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Students are required to submit a 3-4 page essay XXXXXXXXXXwords) that contains 10-15 citations from only the course textbook: Citations from the course’s power-point slides will not count as part of...

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Students are required to submit a 3-4 page essay XXXXXXXXXXwords) that contains 10-15 citations from only the course textbook: Citations from the course’s power-point slides will not count as part of the 10-15 required citations. Each citation must have the author’s name, year of publication, and date, for example: (Hobsbawm 1994:43).The essay should have a table of contents indicating page numbers of the major sections. The format and bibliography should be completed via the APA style or the Chicago Manual of Style. Guidelines for both can be found online. But if you use the APA style then you must still insert citations in the text of the essay – as in the reading assignments.

Essay Structure

  1. Introduction and Overall Thesis (example: “This paper argues that A’s explanation provide us with a better understanding of society, social change, social order, or social problems better than other potential explanations. The essay will provide three arguments and counter-arguments in order to demonstrate the superiority of A over B. The paper will then conclude with recommendations for future research and social policy in light of the arguments provided.”

2. Argument (paragraph), Counter-argument (paragraph), Reply (paragraph)

3. Argument, Counter-argument, Reply

4. Argument, Counter-argument, Reply

5. Conclusion (Restate argument, counter-arguments, and replies and then discuss the social and theoretical implications of the essay. What social policies should be implemented in light of your argument? Following on the essay’s conclusions what future research should be undertaken?)

Essay evaluation

  • 1. Does the paper have a clear thesis statement?
  • 2. Does the paper have an adequate number of citations XXXXXXXXXXcitations)?
  • 3. Does the paper provide at least three thoughtfully argued reasons for the thesis?
  • 4. Does the paper confront counter-arguments?
  • 5. Is the paper clearly written in terms of grammar, structure, and style?
  • 6. Does the conclusion restate the argument, the counter-arguments and the replies?
  • 7. Does the conclusion deal with the implications of the thesis, that is, does it propose better social policies and future research?
  • 8. Is the argument convincing?
Essay Question-

Write a 1000 word essay explaining which of the ten articles that you summarized for this course best explains society, social problems, social change, or social order. Be sure to compare at least three articles in order to make your argument for one of them. Feel free to use contemporary social problems like the coronavirus pandemic or mental issues as examples to explain why one article’s sociological approach is more persuasive than the others.

Choose from the following articles from our course textbook “Seeing Ourselves”:

Ch.31 p. 184, Mead

Ch.34, p. 201, Dubois

Ch. 41, p. 240, Mills

Ch.37, p.220, Hobbs & Damon

Ch.47, p. 287, Weber

Ch. 54, p. 337, Deber,

Ch. 56, p. 354, Overboe

Ch.62, p. 393, Wright

Ch.68, p. 434, Simons

Answered Same Day Jun 27, 2022


Parul answered on Jun 28 2022
86 Votes
By the virtue of this assignment, I have performed extensive research and analysis on three chapters - 52, 62 and 67. While comparing the insights from all three chapters, I found that they focus on contemporary aspects and based on the domain of environment and society. Although three chapters have different specifics attached to it yet all have the potential to shape behavior. First chapter that I have analyzed is Getting What We Pay For: Myths and Realities About Financing Canada's Health Care System by Raisa B. Deber. It is a very insightful lesson on people behavior and society as well as speaks about social change. Essentially chapter focuses on the disparity in the healthcare industry especially the private and public service provider. The second chapter that I have analyzed in Fool's Paradise by Ronald Wright which intrigues about growing changes in climate because of deforestation and industrialization. Third chapter that I have analyzed is Facebook: Friend or Foe by Daniel Trottier. Very interesting lesson of how a social networking website purely created for recreational activities can be transformed into money making business (Abdulahi, A., Samadi, B., & Gharleghi, B., 2014).
Overall Thesis
There are collective actions which shape a society and forms a community. We live in a VUCA world where disruptions are taking place every day and technology has penetrated to the core of the society. Hence, it will modify the behavior and people will evolve with time. Thesis of my paper revolves around how can we leverage technology to make important decisions like which insurance company and healthcare provider to opt for as well as creating awareness about climate change and global warming. However, at the same time there is requirement to install checks and balances on technology platform such that ordinary users aren’t subjected to any abuse (Akubugwo, I. & Burke, M., 2013).
Argument 1- Privatization of the health care provider can
ing efficiencies in the system.
Counter-Argument 1- Privatization of the health care provider overlooks the crucial aspects like accountability as well as considering to serving customers who require them the most
Reply- Getting What We Pay For: Myths and Realities About Financing Canada's Health Care is fundamentally based on the domain of environment and society. It urges upon contemporary aspect of the privatization that is often stereotyped by conflating delivery with the insurance. The chapter basically question that public insurance is perhaps more equitable since it offers care for all i
espective of the background and cu
ent health status (Al-Sharqi, L., Hashim, K., &Kutbi, I., 2015). Relatively, private insurer usually prefer connecting with healthy clients such that they are likely to turn down the potential customers who require the healthcare the most. One of the prominent question that is been asked in this chapter is who will provide the healthcare services to people who are ill and suffering from chronic diseases like AIDS. This segment of people usually have to go with the public insurance since they take the accountability of the service. While on...

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