Services industries are important in building economic growth
Name: Zainab
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Service has a crucial role to play in the economy today. Earlier, between 1990 and 1991, Kamery (2004, p XXXXXXXXXXdiscusses that the recession leads to a fall in the overall economy because of the declining in the gross domestic product. He notes that the recession is a normal event resulting from the process of the expansion where the increasing in borrowing funds and rising on product s’ prices and demand. Consequences, Inflation occurred, debts increased, spending and borrowing became less and products’ prices in the market fall down. After the recession, Kamery (2004, p XXXXXXXXXXsuggests that the economy has shifted from the focuson productsto offerserviceswhich contributed to returning the economy into its normal growth.‘Service has fundamentally different characteristics from commodities and these differences have crucial implications for the way the service economy must be organized’ (MacManus 2009, p.16). The author shows that Service industries Offera lot ofimportant servicessuch as telecommunications, health, as well as varioustypes oftrade thatcontribute to raising thedevelopment of the economy. This essay examines four main points which are: Identifyingthe views ofthreedifferentauthorsaboutthe issue of developingthe service sector,explainingways in whichorganizationsmake their servicesmore efficient andattractiveto consumers,illustrating an exampleoftwo organizations that seekto providediversedealsfrom the sector of financial, distribution or business and lastly measure up the two organizations’ advance on building their services operations.
Firstly, opinions advised by three academic authors for the development of services sector will be demonstrated. MacManus (2009, p. 17) suggests that after the downturn since early 1990s, businesses transferred their concerns to services due to their effective role in improving the economy. The writer explains that services sector become more important in recent decades and make positive, great and spectacular changes to the economy.MacManus (2009, p. 17) Believesthat the market isconstantly changing, and with the evolutionthrough time, people needtechnologyand other servicesthat facilitatetheir affairs. Nissan et al (2011, p.59) comment that on the old and traditional economythe products used to be the most essential element of a business with or without a little bit of service. Nevertheless, this has seen a drastic change over the years and the service has been an integral part of the business of the neweconomy. Ettlie and Rosenthal (2011, p.285) discuss that there are many variationsamong productsand services and the service sectorfollows special approachto achievebusiness’ success. The authorsexplainthatrelated tothe attractive offersandcreation ofnew thingsto customers, it isoftenhard toputservicesunderexperimentationcomparing totangible products. Despite this, Ettlie and Rosenthal (2011, p.285)say thatorganizations provideexcellent offersof services and generate greatideasthat contribute tobusiness successand increasing the growth ofthe economy.These are alldifferent viewsregardingthe services sector. Next,methodsused toattract customersby organizations.
Services have become a strategic tool of marketing to maintain good relationships with the customers and making them to do repeated purchase. Rust and Huang (2012, p.47) illustrates that The success ofany businessrequires the ability ofattractingnumbers of customers , so organizations aretrackingvarious ways in order to ensurecurrent and potential customers’loyalty.The writer explainsthat the organizations areinterested inthe developmentof technologybecause itis essentialto achievecustomers’ satisfaction.Rust and Huang (2012, p.47) suggests that the technology enable customers to get the services very easily, give value to the services and make them available, accessible and affordable. Angelova (2011, p.233) illustrates that the nature of the servicesdiffer fromproducts in notbeingtouched oreven experiencedbefore trying them,butorganizations useseveral ways on their adsto ensure therepeated purchase ofconsumersfor their services.For example: showing comfortable lighting, clean place, shining floor,fresh paint andhigh standardsof services such as comfortable restaurants’atmosphere.Angelova (2011, p.235) notes that the customer’s perspective should be the main concern as they are the one who will decide the fate of the service. The success of a service heavily depends upon how much it involves the customer’s perspective and how it is able to add value to the customers. It needs to be planned well before being executed and become with high quality. These are all various methods used to attract customers which will be linked to organisational examples.
Bank of America and Citi Bank are the two great examples of the service provider who created a big difference through their superior services. According to the article of (Company Spotlight: Bank of America, Market Watch: Financial Services, 2011), the Bank of America is the second largest international bank in the world. It provides various financial services and it is headquartered in Charlotte, North Carolina. In addition,the article indicates that the Bank has more than 150 branches in the world wide countries and it offers a number of attractive services for customers. For instant, services Related tothe global banking sector, bankcard assistance, methods of investment for clients,home loansof fundsservices,local and internationalbusinessand many more(Company Spotlight: Bank of America, Market Watch: Financial Services, 2011).In contrast, Amato and Liu (2010, p. 628) Indicates that Citibankis the third largest well known bankinthe worldand the main branch is in New York City inUS.The authors show that this bank has more than100 branchesspreadalmostall over the world.Amato and Liu (2010, p. 628) show that this bank is concerned in providing imperative services to consumers. For example: giving tips for introducing financial products, providing financial information for the client, giving an advice and providing assistance or any personal financial information. Furthermore, the Bank also providesinformation and servicesabout the currency,bonds,foreign exchangeservices, insurance productsand anyinformation relating toinvestments. Amato and Liu (2010, p. 629) suggest that Citibankestimatedall these servicesin order to achievecompletecustomer satisfaction andbusiness success.Previously stated were about twoexamples oforganizationsfrom the sector ofthe financial services and the following pointwill beabout a comparison of these two organizations.
According to the(Company Spotlight: Bank of America, Market Watch: Financial Services, 2011) and (Amato and Liu ,2010) articles, it is discussed that both ,Bank of America and Citibank offer financial services to their customers such asloan, deposits, ATM services, Net banking services, Mobile banking services etc. The value added to services is useful for core businesses because it offer great comfort and convenience to the customers. Additionally, Bank of America and Citibank both have been able to create a huge customers’ base worldwide and keep on adding every day. These two organizations give top priority to the customer satisfaction as customers are the key to their businesses and they cannot afford to make them unhappy. The banks try to create unique services to offer for their customers and if they are not able to create at first place, they need to follow every move of the competitors and offer similar services. (Lasser, W.M., Manolis, C. and Winsor, R.D., XXXXXXXXXXHowever, both BoA and Citi Bank have similar approach to target their customers but their approach is different when it comes to offer Mobile banking services. BoA offers customized Mobile banking software for its small sized business customers while Citi offers the same service to each and every customer.
In conclusion, service has come a long way to become an integral part of the economy. This essayhighlightedseveralimportant pointsrelevant tothe services sectorand its contribution to the growth of thenewEconomy. Through the essay, three various opinions of different authors have been illustrated.These points of view indicatedthe importance ofthe sector of services for the new economyand its contribution tobusiness success. The second point discussed on this essay was about various, attractive and efficient methods of promotion provided for customers by organizations.This essay has pointed out thatthese methodshelp toencourage customersand attract themto repeattheir purchasesof the services provided. Thirdly, two common organizations and their financial offerings were explained and it has been clarifiedthat the ways of buildingservices isto achieveprofits and raise the economy. Lastly,comparisons betweenthe bank of America and Citibank due to their approaches on developing the overall economy were demonstrated. In this writer’s opinion,services play a major role in raising the new world economy in general and generate higher local income in particular becauseeconomics’ success and growth is closely linked to the service sector. I think that the development of services sector at this time will contributesignificantly toraising thegrowth ofthe local and the globaleconomy. Moreover, many organizationsthat are trying by variouswaystopromotetheir services will influence customers and attract them, which willachievehigh reputation and a successful business of different countries.
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