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Some historians argue that Justinian to Charlemagne are the "bookends" of the Dark Ages, in that after Justinian, all declined, and Charlemagne brought what your book refers to as the Carolingian...

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Some historians argue that Justinian to Charlemagne are the "bookends" of the Dark Ages, in that after Justinian, all declined, and Charlemagne brought what your book refers to as the Carolingian Renaissance. What specific accomplishments of each ruler support that claim; what would you argue refutes it? Was everything "Dark" in this period?
Answered Same Day May 24, 2021


Rupsha answered on May 25 2021
148 Votes
Last Name:    2
Title: Paper Writing
Dark period addresses to a particular period when violence and difficulty reached its optimum level in a particular country or society. The Dark Age in the western civilization started in the first half of the middle ages and lasted for almost 500 years. It is often refe
ed that the Dark Age ended after the Byzantine Empire fell and Charlemagne
ought Carolingian Renaissance. Contrary to the popular belief, not everything was dark in the Byzantine Empire. While ba
arians invaded the west of Rome, the Byzantine kings saved the...

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