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Assignment Brief - Unit 702 Managing Team Performance to Support Strategy Page 1 of 5 Unit 702 – Manage Team Performance to Support Strategy Introduction The unit will explore how team performance can...

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Assignment Brief - Unit 702 Managing Team Performance to Support Strategy
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Unit 702 – Manage Team Performance to
Support Strategy


The unit will explore how team performance can be evaluated and optimised to realize
strategic objectives.


Learners may use their own employment context, or that of another organisation with which
they are very familiar, to base their assignment. However, in the case that they are not able to
do so, please use the below scenario:-

You are a senior manager in a business unit of a medium sized enterprise, with functional
management and organisational leadership responsibilities. You have responsibility for all
aspects of the performance management of your team and its contribution towards the
achievement of business goals.

Please select and research an organisation of your choice to identify its approach to
performance management. Provide
ief details of your research in a summary of between
200 and 250 words, this should not be counted in the suggested word count. Use the results
of your research to answer the tasks below.

Task 1:

Critically assess the links between the performance of your team and the stated strategic
objectives of the organisation. You may wish to use congruence modelling for this purpose.

Identify a range of at least four different tools and techniques for setting team performance
targets. Evaluate these by comparing and contrasting them, using a table format if prefe
identifying the advantages and disadvantages of each.

Assess their value then in the ongoing measuring and monitoring of team performance
during the year, using practical examples to illustrate what worked well and what did not work
so well in different situations or with different teams and cultures. Keep the focus on
changing and future team performance needs, considering changes in the business
environment and its impact.

Assignment Brief - Unit 702 Managing Team Performance to Support Strategy
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Guideline word count: 1,000 - 1,100 words

A.C XXXXXXXXXXCritically assess the links between team performance and
strategic objectives

A.C. 1.2 – Critically evaluate tools and techniques available to set team
performance targets

A.C. 1.3 – Critically evaluate the value of team performance tools to measure
future team performance

Task 2:

Explore and analysis how team performance targets are a
ived at, considering the factors
that effect and influence required team performance levels, compare and contrast cu
team performance with your findings.

Describe at least three different theories on motivation. Relate motivational techniques and
influencing and persuading methodologies to the encouragement of team members to commit
to shared goals, by means of practical examples.

Keeping in focus your scenarios stated strategic objectives, explore, review and critically
evaluate the contribution, effects and impact that delegation, mentoring and coaching have,
positively and negatively in contributing to the meeting of the organisations strategic
objectives. You may consider either strategic performance objectives or strategic
organisational direction.

For this task use a working team performance plan, decompose its structure, highlight areas
of logical sequencing of the processes, areas of good practice, possible e
ors, biases and
omissions and possible misalignment with the stated strategic objectives under review.

Guideline word count: XXXXXXXXXXwords

A.C. 2.1 – Analyze how to determine required performance targets within
teams against cu
ent performance

A.C. 2.2 – Address the need for individual commitment to team performance in
achievement of strategic objectives

A.C. 2.3 – Critically evaluate the application of delegation, mentoring and coaching to
the strategic objectives

AC. 2.4 – Critically evaluate a team performance plan to meet strategic objectives

Task 3:
Assignment Brief - Unit 702 Managing Team Performance to Support Strategy
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For this task you are required to identify both tools and methods that are deployed to
conduct assessment activities of the business processes used to monitor team
performance, whilst having the flexibility and capacity to identify and make changes as

For this task you are required to conduct a team performance event, conduct
assessment of team performance against pre agreed team performance measures and
targets. Use these findings to address non-compliant performance, considering
potential areas of legality, human resource policy, codes and effects on other
operational areas. You may wish to use tools and methodologies identified in AC. 3.1,
for your purposes.

For this task you are required to research and explore the critical impact and
consequences of non-compliance of team performance on meeting the already stated
strategic objectives. The implications are likely to have considerable scale and scope
of influence on operations. An Impact Statement format may be used for your

Guideline word count: XXXXXXXXXXwords

A.C. 3.1 – Identify tools and methodologies to assess the process for monitoring team
performance and initiate changes where necessary.

AC. 3.2 – Evaluate team performance against agreed objectives of the plan and
address problematic performances.

AC. 3.3 – Critically evaluate the impact of the team performance in contributing to
meeting strategy.

Task 4:

Research three influencing mythologies, review their suitability, given your sector or
investigation, prevailing structure and culture and other factors you feel relevant, and
determine their potential effectiveness in attracting and gaining commitment of
individuals to align with the already identified organisational strategic direction.

Guideline word count: 1,050 - 1,100 words

A.C. 4.1 – Determine influencing methodologies that can gain the commitment of
individuals to strategy

A.C. 4.2 – Critically discuss the impact of individual dynamics, interests and
organisational politics on securing the commitment of individuals to strategy.

Assignment Brief - Unit 702 Managing Team Performance to Support Strategy
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Learners are required to complete all tasks.

Assignment Guidelines
All work must be submitted in a single electronic document (.doc file). This
should go to the tutor and Centre Manage
Programme Director, plus one hard
copy posted to the Centre Manager.

The assignment must be the Learner’s own work and not copies of theories or
models. Direct quotes should be kept to a minimum, and shown in inverted
commas. Models described and other quotes used must be properly attributed
and referenced as appropriate. Learners must acknowledge or reference any
sources that have been used to complete the assignment, listing reference
material and web sites used.

Learners are encouraged to produce a reflective statement of no more than 300
words (which does not count towards the final word count), describing the value
and knowledge gained from undertaking this assignment. The reflective
statement is not assessed; however it encourages you to review the value and
application of your learning.

Overall word count guide: XXXXXXXXXX

Plagiarism and Collusion
In submitting the assignment Learner’s must complete a statement of
authenticity confirming that the work submitted for all tasks is their own. The
statement should also include the word count.
Plagiarism and collusion are treated very seriously. Plagiarism involves presenting
work, excerpts, ideas or passages of another author without appropriate
eferencing and attribution. Collusion occurs when two or more learners submit
work which is so alike in ideas, content, wording and/or structure that the
similarity goes beyond what might have been mere coincidence.
Separate Appendices should not be used. Any use of tables, graphs, diagrams,
Gantt chart and flowcharts etc. that support the main report should be
incorporated into the back of the assignment report that is submitted. Any
published secondary information such as annual reports and company literature,
should be referenced in the main text of the assignment but not included.
Where a Learner is using organisational information that deals with sensitive
material or issues, they must seek the advice and permission from that
organisation about its inclusion. Where confidentiality is an issue, Learners are
advised to anonymise their assignment report so that it cannot be attributed to
that particular organisation.
Word Count Policy
In total, the assignment report should be between XXXXXXXXXXwords. Learners
must comply with the required word count, within a margin of +10%.These rules
exclude the index (if used), headings and information contained within references
and bibliographies. When an assessment task requires learners to produce
presentation slides with supporting notes, the word count applies to the
supporting notes only.
Referencing and Professionalism
A professional approach to work is expected from all learners. Learners must
therefore identify and acknowledge ALL sources/methodologies/applications used.
The learner must use an appropriate referencing system to achieve this. Marks
are not awarded for the use of English; however the learner must express ideas
Assignment Brief - Unit 702 Managing Team Performance to Support Strategy
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clearly and ensure that appropriate terminology is used to convey accuracy in
Submission of Assignments
All work to be submitted on the due date as per Centre advice.
All work must be submitted in a single electronic document (.doc file). This should
go to the tutor and Centre Manage
Programme Director, plus one hard copy
posted to the Centre Manager.
Answered Same Day Jul 07, 2021


Arunavo answered on Jul 18 2021
150 Votes
Last Name    1
Title: Unit 702 – Manage Team Performance to Support Strategy
Task 1    3
1.1    3
1.2    4
1.3    5
Task 2    6
2.1    6
2.2    7
2.3    8
2.4    9
Task 3    10
3.1    10
3.2    10
3.3    11
Task 4    11
4.1    11
4.2    13
Works Cited    15
Task 1
In an organization, there is a link between the strategic objective of the organization and the team performance to achieve that objective. Lyubovnikova et al. have discussed that the fundamental aim of the strategic management of the organization is to make the strategic framework that will make sure that the organization has competent and skilled workforce. These workforce must be motivated and they all must work together to achieve the organizational objective.
The strategic management will further look after the fact that the individual as well as the collective needs of the organization are met as that will ensure that the workforce motivation remain sustained, even in the tu
ulent situation. Hughes et al. have further added that team performance can be described as the involvement of the employees and the involvement in the development of a number of inte
elated processes that takes place in the organization, which will have an impact on the productivity, quality, the customer service, profit, and growth, which will lead to the increased shareholders value.
The team performance is achieved by enhancing the skills of the employees and further engaging them with their enthusiasm as to achieve the goals. The progress of the employees must be measured on a constant basis and development of their capacities through the process of learning is done, as that will put emphasis on the self-management capabilities and the team capabilities as to support the improvement of the performance and increase the potential of the organization.
Luthans and Doh have further discussed that the performance along with the operational and the management of the people is aligned with the organizational objective. This is necessary, as this will build trust, enthusiasm and commitment of the employees towards achieving the organizational goals. Further, the organization makes sure that the fair treatment is given to everyone, that builds the trust, and acts as a motivation o serve the organization. This increases the more involvement in the teamwork and the team performance is improved.
The team performance in the organization is involved with a number of inte
elated processes that have an impact over the performance of the organization. Ahmed has discussed that performance of the organization will be judged by the improvement in productivity, quality and the level of customer satisfaction along with growth, profits and the delivery of the increased shareholders value. This can be achieved through the enhancement of the skills of the employees while increasing their enthusiasm. The work of leaders is to provide vision and benchmarking as to create a sense of momentum.
To improve the team performance target there are a number of tools and techniques that can be used. Hatt et al. have discussed that there are certain performance measures that can be used as to measure the team performance. At first the effectiveness is measured, which the degree of output given by the employee. The next part is the measurement of the efficiency, which is the amount of process produced at the minimum resource cost. The third part is the quality, which the extent, to which the customer’s requirements and the expectation is met.
The fourth measure is to measure the timeliness as what is the time taken to complete and meet the customer requirements. The fifth part is the productivity, which is measured by the value of the labour, and the capital invested. Moreover, the last part is the safety measure, which determines the overall working environment of the organization and the amount of safety measures taken.
However, there are certain tools, which are also used for the performance increase in the employees. Gonzalez-Mule et al. have discussed that the most common tools that are used to set the team performance targets are the measurement of key performance indicators, performance appraisal, 360-degree feedback, management by objective, performance management frameworks, rewards and recognition system and the personal development plans. These tools will immensely help in improving the team performance in meeting the targets.
The tools and techniques that are used to improve the performance of the team are further used to analyse the future prospect of performance improvement. Rego et al. that this kind of assessment will help the individuals in the team to analyse the requirements and the improvements they need to do to achieve the team performance. There are seven steps, through which the measure of the performance can be done. Bracco et al. have discussed the seven steps of measuring the performance.
The first step is to review the present organizational measures. It need to be ensured that the measures above and around the team must be known and they must be linked with the team’s measure.
The second step is to define what is going to be measured and with that, the selection of best alternative is done and the identification of the team’s key accomplishments is done, which will provide the basis for further measurement.
The third part is the identification of the team member’s accomplishments that supports the overall team performance. The identification of the individual member’s performance will help in forming the team strategy.
The fourth step is to analyse the accomplishment and have a discussion with the team members on the importance of the accomplishments.
The fifth stage is the development of the individual as well as the team performance measures. This will help in gauging the results achieved by the team members.
The sixth stage is the development of the team and individual performance standard and based on that the individual and team’s expectation can be measured.
The seventh step is to track the performance and that through the each performance standard as to provide appropriate feedback.
With these mentioned seven points, the performance of the team and the manner, in which the customer satisfaction requirement can be met, will be judged. Based on the analysis the required strategies will be formed for the team. This will help the team in making improvements in specific measurable goals, and the measurement points should be determined as to the amount of value addition need to be done to improve the team performance further.
Task 2
In a team of members, it is always necessary to analyse and determine the required performance or target with the cu
ent team performance. Sarmento et al. have discussed that the performance measurement is mainly done to manage the outcome, as the main purpose is to reduce the overall variation in the work. This is the process, through which the decision can be made with respect to the actions that is affecting the product or process and their outputs. The performance measure has a great significance.
Thompson et al. have discussed that with the help of performance measurement, it quantitatively tell us very much important about the products, services and the processes that is used to produce the product and services in the company. This can be used as a tool that will help understand, manage and improve the organizational operation. There are few benefits, which the performance measure can help the organization understand such as—
· How the organization is...

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