BGEN XXXXXXXXXXBusiness Fundamentals –Fall 2020
Writing Assignment 1
Due Sunday, October 25, 2020, 11:59pm
For this assignment, select any local, small business. It must be local and “small”.
Through this local, small business, let’s explore some of our key concepts so far. Consider:
the business definition
types of competition
social responsibility
forms of ownership
Discuss these concepts as related to your chosen small business. Be sure to explain the concept and how
it applies to your chosen small business. Provide examples to support your conclusions.
Find at least two articles about or related to your small business or the industry in which it operates. Use
the information from the articles to inform your conclusions.
Your findings are to be presented in a paper at least 2 pages in length, but not more than four pages.
The proper format is an opening paragraph, the body (which provides the specifics of your findings) and
a summary, closing paragraph. Please use appropriate references and provide a works cited page (MLA
or APA).
Be sure you have addressed all parts of this assignment as noted above.
Submit the paper to me via the dropbox in Eagle Online, no later than Sunday, October 25, 11:59pm.