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Strategic Planning in Health Care SLP Assignment Overview This assignment will build off your SWOT analysis. As the Organizational Development Manager (ODM) for the organization that you completed...

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Strategic Planning in Health Care

SLP Assignment Overview

This assignment will build off your SWOT analysis. As the Organizational Development Manager (ODM) for the organization that you completed your SWOT Analysis for, you act as a liaison and advisor to the organization’s leadership, and begin initiatives within the organization. You have been given the responsibility to create a team (including yourself and five other members) to address a set of strategic issuesthat this organization is facing, found within your SWOT Analysis. Choose your team members based on the need of your SWOT Analysis. For instance, if you reported a weakness as “long wait-time in the ER,” it might be ideal to include an ER Nurse Manager on your team. Propose and evaluate a set of strategies for the organization. You should include at least 1 goal, 2-3 measurable objectives to support the attainment of those goals, and 2-3 action items to complete the objectives. The goal(s) are broader, the objectives have a number tied to them to assess, and action steps have deliverables. You will be presenting a PowerPoint (PPT) to the Board of Directors at your organization.

SLP Assignment Expectations

  1. You are to create a PPT with at least 8 slides, not including the title or reference slides, that includes the following:
    1. Introduction that explains the purpose of the meeting and/or SWOT analysis.
    2. Titles of team members (i.e., ER Nurse Manager, In-Take Operations Manager, etc.) and a short explanation for each member's importance on the team.
    3. One overarching goal. This goal should address most of the issues on your SWOT analysis, thus it can be broad.
    4. Two or three measurable objectives to support the attainment of the goal.
    5. Two or three items explaining your team's plan of action.
    6. Conclusion that summarizes the information included in the PPT, and an explanation that solidifies how your team will execute the goal presented and resolve the strategic issues.
  2. Your slides should contain bullet points only. Most of your explanation should be provided in the speaker’s notes.
  3. Support your SLP with peer-reviewed articles and at least 2 references. One of the sources can be from your course readings. Use the following link for additional information on how to recognize peer-reviewed journals:
  4. You may use the following source to assist in formatting your assignment:

I need 8 PPT slides, APA, Title PPT, & Reference Slides

Answered Same Day Apr 23, 2020


Sundeep answered on Apr 28 2020
168 Votes
Centre for Disease Control and Prevention
Centre for Disease Control and Prevention
US Department of Health and Human Services
Headquartered at Atlanta, Georgia
Definition & Use
SWOT analysis is used to find out the strengths – weakness – opportunity – threats for the organization.
The strengths and the weakness are the internal factors of the organization and the opportunities and the threats are the external factors for the organization. The strengths are to be made stronger, weaknesses have to be overcomed, the opportunities have to be gra
ed and the threats have to be carefully dealt with.
Strengths and Weakness of the firm
Strengths: It is one of the most acclaimed and reliable organizations that is known for undertaking its duty of disease prevention.
It effectively plays its role in disease prevention.
It not only covers patients within a clinical set-up, but also its care staffs, the people in their home and children in their schools.
It plans for cost-effective services.
It has also promoted the involvement of the government in the procedure
It has some mandatory policies that are difficult to be abided by sometimes, by the staffs.
Hectic work schedule reduces the motivation level of its staffs sometimes.
The high use of technology might not be a comfortable option for many staffs, who are not accustomed with the systems.
Employee turnover.
Opportunities and threats of the firm
Opportunities: Better updates on the...

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