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SQL Assignment Create the following Tables and insert the values accordingly and Perform the tasks mentioned below. Employee Table Employee Bonus Table Employee Title Table Tasks To Be...

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SQL Assignment Create the following Tables and insert the values accordingly and Perform the tasks mentioned below. Employee Table Employee Bonus Table Employee Title Table Tasks To Be Performed: Display the “FIRST_NAME” from Employee table using the alias name as Employee_name. Display “LAST_NAME” from Employee table in upper case. Display unique values of DEPARTMENT from EMPLOYEE table. Display the first three characters of LAST_NAME from EMPLOYEE table. Display the unique values of DEPARTMENT from EMPLOYEE table and prints its length. Display the FIRST_NAME and LAST_NAME from EMPLOYEE table into a single column AS FULL_NAME. a space char should separate them. DISPLAY all EMPLOYEE details from the employee table order by FIRST_NAME Ascending. 8. Display all EMPLOYEE details order by FIRST_NAME Ascending and DEPARTMENT Descending. Display details for EMPLOYEE with the first name as “VEENA” and “KARAN” from EMPLOYEE table. Display details of EMPLOYEE with DEPARTMENT name as “Admin”. DISPLAY details of the EMPLOYEES whose FIRST_NAME contains ‘V’. DISPLAY details of the EMPLOYEES whose SALARY lies between XXXXXXXXXXand 500000. Display details of the employees who have joined in Feb-2020. Display employee names with salaries >= 50000 and <= 100000. DISPLAY details of the EMPLOYEES who are also Managers. DISPLAY duplicate records having matching data in some fields of a table. Display only odd rows from a table. Clone a new table from EMPLOYEE table. DISPLAY the TOP 2 highest salary from a table. 21. DISPLAY the list of employees with the same salary. Display the second highest salary from a table. Display the first 50% records from a table. Display the departments that have less than 4 people in it. Display all departments along with the number of people in there. 26 Display the name of employees having the highest salary in each department. Display the names of employees who earn the highest salary. Diplay the average salaries for each department display the name of the employee who has got maximum bonus Display the first name and title of all the employees XXXXXXXXXXSecond Part complete the below tasks using the Table – STUDIES, SOFTWARE & PROGRAMMER. 51. Who is the Above Programmer Referred in 50? 52. Who is the Youngest Programmer knowing DBASE? 53. Which Female Programmer earning more than 3000 does not know C, C++, ORACLE or DBASE? 54. Which Institute has most number of Students? 55. What is the Costliest course? 56. Which course has been done by the most of the Students? 57. Which Institute conducts costliest course. 58. Display the name of the Institute and Course, which has below AVG course fee. 59. Display the names of the courses whose fees are within XXXXXXXXXXor -) of the Average Fee, 60. Which package has the Highest Development cost? 61. Which course has below AVG number of Students? 62. Which Package has the lowest selling cost? 63. Who Developed the Package that has sold the least number of copies? 64. Which language has used to develop the package, which has the highest sales amount? 65. How many copies of package that has the least difference between development and selling cost where sold. 66. Which is the costliest package developed in PASCAL. 67. Which language was used to develop the most number of Packages. 68. Which programmer has developed the highest number of Packages? MS SQL Certification Training XXXXXXXXXX XXXXXXXXXXUS: XXXXXXXXXXToll Free) 69. Who is the Author of the Costliest Package? 70. Display the names of the packages, which have sold less than the AVG number of copies. 71. Who are the authors of the Packages, which have recovered more than double the Development cost? 72. Display the programmer Name and the cheapest packages developed by them in each language. 73. Display the language used by each programmer to develop the Highest Selling and Lowest-selling package. 74. Who is the youngest male Programmer born in 1965? 75. Who is the oldest Female Programmer who joined in 1992?
Answered Same Day Mar 19, 2023


Shweta answered on Mar 20 2023
43 Votes

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