight = spritUnitHeight;
var invaderSpriteHeightsA
ay = [[68,102],[102,134],[102,134],[0,34],[0,34]];
var spriteSelector =0;
var armyRows = 5;
var armyColumns = 10;
var armyX = 60;
var armyY = 60;
var invaderLeftOffset = 15;
var invaderTopOffset = 20;
var armyDirection = "right";
var armyDx = 10;
var armyDy = 10;
var armySpeed = 40;
var armySpeed__decrement = 10;
let aliveInvaders = armyColumns* armyRows;
var armyInvaderBulletsSpeed = 4;
var armyA
ay = [];
var bullet__height = 10;
var bullet__width = 3;
var tankBullet__x;
var tankBullet__y;
var shouldMoveTankBullet = false;
var tankBullet__dy = 10;
var invaderBulletsA
ay = [];
var invBullet_dy =...

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