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Select someone you believe exemplifies effective leadership (known or unknown). Using the course materials presented in Week One, write a two- to three-page paper that examines both the nature of the...

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Select someone you believe exemplifies effective leadership (known or unknown). Using the course materials presented in Week One, write a two- to three-page paper that examines both the nature of the individual’s leadership role as well as what might contribute to their effectiveness. Be sure to cite specific examples that link with the concepts and theories covered in Week One.

Answered Same Day Jun 08, 2020


Perla answered on Jun 08 2020
128 Votes
Barack H Obama
I believe Barack H Obama, the recent past Africa-American President of United States exhibited exemplified effective leadership. Not one, but there are several leadership and personality traits of Barack Obama, stood unique and made him distinctly recognized for. His unique vision, personality and effective leadership made him 44th president of United States and made him elected for oval office for two terms. The courageous and bold decisions taken by Obama reflect his commitment to what he believes and what he says to the public. Obama is always concerned of women, education, health and veterans of the country. He introduced Obamacare inspite of resistance from opposition and sanctioned huge budget for it, courageously.
Personality and leadership traits:
Obama has never feared of resistance, he can maintain poise and can remain cool even in the stiffest times of pressure and competition. Conviction and perseverance is one of the chief attribute of Obama leadership. During 2008 campaign, Obama said that he is committed for “Change we can believe in”. He convicted that slogan and remained committed for that, still he leaves the oval office after the completion of the second term. In all his leadership ventures, his stand is not just for the cause of the Americans, rather he fought for global causes and global problems. He is true global citizen in his inspiration and leadership. Always he reflects an attitude of we rather than I. he believes that victory lies in collaboration...

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