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Students will prepare a formal academic paper in an essay format of 2500 (±10%) words which must addressone of the FOUR (4)essay questions provided by Week 2 (on Blackboard under the Assessment...

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Students will prepare a formal academic paper in an essay format of 2500 (±10%) words which must addressone of the FOUR (4)essay questions provided by Week 2 (on Blackboard under the Assessment tab).The requirements for this essay will also be discussed in the class in details. The major essay has to include both a descriptive and an analytical component. In other words, you need to be able to present credible information on the topic that you select in an organized and structured way as well as provide a critical analysis (not just a summary of the relevant literature). ‘Credible information’ means that your information derives from scholarly i.e., peer-reviewed references. ‘Critical analysis’ in this instance means identifying, defining and discussing discipline-related concepts and problems raised in your lectures and readings and applying them to the credible information you have collected. Your essay needs to be fully referenced and written to academic standards. The assessment criteria (rubric) for the major assignment is available on Blackboard. Your essay needs to demonstrate the evidence of having read and absorbed AT LEAST TEN (10) scholarly academic journal articles (you can include other authenticated reference sources e.g., Books, Australian Bureau of Statistics, as needed, but these do not count towards the minimum required number of scholarly articles). Nor will online reports by academics (Working papers, Discussion papers, commissioned reports of all kinds) or by organizations or institutions, including NGOs and Government departments, be counted as scholarly. You must AVOID web-based materials taken from sites such as Wikipedia, Investopedia,, individual blogs, and etcetera.
Answered Same Day May 30, 2021


Abhishek answered on May 30 2021
149 Votes
Introduction    3
Justifying How Responsible is Corporate Social Responsibility in the Real World    4
General Concept of Corporate Social Responsibility    4
Advantages of Good and Effective Corporate Social Responsibility    6
Examples of Corporate Social Responsibilities of Some Companies and Positive Impact on the Real World    8
Corporate Social Responsibility of Johnson & Johnson    9
Coca-Cola and their CSR    9
CSR of the Ford Motor Company    10
CSR of Netflix & Spotify    11
Wells Fargo and their CSR    12
Conclusion    12
Bibliography    14
Corporate Social Responsibility that is in short known as CSR of a company is the commitment of the company to manage the social, environmental and economic affairs properly. It is important to mention here that it is the social obligation of any business organisation to have some obligations towards to the society and the people of the society[footnoteRef:1]. Thus for the success and achievement of any business organisation it is very important for the company or the organisation to have some responsibilities towards the society. If it can be done by any organisation properly then it will be ultimately good for the reputation and the
and of the company[footnoteRef:2]. [1: H. M. Belal, Siti Norezam Othman, Mohamad Faizal Ahmad Zaidi, and Kunio Shirahada. "Collaboration impact on social well-being for business sustainability: a case study of a Malaysian water treatment SME company." International Journal of Services and Operations Management, 34, no. 3 (2019): 385-404.] [2: James N. Cannon, Zhejia Ling, Qian Wang, and Olena V. Watanabe. "10-K disclosure of corporate social responsibility and firms’ competitive advantages." European Accounting Review 29, no. 1 (2020): 85-113.]
Every small or large company in today’s society takes some responsibility for the society. In this way, those companies earn reputation in the society and in the market also. Thus, it is very important for the
and of the company and it is aimed to give any business organisation competitive advantage in the market. In this essay, some examples of different organisations will be illustrated within the discussion part of the essay to substantiate the fact that how CSR or Corporate Social Responsibility is important as well as significant for any business organisation. If the CSR of any business organisation is strong then it will be better for the organisation to have a good and positive impact on the market.
Justifying How Responsible is Corporate Social Responsibility in the Real World
General Concept of Corporate Social Responsibility     
Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) is a business organisation’s commitment towards the society, environment and the economic effects so that it looks like the company truly values and cares for the society. If it is proved that, any company truly cares for the society and the people of the society then it will enormously advantageous for the growth and the success of the company. The CSR activities of any company can include the issues like:
    CSR Facto
    Beneficiary Facto
    The policies of the company
    If the policies of any company is modelled as per the CSR then it will be helpful for the company to get a good and significant
and as it will be easier for the company to conduct the business activities as per ethical business norms.
    Investing some profit dividends in health and safety of the environment
    If the management of the company can adopt some strategies for some percent of the profit on charitable tasks like doing something for the society and the people then it will be helpful for the company to get a name and
and in the market. Thus, this company will be able to differentiate themselves from the other companies in the market. If the company can turn all their operations eco-friendly then it will be better for the company as the society and the people will feel that the company truly cares for the society and the environment. Thus, it is very important for any business organisation to make the operations of the company in such a way that any sort of pollution of the society can be averted. If it can be done then it will save the people from health hazard factors. Thus, it is very important for any business organisation to follow the factors of CSR will full dedication and commitment. In addition to this it is also very important to make the SCM that the Supply Chain Management of the company very much eco-friendly so that all sorts of possibilities of pollution can be reduced to zero percentage.
    Supporting the Charitable organisations
    At local level, it is very important for the company to observe some CSR and charitable activities. For example if a company intends to ca
y out business activities in the United Arab Emirates then it is very important for the company to have some services for the country UAE and the people of the country. If by chance, the country confronts any sort of trouble factors then being a business organisation, it is very important for the company to have some responsibilities for that country. Further, at the local level it is also important for the company to organise some charitable activities for the people of that country and serve the poor of that country from the portion of profit that will be earned from the country.
    Honest and Acceptable Price Structure
    It is true that the chief pursuit of any business organization lies in the fact that it is to earn good profits by selling their products or services. However being a CSR aware organisation it is very important for any organisation to fix the prices of the company keeping in mind the economy and the purchase power of the people of the company. If the company with the approval of the management of the company can initiate the fixation, of the prices as per the ability of the market then it will be easier for the company to...

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