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Module Name: Strategy and Change Management
Module Code: 602MAN
Assignment Title Theories, Strategies and Organisation’ Strategic Direction
Assignment Due: 12 July 2024, 6pm.
Assignment Type: Pass or Fail Percentage Grade
(Core Assessment) (Applied Core Assessment)
Only one of the following
apply to this assignment You will be provided with either a pass You will be provided with an overall grade

task. or a fail grade. You will have to between 0% and 100%. You have one
successfully complete your assessment opportunity to pass the assignment at o
efore the end of the module. above 40%.

Assignment Task — CW1
Title: Theories, Strategies and Organisation’s Strategic Direction!
The Fast Fashion industry continues to witness rapid change due to customers’ preferences
and seasonal realities. Surviving within this industry therefore requires innovativeness and
maintaining competitive advantage. Competition within the industry, coupled with rapidity
of change in taste/customers preferences makes it obvious that players in the sector have to
devise strategies that give them competitive advantage over their competitors.
As one of the middle level managers in the Operations and Strategy Department of a Fast
Fashion company, your director has asked you to write an essay of 2000 words on the topic:
‘The Role of Theories and Strategies in Achieving an Organisations Strategic
Objectives’. The director will use the essay to assess your understanding of the theories
ehind the strategy of the organisation in realising their strategic objectives and sustain
competitive advantage.
In addition to addressing the relevant learning outcomes enumerated below, your essay should also
1. Critically evaluate the value of clear Purpose, Vision, Mission, and Objectives in setting the
strategic direction of organisations using examples from your selected company to explain
your views.
2. Critically assess the process of change management used by your firm and evaluate the
change management models and tools used by them to determine their strategies to manage
Your choice of company should be agreed with your tutor in Week 1. In this task, you should
address learning outcomes 1, 2, 4 and 5 using the above scenario.
Submission Instructions:
Individual student 2000-word essay to be submitted via Aula submission link by the deadline
indicated on this assessment
Your essay should be written using Microsoft Word.
Framework). Make sure while analysing strategic planning process you
critically evaluate the impacts of clear purpose, vision, mission and
objectives on setting the strategic direction using examples from you
o Critically assess the business environment of your chosen organisation.
(Consider using models like PESTLE, Porter's 5 Forces, and SW analysis to
assess the External/Internal environment of your chosen bank
society ). NOTE: Here, you are expected to discuss clearly how your chosen
organization deals with the points that came up in your PESTLE, 5 forces
and SW analysis.
Section 2.
Evaluate and apply conceptual and practical approaches to strategic business and change
management in a range of settings within your chosen organisation.
o Briefly discuss why change occurs (Triggers of Change; Change influencers).
o Evaluate at least one of the following change management models and
critically assess the change management process used by your chosen
organisation to determine their strategies to manage changes.
= Mckinsey’s 7s model framework
= Kotter's change management theory
= Paradigm shift to avoid strategic drift
= Bridges' Transition Model
= Kiibler-Ross Five Stage Model (Stephen 2009)
Section 3:
Critically analyse and apply the concept of Prescriptive and Emergent strategies to manage
strategic change and the problems companies face in implementing change.
o Critically analyse and apply Emergent and Prescriptive approaches to manage
strategic change in your chosen organisation(Consider using any of the following:
Pettigrew and Whipp's; Porter's; or Mintzberg’s model of Emergent approach and
Kart Lewin’s or Kanter’s models of Prescriptive approach to strategic change).
Section 4:
e the role of Key Performance Indicators (KPI's) in the strategic planning and
Critically Evaluat
change management process.

o Identify the KPI's of your chosen organisation and critically evaluate how they
are used to make new strategic plans to deal with change both internally ang
externally. (Consider comparing 2 years’ KPIs of your chosen organisation and
enchmark them against the competitors).
Write a well knitted conclusion of your essay.
Reference List (This MUST start on a new page, please)
1. You are NOT expected to repeat/copy out the section headings and sub-
headings indicated in this guide.
2. When using PESTLE and 5 forces model, the expectation is more on application
ather than theory. Moreover, if you feel some elements of the Model does
play major part in your Essay, you can say so and focus on relevant elements
to manage word count.
CW1 Guide
312/602/612MAN - Strategy and Change Management.
Assessment 1 (Cw1) - Essay: This assignment covers the following Learning Outcomes:
1. Critically explore the theoretical schools of strategic business and change
management, with a particular focus on the role of strategy formation and the strategic
planning process.
2. Evaluate and apply conceptual and practical approaches to strategic business and
change management in a range of organisational settings.
4. Critically analyse and apply a range of strategies for managing change and risk ata local,
national and international level.
5. Critically evaluate the role of measurement and management of Key Performance
Indicators (KPI's) in the strategic business planning and change management process.
A. Expectations:
|. Use recommended cover page.
Il. Write the Assessment title clearly
Il. Write the topic of your Essay on the 1% page after Cover Page
IV. Address your essay to the relevant audience
V. Select the organisation to be used as a case study. (Work with your Tutor to get
this approved).
B. Suggested Format & Content
o Introduce
iefly your chosen Organisation.
Section 1.
Critically explore the theoretical schools of strategic business and change management:
o Define Strategy and
iefly discuss its benefits to your organisation.
Critically analyze strategic planning process. (Consider using some of the
following models: Wheelen’s model of strategic management; Thompson's
and Martin's Strategic Management Framework; Rothaermel’s AFI Strategy
Answered 7 days After Jul 02, 2024


Dipali answered on Jul 04 2024
11 Votes
Table of contents
Introduction    3
Theoretical Framework    3
Strategic Planning Theories    4
The Importance of Purpose, Vision, Mission, and Objectives    5
Example: Zara's Strategic Direction    6
Change Management at Zara    6
Change Management Models and Tools    7
Critically Evaluating the Role of Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) in Strategic Planning and Change Management: A Comparison Between Zara and Other Fashion Companies    9
Conclusion    10
References    11
One of the unique features of the fast fashion industry is that the changes favoured by consumers and seasonal fluctuations are constantly taking place. To survive young outline companies, for instance, Zara, has to keep on improving it competitiveness. This paper aims to discuss the theoretical frameworks and key strategies that Zara uses to facilitate the accomplishment of its strategies. First it focuses on the topic outlining the importance of having company purpose, vision, mission, and objectives, with the evaluation of change management procedures in Zara. With reference to these components, there is appreciation on how Zara conducts its operations in relation to its strategic initiatives and the external environment. This paper will show how SM theories and the dynamics of CM, will assist Zara in maintaining its competitiveness in an ever changing sector.
Theoretical Framework
Strategic Management Theories
Porter's Five Forces:
· Competitive Rivalry: Zara is in a highly competitive environment where issues of
and establishment as well as the management of consumer trends are very important. This is especially because at Zara, it has adopted a strategy of regularly updating as many of its product lines as is possible in order to ward off any formidable competition.
· Supplier Power: Again, this has minimizes reliance on external suppliers hence minimizing the effects of supplier power on Zara.
· Buyer Power: High threat of buyer Bahrain in the fast fashion market is accompanied by implementing new trends and affordable price for clothes which results in high customer loyalty.
· Threat of Substitutes: This has a rather positive implication because it implies that there is intense competition and customers expect novelty all the time. This way, Zara is able to update its assortment frequently; thus, customers are eager to buy clothes from this company (Sitaro, 2020).
· Threat of New Entrants: Industry rivals are not restricted making
and loyalty as well as operation efficiency crucial. The first moula is that Zara already has a well-developed
and name that is going to prove to be very uninviting to any new entrant in this particular line of business, the second stopper that is going to await any entrant in this field is the logistics of getting those products to the market.
Resource-Based View (RBV):
RBV emphasizes on creating and building on competencies within the firm to establish inimitable advantages that can be maintained in the long-run. The key resources of Zara can be specified as the fast supply chain network, the well-established image of the
and, and the use of data for inventory control. Zara has established these core competencies in order to exploit any kind of market changes while continuing to sustain its competitive advantage.
Strategic Planning Theories
SWOT Analysis:
· Strengths: An efficient supply chain, the
and reputation and international operations.
· Weaknesses: High risks mainly include high reliance on European markets, fast-moving inventories, which causes wastage.
· Opportunities: The company thus need to have a larger market share; the company should thus consider venturing into the emerging markets and also consider moving into the online markets.
· Threats: Recall negative events such as, economic downturn, shift in customer preference, competition.
PESTEL Analysis:
· Political: A trade regulation is a legal system that governs trade in products across national borders; labor law is an aspect of the law dealing with the relationship between employers and employees.
· Economic: Fluctuations in the cu
ency, economic stability of establishing regions.
· Social: Innovations which are possible in the aspect of fashion trends, behavior of consumers.
· Technological: Improvements in organizational production systems and distribution networks, increase of e-business.
· Environmental: It can include sustainability issues, disposal of wastes.
· Legal: All the subjects are tightly interconnected with the international trade legislations, intellectual property rights.
The Importance of Purpose, Vision, Mission, and Objectives
Mandate provides the direction that outlines the why or the need for an organization’s formation. As for Zara, the purpose is absolutely clear and allies with the provision of trendy yet reasonably priced clothing. It is the North Star by which all business strategies and daily endeavors are aligned and executed because the
and maintains a singular voice and vision for the customer (Kozhigaliyeva, 2023). A clear organizational mission not only identifies the company’s place in the market, it serves as a motivation for the employees, helping everyone to understand the organization’s strategic objectives.
Goal gives a framework of a desired state...

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