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Studying successful entrepreneurs has the potential for considerable learning and positive role modelling. You mustfind and research a successful Australian entrepreneur that you find interesting and...

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Studying successful entrepreneurs has the potential for considerable learning and positive role modelling. You mustfind and research a successfulAustralianentrepreneur that you find interesting and that you admire. This may include social entrepreneurs as well as for-profit entrepreneurs.


  1. Write a report in which you summarise your most important learning and insights you have gathered from your (secondary) research about the entrepreneur you have chosen. Explore and discuss patterns, differences and similarities evident between entrepreneurship theory and what you found written about your entrepreneur’s mindset, orientation, and behaviour.
  2. Provide a 1minute in-class presentation (talking only, no slides nor media, but an in class handout is allowed) in which you introduce and provide a summary of your entrepreneur and report. It is important that you highlight the entrepreneurial orientation of your chosen entrepreneur, and justification of your opinion.

Below are some aspects that you could investigate.Use these as a guideline only and make sure you cover everything assessed by the marking rubric:

  • Why can this person be categorised as an entrepreneur?
  • What type of entrepreneur is your chosen entrepreneur?
  • What are your entrepreneur’s major talents and shortcomings (as an entrepreneur)?
  • How would you describe your entrepreneur’s temperament?
  • How would you describe the entrepreneurial orientation of the person you are studying? (essential - assessed in rubric)
  • What things motivate your entrepreneur to pursue entrepreneurial opportunities?
  • What surprised you most about your entrepreneur’s behaviour?
  • Through your research, what was confirmed /contradicted about entrepreneurship?
  • What new insights emerged?
  • How important is teamwork to your entrepreneur?
  • What hurdles did he/she overcome?
  • What mistakes did he/she make?
  • Of what importance was networking to your entrepreneur?
  • Which “tools of the trade” is he/she using?
  • What factors support/hinder his/her entrepreneurial behaviour?
  • In what ways does this study inform your knowledge of entrepreneurship?

The key to this evaluation is the way in which you integrate the information you have collected about your entrepreneur with the content of this course and the theories (such as entrepreneurial orientation and the entrepreneurship process) underpinning entrepreneurship. It is not simply a list and outline of the events and activities of your selected entrepreneur, but the way in which you convey a focused and sustained argument supported by literature; appropriate for integrating theory and practice.

To this extent, you are to apply (and appropriately reference, both in-text and in the reference list) at least 10 sources (to include at least 5 academic journal articles, plus additional media or newspaper articles, periodicals, web links, blogs, social media and so on. An example of academic journal articles is provided in the Reading List.

Further guidelines


Your findings must be documented in the format of a management report. All information must be supported by references and this assignment must include at least three references to credible academic journals. Please refer to the report template on Moodle in the Assessments section.

In addition to your report you must provide a 1-minute in class presentation in which you introduce and provide a summary of your entrepreneur and report. It is important that you highlight the entrepreneurial orientation of your chosen entrepreneur, and justification of your opinion.

Report Length

Maximum 2,500 words, excluding references and appendices.

Assessment criteria

Please refer to and be guided by the rubrics for this assignment.


The report and presentation carry a combined weighting of 40%.

Submission requirements

Submit the final report via Moodle (TurnItIn) before or on the due date. Do NOT include your signed declaration form as part of your TurnItIn submission. Your cover page MUST include the following information: Your name and student number; Word count, clickable video hyperlink.


All three assignments must be presented in the format of a management report that complies with the following:

  • Format: Microsoft Word.
  • Font: 12 point, Times New Roman.
  • Text [Including references]: 1.5 line spacing, left-justified.
  • Page Layout: 1-inch (2.54cm) margins on all sides with page numbers in the bottom right corner and no header/footer.
  • A front cover page that contains the report’s title, author(s), submission date, video URL and word count.
  • An executive summary of no longer than one page.
  • A table of contents. Main and sub-sections must be numbered and linked to page numbers.
  • The report must be paginated.
  • The report must be spell-checked.
  • All Figures/Tables/Graphs must be sequentially numbered and captioned.
  • All Figures/Tables/Graphs must be referred to and discussed from within body of text.
  • In-text citation of sources must be done correctly (using APA6).
  • A reference list must be provided and comply with prescribed style (APA6).
  • Appendices must be sequentially numbered and appropriately captioned.
  • Remember, the most important part of the assessment is the abstract/executive summary!
  • Each report must have an introduction and end with a conclusion.

A report template is provided on the course LMS site. You can edit and modify its appearance to your

Answered Same Day Aug 14, 2021 La Trobe University


Ishika answered on Aug 16 2021
147 Votes
Running head: ANALYSIS                                     
Entrepreneur Analysis
Student Name
Institute Affiliation
Executive summary
Entrepreneurship is not an easy job and it requires vision and consistent working with the trust that the vision is going to become reality with the amount of work we invest. A forward-thinking vision is capable enough to inspire and engage others. The vision drives people by their focussed and strong business vision. It is the key to courage which is needed in every business to take bold decisions that mostly come around with huge risks. A leader with motivational thinking or motivational speaking skills can easily inspire others to work harder for the common goal. Leadership skills are also related to various other processes within an organization. The managers should be able to solve the various conflicts that might surface in various situations. Leaders find ways to solve problems without any bias, even firing critical situations. What it takes to be a leader and therefore that leader is willing to put in order to become one speaks a lot about his consistent position in the market. This report is a detailed analysis of Azim Premji, one of the inspiring leaders from India who has turned into an impeccable leader starting from the base as an employee and an electrical engineer. For an entrepreneur to be successful, I feel like he must go through all the steps from being an intern to an employee to a leader and further. Being an optimistic person, I always try to be cautious and factual about the situations, which I think are the two most important qualities of being an entrepreneur. Given that, Mr. Azim Premji has been an inspiration to me since the beginning and I would like to follow the exact step by step process to grow.
Table of Contents
Executive summary    2
1. Introduction    4
2. Motivation, History, and background of the Entrepreneur    4
3. Analysis of the overview of the past venture, involvement, and cu
ent venture development and growth    5
4. Entrepreneurial orientation    5
5. Reflection on personal learning    6
6. The argument of the entrepreneur characteristics and achievements    8
7. Conclusion    9
8. References    10
Entrepreneur Analysis
1. Introduction
Management styles differ from one person to another and every style is influenced by the experiences and perspectives of the leader. This report discusses the achievements and analysis of one of the prominent entrepreneurs in India, Azim Premji. Starting from his background to his growth as one of the richest men in the country is quite astonishing and a complete analysis of the growth graph has been discussed.
2. Motivation, History, and background of the Entrepreneur    
Azim Premji is the third richest man in India and he is known for his business skills and philanthropy. He is an Electrical Engineer, graduated from Standford University, and has been at the helm of Wipro since. His contribution to the company since the 60s has made what was then a $2-million value company to $8.5 billion, expanding its services to IT, BPO, R&D, and so on. Now, the firm has its presence over 58 countries, and credits cannot be denied.
Azim Hasim Premji, 73, remains active as chairman of Wipro and his influence also spans a non-IT, privately held business, a family office that holds private equity investments in multiple ventures and businesses, and a highly respected philanthropic effort via the Azim Premji Foundation, which he set up in 2001, and further funded with a $2 billion endowment from his own wealth ("With $21 billion, Premji Azim among world’s top philanthropists", 2019). Wipro, the company was started in the year 1945. In the year 1980, he recognized the growing importance of the IT field.
Azim Premji is not easily influenced by the outsider’s opinions i
espective of how popular or loud it is. He does what he believes is co
ect. Upon seeing the economic problems in the country when there was economic reform in the year 1991 he saw this as an opportunity and decided to collaborate with American companies. He deeply understood the things that were taking place in his su
oundings. He also knew about how the economic reforms would impact his ideas as well as the country. He decided to expand his business further by manufacturing many new things. He was a keen observer, therefore, he smartly handled his ideas related to his business.
3. Analysis of the overview of the past venture, involvement, and cu
ent venture development and growth
During the last year in the month of September, Azim Premji announced a deal with the Alight Solution worth $1.5-1.6 billion. It is the largest deal ever in the history of the company. It was announced today that Wipro consumer care had signed an agreement to acquire the Philippines based company named Splash Corporation. This agreement gave the company entry to the East Asian country (Mishra, 2018). Splash Corporation has almost 15% market shares that are outside of their country, Philippines. It is Wipro consumer cares 11th acquisition. The company has promised to invest in emerging companies. They hope that their new acquisition would
ing a double-digit internal return on their investment.
When IBM left India he found this as an opportunity and he took advantage of this idea and began to...

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