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Analysis Dashboards Forecast Actuals Months Cum forecast Cum actuals + trend 1 Jan $ 82,280 XXXXXXXXXX Jan $ 82,280 $ 81,710 2 Feb 82,880 XXXXXXXXXX Feb $ 165,160 $ 163,827 these are the monthly...

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            Forecast    Actuals    Months    Cum forecast    Cum actuals + trend
    1    Jan    $ 82,280     XXXXXXXXXX    Jan    $ 82,280    $ 81,710
    2    Feb    82,880     XXXXXXXXXX    Feb    $ 165,160    $ 163,827        these are the monthly forecast totals and the actuals for Jan-Sept…and then I trended just the totals
    3    Mar    83,630     XXXXXXXXXX    Mar    $ 248,790    $ 246,235        When you trend the individual records there isn't enough data for it to be usable.
    4    Apr    83,900     XXXXXXXXXX    Apr    $ 332,690    $ 328,855        next, calculate monthly cumulative sales
    5    May    83,700     XXXXXXXXXX    May    $ 416,390    $ 411,827        then you do a chart
    6    Jun    83,800     XXXXXXXXXX    Jun    $ 500,190    $ 495,168        or two charts, basically showing the monthly
    7    Jul    83,580     XXXXXXXXXX    Jul    $ 583,770    $ 578,738        forecast v actual as well as the trend over the yea
    8    Aug    83,680     XXXXXXXXXX    Aug    $ 667,450    $ 662,682        Next you need to have more than one drill down into the data, to explain why
    9    Sep    83,800     XXXXXXXXXX    Sep    $ 751,250    $ 746,961        is it due to product, region, customer type or sales rep?
    10    Oct    84,000     XXXXXXXXXX    Oct    $ 835,250    $ 831,523
    11    Nov    85,100     XXXXXXXXXX    Nov    $ 920,350    $ 916,399
    12    Dec    85,650     XXXXXXXXXX    Dec    $ 1,006,000    $ 1,001,588
            $ 1,006,000    $ 1,001,588
                This answers the key question - you will not make your target level of sales
    Forecast detail
    Customer Type    Product     Jan    Feb    Mar    Apr    May    Jun    Jul    Aug    Sep    Oct    Nov    Dec    FY 2010
    Corporate        $ 27,230    $ 27,440    $ 27,690    $ 27,810    $ 27,710    $ 27,750    $ 27,670    $ 27,710    $ 27,750    $ 27,820    $ 28,190    $ 28,370    $ 333,140
         Copy Paper    $ 9,670    $ 9,750    $ 9,840    $ 9,880    $ 9,850    $ 9,870    $ 9,840    $ 9,850    $ 9,870    $ 9,890    $ 10,030    $ 10,100    $ 118,440
        Ink Jet Cartridges    9,940    10,010    10,100    10,130    10,110    10,120    10,090    10,110    10,120    10,150    10,280    10,340    121,500
        Toner Cartridges    7,620    7,680    7,750    7,800    7,750    7,760    7,740    7,750    7,760    7,780    7,880    7,930    93,200
    Educational        $ 24,640    $ 24,800    $ 25,020    $ 25,080    $ 25,040    $ 25,070    $ 25,020    $ 25,040    $ 25,070    $ 25,120    $ 25,450    $ 25,610    $ 300,960
         Copy Paper    9,800    9,850    9,930    9,940    9,940    9,950    9,950    9,940    9,950    9,960    10,090    10,160    119,460
        Ink Jet Cartridges    8,340    8,400    8,480    8,510    8,490    8,500    8,470    8,480    8,500    8,520    8,630    8,680    102,000
        Toner Cartridges    6,500    6,550    6,610    6,630    6,610    6,620    6,600    6,620    6,620    6,640    6,730    6,770    79,500
    Governmental        $ 30,410    $ 30,640    $ 30,920    $ 31,010    $ 30,950    $ 30,980    $ 30,890    $ 30,930    $ 30,980    $ 31,060    $ 31,460    $ 31,670    $ 371,900
         Copy Paper    10,970    11,050    11,150    11,180    11,160    11,170    11,140    11,150    11,170    11,200    11,340    11,420    134,100
        Ink Jet Cartridges    9,360    9,430    9,520    9,550    9,530    9,540    9,510    9,520    9,540    9,560    9,690    9,750    114,500
        Toner Cartridges    10,080    10,160    10,250    10,280    10,260    10,270    10,240    10,260    10,270    10,300    10,430    10,500    123,300
    Total Sales        $ 82,280    $ 82,880    $ 83,630    $ 83,900    $ 83,700    $ 83,800    $ 83,580    $ 83,680    $ 83,800    $ 84,000    $ 85,100    $ 85,650    $ 1,006,000
        Cum        $ 165,160    $ 248,790    $ 332,690    $ 416,390    $ 500,190    $ 583,770    $ 667,450    $ 751,250    $ 835,250    $ 920,350    $ 1,006,000    $ 1,006,000
    I did a pivot table with the same row selection as the forecast.
        1    2    3    4    5    6    7    8    9    10    11    12
    Row Labels    Sum of Jan    Sum of Feb    Sum of Mar    Sum of Apr    Sum of May    Sum of Jun    Sum of Jul    Sum of Aug    Sum of Sep    Oct trend    Nov trend    Dec trend    FY
    Corporate    $ 28,536    $ 28,702    $ 28,826    $ 28,886    $ 29,010    $ 29,167    $ 29,270    $ 29,394    $ 29,559    $ 29,650    $ 29,772    $ 29,894    $ 350,662
    Copy Paper    $ 10,502    $ 10,613    $ 10,646    $ 10,643    $ 10,694    $ 10,760    $ 10,808    $ 10,854    $ 10,886    $ 10,937    $ 10,982    $ 11,027    $ 129,351
    Ink Jet Cartridges    $ 9,282    $ 9,319    $ 9,391    $ 9,408    $ 9,443    $ 9,516    $ 9,547    $ 9,566    $ 9,644    $ 9,675    $ 9,718    $ 9,762    $ 114,269
    Toner Cartridges    $ 8,752    $ 8,770    $ 8,789    $ 8,835    $ 8,873    $ 8,891    $ 8,915    $ 8,974    $ 9,029    $ 9,038    $ 9,072    $ 9,106    $ 107,041
    Educational    $ 22,341    $ 22,423    $ 22,535    $ 22,602    $ 22,705    $ 22,772    $ 22,841    $ 22,968    $ 23,034    $ 23,124    $ 23,210    $ 23,297    $ 273,854
    Copy Paper    $ 7,442    $ 7,458    $ 7,546    $ 7,553    $ 7,569    $ 7,607    $ 7,628    $ 7,665    $ 7,691    $ 7,726    $ 7,757    $ 7,788    $ 91,433
    Ink Jet Cartridges    $ 8,795    $ 8,825    $ 8,827    $ 8,854    $ 8,916    $ 8,928    $ 8,954    $ 8,985    $ 9,023    $ 9,044    $ 9,073    $ 9,101    $ 107,322
    Toner Cartridges    $ 6,104    $ 6,140    $ 6,162    $ 6,195    $ 6,220    $ 6,237    $ 6,259    $ 6,318    $ 6,320    $ 6,354    $ 6,381    $ 6,408    $ 75,099
    Governmental    $ 30,833    $ 30,992    $ 31,047    $ 31,132    $ 31,258    $ 31,402    $ 31,459    $ 31,582    $ 31,686    $ 31,789    $ 31,893    $ 31,998    $ 377,072
    Copy Paper    $ 10,948    $ 10,977    $ 10,990    $ 11,047    $ 11,101    $ 11,186    $ 11,225    $ 11,291    $ 11,323    $ 11,375    $ 11,426    $ 11,477    $ 134,366
    Ink Jet Cartridges    $ 9,907    $ 9,986    $ 9,982    $ 10,009    $ 10,026    $ 10,046    $ 10,024    $ 10,036    $ 10,084    $ 10,093    $ 10,109    $ 10,125    $ 120,428
    Toner Cartridges    $ 9,978    $ 10,029    $ 10,075    $ 10,076    $ 10,131    $ 10,170    $ 10,210    $ 10,255    $ 10,279    $ 10,321    $ 10,358    $ 10,396    $ 122,278
    Grand Total    $ 81,710    $ 82,117    $ 82,408    $ 82,620    $ 82,973    $ 83,341    $ 83,570    $ 83,944    $ 84,279    $ 84,562    $ 84,876    $ 85,189    $ 1,001,588
            $ 163,827    $ 246,235    $ 328,855    $ 411,827    $ 495,168    $ 578,738    $ 662,682    $ 746,961    $ 831,523    $ 916,399    $ 1,001,588    $ 6,383,804
    A useful analysis would be comparing actual v forecast with a drill down ability
    Region    Product    Customer Type    Sales Representative    Jan    Feb    Mar    Apr    May    Jun    Jul    Aug    Sep                            31-Jan-10    28-Feb-10    31-Mar-10    30-Apr-10    31-May-10    30-Jun-10    31-Jul-10    31-Aug-10    30-Sep-10    31-Oct-10    30-Nov-10    31-Dec-10
    East    Toner Cartridges    Corporate    Nathan Clark    $ 827    $ 825    $ 826    $ 827    $ 830    $ 830    $ 852    $ 877    $ 884                            $ 827    $ 825    $ 826    $ 827    $ 830    $ 830    $ 852    $ 877    $ 884    ERROR:#VALUE!    ERROR:#VALUE!    ERROR:#VALUE!
    East    Toner Cartridges    Corporate    Rachel Smith    463    467    465    470    467    468    469    466    464                            463    467    465    470    467    468    469    466    464    ERROR:#VALUE!    ERROR:#VALUE!    ERROR:#VALUE!
    East    Toner Cartridges    Corporate    Karen Winthrop    186    185    186    185    186    188    188    187    190                            186    185    186    185    186    188    188    187    190    ERROR:#VALUE!    ERROR:#VALUE!    ERROR:#VALUE!
    East    Toner Cartridges    Corporate    Walter Jones    186    187    186    185    185    184    185    185    185                            186    187    186    185    185    184    185    185    185    ERROR:#VALUE!    ERROR:#VALUE!    ERROR:#VALUE!
    East    Toner Cartridges    Educational    Nathan Clark    337    334    331    337    341    340    341    342    346                            337    334    331    337    341    340    341    342    346    ERROR:#VALUE!    ERROR:#VALUE!    ERROR:#VALUE!
    East    Toner Cartridges    Educational    Rachel Smith    313    313    315    313    311    317    314    316    313                            313    313    315    313    311    317    314    316    313    ERROR:#VALUE!    ERROR:#VALUE!    ERROR:#VALUE!
    East    Toner Cartridges    Educational    Karen Winthrop    749    759    768    777    782    800    800    824    823                            749    759    768    777    782    800    800    824    823    ERROR:#VALUE!    ERROR:#VALUE!    ERROR:#VALUE!
    East    Toner Cartridges    Educational    Walter Jones    490    495    494    491    495    495    491    506    508                            490    495    494    491    495    495    491    506    508    ERROR:#VALUE!    ERROR:#VALUE!    ERROR:#VALUE!
    East    Toner Cartridges    Governmental    Nathan Clark    199    201    204    205    203    203    205    207    209                            199    201    204    205    203    203    205    207    209    ERROR:#VALUE!    ERROR:#VALUE!    ERROR:#VALUE!
    East    Toner Cartridges    Governmental    Rachel Smith    845    845    838    832    839    831    848    847    843                            845    845    838    832    839    831    848    847    843    ERROR:#VALUE!    ERROR:#VALUE!    ERROR:#VALUE!
    East    Toner Cartridges    Governmental    Karen Winthrop    812    818    813    811    818    829    835    829    829                            812    818    813    811    818    829    835    829    829    ERROR:#VALUE!    ERROR:#VALUE!    ERROR:#VALUE!
    East    Toner Cartridges    Governmental    Walter Jones    713    712    722    718    729    746    751    758    760                            713    712    722    718    729    746    751    758    760    ERROR:#VALUE!    ERROR:#VALUE!    ERROR:#VALUE!
    East    Ink Jet Cartridges    Corporate    Nathan Clark    739    732    732    733    733    732    745    740    746                            739    732    732    733    733    732    745    740    746    ERROR:#VALUE!    ERROR:#VALUE!    ERROR:#VALUE!
    East    Ink Jet Cartridges    Corporate    Rachel Smith    227    227    230    237    241    240    243    241    239                            227    227    230    237    241    240    243    241    239    ERROR:#VALUE!    ERROR:#VALUE!    ERROR:#VALUE!
    East    Ink Jet Cartridges    Corporate    Karen Winthrop    861    862    854    852    851    850    849    858    881                            861    862    854    852    851    850    849    858    881    ERROR:#VALUE!    ERROR:#VALUE!    ERROR:#VALUE!
    East    Ink Jet Cartridges    Corporate    Walter Jones    316    317    326    330    331    337    341    350    358                            316    317    326    330    331    337    341    350    358    ERROR:#VALUE!    ERROR:#VALUE!    ERROR:#VALUE!
    East    Ink Jet Cartridges    Educational    Nathan Clark    879    878    872    879    885    896    896    900    903                            879    878    872    879    885    896    896    900    903    ERROR:#VALUE!    ERROR:#VALUE!    ERROR:#VALUE!
    East    Ink Jet Cartridges    Educational    Rachel Smith    562    563    559    559    561    558    557    553    556                            562    563    559    559    561    558    557    553    556    ERROR:#VALUE!    ERROR:#VALUE!    ERROR:#VALUE!
    East    Ink Jet Cartridges    Educational    Karen Winthrop    155    154    153    153    152    152    152    154    157                            155    154    153    153    152    152    152    154    157    ERROR:#VALUE!    ERROR:#VALUE!    ERROR:#VALUE!
    East    Ink Jet Cartridges    Educational    Walter Jones    522    525    526    522    520    519    516    518    521                            522    525    526    522    520    519    516    518    521    ERROR:#VALUE!    ERROR:#VALUE!    ERROR:#VALUE!
    East    Ink Jet Cartridges    Governmental    Nathan Clark    161    162    161    160    162    162    161    161    160                            161    162    161    160    162    162    161    161    160    ERROR:#VALUE!    ERROR:#VALUE!    ERROR:#VALUE!
    East    Ink Jet Cartridges    Governmental    Rachel Smith    870    886    884    887    888    905    906    899    891                            870    886    884    887    888    905    906    899    891    ERROR:#VALUE!    ERROR:#VALUE!    ERROR:#VALUE!
    East    Ink Jet Cartridges    Governmental    Karen Winthrop    1,011    1,010    1,005    1,001    1,005    997    1,001    995    1,010                            1,011    1,010    1,005    1,001    1,005    997    1,001    995    1,010    ERROR:#VALUE!    ERROR:#VALUE!    ERROR:#VALUE!
    East    Ink Jet Cartridges    Governmental    Walter Jones    905    923    927    926    932    940    932    939    940                            905    923    927    926    932    940    932    939    940    ERROR:#VALUE!    ERROR:#VALUE!    ERROR:#VALUE!
    East    Copy Paper    Corporate    Nathan Clark    644    656    652    655    654    661    665    662    659                            644    656    652    655    654    661    665    662    659    ERROR:#VALUE!    ERROR:#VALUE!    ERROR:#VALUE!
    East    Copy Paper    Corporate    Rachel Smith    973    977    1,001    998    1,006    1,016    1,044    1,041    1,033                            973    977    1,001    998    1,006    1,016    1,044    1,041    1,033    ERROR:#VALUE!    ERROR:#VALUE!    ERROR:#VALUE!
    East    Copy Paper    Corporate    Karen Winthrop    931    949    940    936    937    945    946    967    970                            931    949    940    936    937    945    946    967    970    ERROR:#VALUE!    ERROR:#VALUE!    ERROR:#VALUE!
    East    Copy Paper    Corporate    Walter Jones    132    132    136    135    135    134    133    135    134                            132    132    136    135    135    134    133    135    134    ERROR:#VALUE!    ERROR:#VALUE!    ERROR:#VALUE!
    East    Copy Paper    Educational    Nathan Clark    995    994    1,023    1,014    1,015    1,030    1,030    1,035    1,039                            995    994    1,023    1,014    1,015    1,030    1,030    1,035    1,039    ERROR:#VALUE!    ERROR:#VALUE!    ERROR:#VALUE!
    East    Copy Paper    Educational    Rachel Smith    647    642    654    649    645    647    645    641    642                            647    642    654    649    645    647    645    641    642    ERROR:#VALUE!    ERROR:#VALUE!    ERROR:#VALUE!
    East    Copy Paper    Educational    Karen Winthrop    174    172    173    178    177    178    177    176    176                            174    172    173    178    177    178    177    176    176    ERROR:#VALUE!    ERROR:#VALUE!    ERROR:#VALUE!
    East    Copy Paper    Educational    Walter Jones    819    810    810    813    814    816    811    803    803                            819    810    810    813    814    816    811    803    803    ERROR:#VALUE!    ERROR:#VALUE!    ERROR:#VALUE!
    East    Copy Paper    Governmental    Nathan Clark    774    776    772    768    768    765    762    784    785                            774    776    772    768    768    765    762    784    785    ERROR:#VALUE!    ERROR:#VALUE!    ERROR:#VALUE!
    East    Copy Paper    Governmental    Rachel Smith    1,048    1,049    1,070    1,086    1,099    1,094    1,084    1,097    1,103                            1,048    1,049    1,070    1,086    1,099    1,094    1,084    1,097    1,103    ERROR:#VALUE!    ERROR:#VALUE!    ERROR:#VALUE!
    East    Copy Paper    Governmental    Karen Winthrop    1,105    1,104    1,105    1,126    1,129    1,153    1,142    1,144    1,146                            1,105    1,104    1,105    1,126    1,129    1,153    1,142    1,144    1,146    ERROR:#VALUE!    ERROR:#VALUE!    ERROR:#VALUE!
    East    Copy Paper    Governmental    Walter Jones    557    557    552    551    548    555    551    550    555                            557    557    552    551    548    555    551    550    555    ERROR:#VALUE!    ERROR:#VALUE!    ERROR:#VALUE!
    North    Toner Cartridges    Corporate    Nathan Clark    584    592    590    585    588    585    589    604    604                            584    592    590    585    588    585    589    604    604    ERROR:#VALUE!    ERROR:#VALUE!    ERROR:#VALUE!
    North    Toner Cartridges    Corporate    Rachel Smith    179    181    180    180    180    181    181    182    181                            179    181    180    180    180    181    181    182    181    ERROR:#VALUE!    ERROR:#VALUE!    ERROR:#VALUE!
    North    Toner Cartridges    Corporate    Karen Winthrop    948    943    939    955    951    948    942    944    949                            948    943    939    955    951    948    942    944    949    ERROR:#VALUE!    ERROR:#VALUE!    ERROR:#VALUE!
    North    Toner Cartridges    Corporate    Walter Jones    698    693    693    698    709    708    711    712    714                            698    693    693    698    709    708    711    712    714    ERROR:#VALUE!    ERROR:#VALUE!    ERROR:#VALUE!
    North    Toner Cartridges    Educational    Nathan Clark    299    299    300    308    318    316    316    319    324                            299    299    300    308    318    316    316    319    324    ERROR:#VALUE!    ERROR:#VALUE!    ERROR:#VALUE!
    North    Toner Cartridges    Educational    Rachel Smith    167    170    170    174    175    179    180    182    184                            167    170    170    174    175    179    180    182    184    ERROR:#VALUE!    ERROR:#VALUE!    ERROR:#VALUE!
    North    Toner Cartridges    Educational    Karen Winthrop    602    604    622    624    628    623    630    625    624                            602    604    622    624    628    623    630    625    624    ERROR:#VALUE!    ERROR:#VALUE!    ERROR:#VALUE!
    North    Toner Cartridges    Educational    Walter Jones    390    399    399    398    394    392    395    400    401                            390    399    399    398    394    392    395    400    401    ERROR:#VALUE!    ERROR:#VALUE!    ERROR:#VALUE!
    North    Toner Cartridges    Governmental    Nathan Clark    895    921    934    936    938    944    935    944    966                            895    921    934    936    938    944    935    944    966    ERROR:#VALUE!    ERROR:#VALUE!    ERROR:#VALUE!
    North    Toner Cartridges    Governmental    Rachel Smith    825    836    853    848    844    836    848    852    854                            825    836    853    848    844    836    848    852    854    ERROR:#VALUE!    ERROR:#VALUE!    ERROR:#VALUE!
    North    Toner Cartridges    Governmental    Karen Winthrop    553    553    549    544    540    547    544    556    551                            553    553    549    544    540    547    544    556    551    ERROR:#VALUE!    ERROR:#VALUE!    ERROR:#VALUE!
    North    Toner Cartridges    Governmental    Walter Jones    225    223    229    228    230    228    226    228    229                            225    223    229    228    230    228    226    228    229    ERROR:#VALUE!    ERROR:#VALUE!    ERROR:#VALUE!
    North    Ink Jet Cartridges    Corporate    Nathan Clark    661    656    657    654    669    682    675    683    687                            661    656    657    654    669    682    675    683    687    ERROR:#VALUE!    ERROR:#VALUE!    ERROR:#VALUE!
    North    Ink Jet Cartridges    Corporate    Rachel Smith    381    384    396    397    396    395    394    403    401                            381    384    396    397    396    395    394    403    401    ERROR:#VALUE!    ERROR:#VALUE!    ERROR:#VALUE!
    North    Ink Jet Cartridges    Corporate    Karen Winthrop    435    432    429    431    428    439    436    439    439                            435    432    429    431    428    439    436    439    439    ERROR:#VALUE!    ERROR:#VALUE!    ERROR:#VALUE!
    North    Ink Jet Cartridges    Corporate    Walter Jones    354    356    356    354    351    357    355    364    362                            354    356    356    354    351    357    355    364    362    ERROR:#VALUE!    ERROR:#VALUE!    ERROR:#VALUE!
    North    Ink Jet Cartridges    Educational    Nathan Clark    361    359    357    356    354    356    354    356    361                            361    359    357    356    354    356    354    356    361    ERROR:#VALUE!    ERROR:#VALUE!    ERROR:#VALUE!
    North    Ink Jet Cartridges    Educational    Rachel Smith    439    440    449    448    447    447    445    449    445                            439    440    449    448    447    447    445    449    445    ERROR:#VALUE!    ERROR:#VALUE!    ERROR:#VALUE!
    North    Ink Jet Cartridges    Educational    Karen Winthrop    653    652    646    647    642    647    662    663    668                            653    652    646    647    642    647    662    663    668    ERROR:#VALUE!    ERROR:#VALUE!    ERROR:#VALUE!
    North    Ink Jet Cartridges    Educational    Walter Jones    194    198    199    199    200    200    201    201    200                            194    198    199    199    200    200    201    201    200    ERROR:#VALUE!    ERROR:#VALUE!    ERROR:#VALUE!
    North    Ink Jet Cartridges    Governmental    Nathan Clark    848    859    866    862    866    873    876    875    886                            848    859    866    862    866    873    876    875    886    ERROR:#VALUE!    ERROR:#VALUE!    ERROR:#VALUE!
    North    Ink Jet Cartridges    Governmental    Rachel Smith    308    309    313    313    314    312    316    317    316                            308    309    313    313    314    312    316    317    316    ERROR:#VALUE!    ERROR:#VALUE!    ERROR:#VALUE!
    North    Ink Jet Cartridges    Governmental    Karen Winthrop    156    158    157    157    156    158    160    159    162                            156    158    157    157    156    158    160    159    162    ERROR:#VALUE!    ERROR:#VALUE!    ERROR:#VALUE!
    North    Ink Jet Cartridges    Governmental    Walter Jones    821    830    825    827    822    821    815    830    831                            821    830    825    827    822    821    815    830    831    ERROR:#VALUE!    ERROR:#VALUE!    ERROR:#VALUE!
    North    Copy Paper    Corporate    Nathan Clark    718    722    738    740    742    757    765    788    805                            718    722    738    740    742    757    765    788    805    ERROR:#VALUE!    ERROR:#VALUE!    ERROR:#VALUE!
    North    Copy Paper    Corporate    Rachel Smith    236    236    235    234    239    238    244    242    243                            236    236    235    234    239    238    244    242    243    ERROR:#VALUE!    ERROR:#VALUE!    ERROR:#VALUE!
    North    Copy Paper    Corporate    Karen Winthrop    192    196    196    195    196    195    198    198    198                            192    196    196    195    196    195    198    198    198    ERROR:#VALUE!    ERROR:#VALUE!    ERROR:#VALUE!
    North    Copy Paper    Corporate    Walter Jones    1,115    1,128    1,139    1,130    1,121    1,111    1,107    1,097    1,098                            1,115    1,128    1,139    1,130    1,121    1,111    1,107    1,097    1,098    ERROR:#VALUE!    ERROR:#VALUE!    ERROR:#VALUE!
    North    Copy Paper    Educational    Nathan Clark    199    206    209    206    212    212    217    218    218                            199    206    209    206    212    212    217    218    218    ERROR:#VALUE!    ERROR:#VALUE!    ERROR:#VALUE!
    North    Copy Paper    Educational    Rachel Smith    70    73    73    74    74    74    75    74    74                            70    73    73    74    74    74    75    74    74    ERROR:#VALUE!    ERROR:#VALUE!    ERROR:#VALUE!
    North    Copy Paper    Educational    Karen Winthrop    740    750    757    768    777    793    786    782    790                            740    750    757    768    777    793    786    782    790    ERROR:#VALUE!    ERROR:#VALUE!    ERROR:#VALUE!
    North    Copy Paper    Educational    Walter Jones    638    644    646    645    644    647    654    658    660                            638    644    646    645    644    647    654    658    660    ERROR:#VALUE!    ERROR:#VALUE!    ERROR:#VALUE!
    North    Copy Paper    Governmental    Nathan Clark    423    427    429    432    432    430    438    439    440                            423    427    429    432    432    430    438    439    440    ERROR:#VALUE!    ERROR:#VALUE!    ERROR:#VALUE!
    North    Copy Paper    Governmental    Rachel Smith    806    804    805    803    820    830    835    828    831                            806    804    805    803    820    830    835    828    831    ERROR:#VALUE!    ERROR:#VALUE!    ERROR:#VALUE!
    North    Copy Paper    Governmental    Karen Winthrop    761    766    777    781    784    805    808    803    802                            761    766    777    781    784    805    808    803    802    ERROR:#VALUE!    ERROR:#VALUE!    ERROR:#VALUE!
    North    Copy Paper    Governmental    Walter Jones    765    772    767    766    762    781    802    807    811                            765    772    767    766    762    781    802    807    811    ERROR:#VALUE!    ERROR:#VALUE!    ERROR:#VALUE!
    South    Toner Cartridges    Corporate    Nathan Clark    682    685    693    697    697    714    712    709    703                            682    685    693    697    697    714    712    709    703    ERROR:#VALUE!    ERROR:#VALUE!    ERROR:#VALUE!
    South    Toner Cartridges    Corporate    Rachel Smith    990    1,002    1,005    999    1,005    1,017    1,026    1,029    1,031                            990    1,002    1,005    999    1,005    1,017    1,026    1,029    1,031    ERROR:#VALUE!    ERROR:#VALUE!    ERROR:#VALUE!
    South    Toner Cartridges    Corporate    Karen Winthrop    569    566    563    564    563    564    563    571    581                            569    566    563    564    563    564    563    571    581    ERROR:#VALUE!    ERROR:#VALUE!    ERROR:#VALUE!
    South    Toner Cartridges    Corporate    Walter Jones    737    748    750    759    769    767    761    772    786                            737    748    750    759    769    767    761    772    786    ERROR:#VALUE!    ERROR:#VALUE!    ERROR:#VALUE!
    South    Toner Cartridges    Educational    Nathan Clark    946    943    935    944    935    942    937    951    944                            946    943    935    944    935    942    937    951    944    ERROR:#VALUE!    ERROR:#VALUE!    ERROR:#VALUE!
    South    Toner Cartridges    Educational    Rachel Smith    86    85    86    86    86    85    87    87    88                            86    85    86    86    86    85    87    87    88    ERROR:#VALUE!    ERROR:#VALUE!    ERROR:#VALUE!
    South    Toner Cartridges    Educational    Karen Winthrop    463    465    462    461    468    466    478    475    474                            463    465    462    461    468    466    478    475    474    ERROR:#VALUE!    ERROR:#VALUE!    ERROR:#VALUE!
    South    Toner Cartridges    Educational    Walter Jones    412    422    424    423    423    423    424    424    420                            412    422    424    423    423    423    424    424    420    ERROR:#VALUE!    ERROR:#VALUE!    ERROR:#VALUE!
    South    Toner Cartridges    Governmental    Nathan Clark    718    721    719    721    714    724    730    742    742                            718    721    719    721    714    724    730    742    742    ERROR:#VALUE!    ERROR:#VALUE!    ERROR:#VALUE!
    South    Toner Cartridges    Governmental    Rachel Smith    1,004    995    999    999    1,018    1,016    1,008    1,005    1,004                            1,004    995    999    999    1,018    1,016    1,008    1,005    1,004    ERROR:#VALUE!    ERROR:#VALUE!    ERROR:#VALUE!
    South    Toner Cartridges    Governmental    Karen Winthrop    722    735    731    738    744    740    747    745    740                            722    735    731    738    744    740    747    745    740    ERROR:#VALUE!    ERROR:#VALUE!    ERROR:#VALUE!
    South    Toner Cartridges    Governmental    Walter Jones    601    604    618    619    632    641    641    638    636                            601    604    618    619    632    641    641    638    636    ERROR:#VALUE!    ERROR:#VALUE!    ERROR:#VALUE!
    South    Ink Jet Cartridges    Corporate    Nathan Clark    389    393    392    389    385    386    386    383    386                            389    393    392    389    385    386    386    383    386    ERROR:#VALUE!    ERROR:#VALUE!    ERROR:#VALUE!
    South    Ink Jet Cartridges    Corporate    Rachel Smith    872    895    926    939    963    958    951    950    970                            872    895    926    939    963    958    951    950    970    ERROR:#VALUE!    ERROR:#VALUE!    ERROR:#VALUE!
    South    Ink Jet Cartridges    Corporate    Karen Winthrop    388    385    387    384    382    390    391    388    388                            388    385    387    384    382    390    391    388    388    ERROR:#VALUE!    ERROR:#VALUE!    ERROR:#VALUE!
    South    Ink Jet Cartridges    Corporate    Walter Jones    987    994    994    988    995    1,016    1,016    1,019    1,009                            987    994    994    988    995    1,016    1,016    1,019    1,009    ERROR:#VALUE!    ERROR:#VALUE!    ERROR:#VALUE!
    South    Ink Jet Cartridges    Educational    Nathan Clark    727    721    729    733    748    757    764    761    759                            727    721    729    733    748    757    764    761    759    ERROR:#VALUE!    ERROR:#VALUE!    ERROR:#VALUE!
    South    Ink Jet Cartridges    Educational    Rachel
Answered Same Day Mar 20, 2022


Sandeep answered on Mar 21 2022
112 Votes
            Forecast    Actuals    Months    Cum forecast    Cum actuals + trend
    1    Jan    $ 70,126    $77,509    Jan    $ 70,126    $ 77,509
    2    Feb    $ 80,728    $84,365    Feb    $ 150,854    $ 161,874        these are the monthly forecast totals and the actuals for Jan-Sept…and then I trended just the totals
    3    Mar    $ 113,137    $91,143    Mar    $ 263,991    $ 253,017        When you trend the individual records there isn't enough data for it to be usable.
    4    Apr    $ 113,502    $97,892    Apr    $ 377,493    $ 350,909        next, calculate monthly cumulative sales
    5    May    $ 113,232    $104,837    May    $ 490,725    $ 455,746        then you do a chart
    6    Jun    $ 113,367    $111,976    Jun    $ 604,092    $ 567,722        or two charts, basically showing the monthly
    7    Jul    $ 113,069    $118,829    Jul    $ 717,161    $ 686,551        forecast v actual as well as the trend over the yea
    8    Aug    $ 113,205    $112,765    Aug    $ 830,366    $ 799,316        Next you need to have more than one drill down into the data, to explain why
    9    Sep    $ 113,367    $106,485    Sep    $ 943,733    $ 905,801        is it due to product, region, customer type or sales rep?
    10    Oct Trend    $ 113,638    $123,191    Oct    $ 1,057,371    $ 1,028,992
    11    Nov Trend    $ 115,126    $127,700    Nov    $ 1,172,496    $ 1,156,692
    12    Dec Trend    $ 115,870    $132,210    Dec    $ 1,288,366    $ 1,288,902
            $ 1,288,366    $ 1,288,902
                This answers the key question - you will exceed your target level of sales
    Forecast detail
    Region    Customer Type    Jan    Feb    Mar    Apr    May    Jun    Jul    Aug    Sep    Oct    Nov    Dec    FY 2016
    Americas        $ 23,208    $ 26,728    $ 37,460    $ 37,622    $ 37,487    $ 37,541    $ 37,433    $ 37,487    $ 37,541    $ 37,636    $ 38,136    $ 38,380    $ 426,657
        Corporate    $ 8,242    $ 9,497    $ 13,312    $ 13,366    $ 13,325    $ 13,352    $ 13,312    $ 13,325    $ 13,352    $ 13,379    $ 13,569    $ 13,664    $ 151,695
        Educational    $ 8,472    $ 9,750    $ 13,664    $ 13,704    $ 13,677    $ 13,691    $ 13,650    $ 13,677    $ 13,691    $ 13,731    $ 13,907    $ 13,988    $ 155,602
        Government    $ 6,494    $ 7,481    $ 10,484    $ 10,552    $ 10,484    $ 10,498    $ 10,471    $ 10,484    $ 10,498    $ 10,525    $ 10,660    $ 10,728    $ 119,360
    Europe        $ 21,000    $ 24,156    $ 33,848    $ 33,929    $ 33,875    $ 33,915    $ 33,848    $ 33,875    $ 33,915    $ 33,983    $ 34,429    $ 34,646    $ 385,420
        Corporate    $ 8,352    $ 9,594    $ 13,434    $ 13,447    $ 13,447    $ 13,461    $ 13,461    $ 13,447    $ 13,461    $ 13,474    $ 13,650    $ 13,745    $ 152,972
        Educational    $ 7,108    $ 8,182    $ 11,472    $ 11,513    $ 11,486    $ 11,499    $ 11,458    $ 11,472    $ 11,499    $ 11,526    $ 11,675    $ 11,743    $ 130,632
        Government    $ 5,540    $ 6,380    $ 8,942    $ 8,969    $ 8,942    $ 8,956    $ 8,929    $ 8,956    $ 8,956    $ 8,983    $ 9,105    $ 9,159    $ 101,815
    Asia        $ 25,918    $ 29,844    $ 41,829    $ 41,951    $ 41,870    $ 41,911    $ 41,789    $ 41,843    $ 41,911    $ 42,019    $ 42,560    $ 42,844    $ 476,289
        Corporate    $ 9,350    $ 10,763    $ 15,084    $ 15,125    $ 15,098    $ 15,111    $ 15,071    $ 15,084    $ 15,111    $ 15,152    $ 15,341    $ 15,449    $ 171,738
        Educational    $ 7,977    $ 9,185    $ 12,879    $ 12,920    $ 12,892    $ 12,906    $ 12,865    $ 12,879    $ 12,906    $ 12,933    $ 13,109    $ 13,190    $ 146,642
        Government    $ 8,591    $ 9,896    $ 13,866    $ 13,907    $ 13,880    $ 13,894    $ 13,853    $ 13,880    $ 13,894    $ 13,934    $ 14,110    $ 14,205    $ 157,910
    Total Sales        $ 70,126    $ 80,728    $ 113,137    $ 113,502    $ 113,232    $ 113,367    $ 113,069    $ 113,205    $ 113,367    $ 113,638    $ 115,126    $ 115,870    $ 1,288,366
        Cum        $ 150,854    $ 263,991    $ 377,493    $ 490,725    $ 604,092    $ 717,161    $ 830,366    $ 943,733    $ 1,057,371    $ 1,172,496    $ 1,288,366    $ 1,288,366
            2    3    4    5    6    7    8    9    10    11    12
    Actual Sales
    Row Labels    Sum of Jan    Sum of Feb    Sum of Mar    Sum of Apr    Sum of May    Sum of Jun    Sum of Jul    Sum of Aug    Sum of Sep    Sum of Oct Trend    Sum of Nov Trend    Sum of Dec Trend    FY 2016
    Americas    $26,550    $28,854    $31,168    $33,445    $35,795    $38,268    $40,618    $38,564    $36,414    $42,101    $43,639    $45,178    $440,595
    Corporate    $7,778    $8,467    $9,143    $9,810    $10,485    $11,189    $11,982    $11,400    $10,784    $12,439    $12,903    $13,368    $129,748
    Educational    $7,970    $8,630    $9,349    $10,027    $10,716    $11,471    $12,113    $11,505    $10,858    $12,556    $13,008    $13,461    $131,664
    Governmental    $10,802    $11,758    $12,676    $13,608    $14,594    $15,608    $16,523    $15,659    $14,772    $17,106    $17,728    $18,349    $179,183
    Asia    $22,364    $24,399    $26,427    $28,342    $30,305    $32,376    $34,403    $32,672    $30,891    $35,707    $37,022    $38,337    $373,245
    Corporate    $7,797    $8,471    $9,163    $9,825    $10,507    $11,208    $11,869    $11,310    $10,685    $12,331    $12,779    $13,227    $129,171
    Educational    $5,702    $6,232    $6,757    $7,270    $7,783    $8,305    $8,846    $8,375    $7,918    $9,174    $9,516    $9,858    $95,737
    Governmental    $8,865    $9,697    $10,507    $11,247    $12,015    $12,863    $13,688    $12,987    $12,288    $14,201    $14,727    $15,253    $148,338
    Europe    $28,596    $31,111    $33,548    $36,105    $38,737    $41,332    $43,808    $41,529    $39,180    $45,383    $47,039    $48,695    $475,062
    Corporate    $10,580    $11,566    $12,496    $13,429    $14,440    $15,497    $16,414    $15,533    $14,686    $17,035    $17,672    $18,309    $177,657
    Educational    $7,151    $7,745    $8,348    $8,993    $9,657    $10,269    $10,896    $10,393    $9,774    $11,315    $11,728    $12,141    $118,410
    Governmental    $10,864    $11,800    $12,704    $13,682    $14,640    $15,566    $16,498    $15,603    $14,720    $17,034    $17,639    $18,244    $178,995
    Grand Total    $77,509    $84,365    $91,143    $97,892    $104,837    $111,976    $118,829    $112,765    $106,485    $123,191    $127,700    $132,210    $1,288,902
            $161,874    $253,017    $350,909    $455,746    $567,722    $686,551    $799,316    $905,801    $1,028,992    $1,156,692    $1,288,902    $7,655,523
    Forecast Sales
    Row Labels    Sum of Jan    Sum of Feb    Sum of Mar    Sum of Apr    Sum of May    Sum of Jun    Sum of Jul    Sum of Aug    Sum of Sep    Sum of Oct    Sum of Nov    Sum of Dec    Sum of FY 2016
    Americas    $23,208    $26,728    $37,460    $37,622    $37,487    $37,541    $37,433    $37,487    $37,541    $37,636    $38,136    $38,380    $426,657
    Corporate    $8,242    $9,497    $13,312    $13,366    $13,325    $13,352    $13,312    $13,325    $13,352    $13,379    $13,569    $13,664    $151,695
    Educational    $8,472    $9,750    $13,664    $13,704    $13,677    $13,691    $13,650    $13,677    $13,691    $13,731    $13,907    $13,988    $155,602
    Government    $6,494    $7,481    $10,484    $10,552    $10,484    $10,498    $10,471    $10,484    $10,498    $10,525    $10,660    $10,728    $119,360
    Asia    $25,918    $29,844    $41,829    $41,951    $41,870    $41,911    $41,789    $41,843    $41,911    $42,019    $42,560    $42,844    $476,289
    Corporate    $9,350    $10,763    $15,084    $15,125    $15,098    $15,111    $15,071    $15,084    $15,111    $15,152    $15,341    $15,449    $171,738
    Educational    $7,977    $9,185    $12,879    $12,920    $12,892    $12,906    $12,865    $12,879    $12,906    $12,933    $13,109    $13,190    $146,642
    Government    $8,591    $9,896    $13,866    $13,907    $13,880    $13,894    $13,853    $13,880    $13,894    $13,934    $14,110    $14,205    $157,910
    Europe    $21,000    $24,156    $33,848    $33,929    $33,875    $33,915    $33,848    $33,875    $33,915    $33,983    $34,429    $34,646    $385,420
    Corporate    $8,352    $9,594    $13,434    $13,447    $13,447    $13,461    $13,461    $13,447    $13,461    $13,474    $13,650    $13,745    $152,972
    Educational    $7,108    $8,182    $11,472    $11,513    $11,486    $11,499    $11,458    $11,472    $11,499    $11,526    $11,675    $11,743    $130,632
    Government    $5,540    $6,380    $8,942    $8,969    $8,942    $8,956    $8,929    $8,956    $8,956    $8,983    $9,105    $9,159    $101,815
    Grand Total    $70,126    $80,728    $113,137    $113,502    $113,232    $113,367    $113,069    $113,205    $113,367    $113,638    $115,126    $115,870    $1,288,366
You are presented with a data file that includes sales to date by product, customer type etc. You have actuals to date as well as the yearly forecast. You have to develop a dashboard that indicates whether they will hit their year end target, and provide sufficient analysis and visual presentation for the sales executives to be able to understand why, or why not.
You must use at least 3 of the functions we have used this semester.
Present results by quarter.
    Forecast detail
    Region    Customer Type    Jan    Feb    Mar    Apr    May    Jun    Jul    Aug    Sep    Oct    Nov    Dec    FY 2016
    Americas    Corporate    $ 8,242    $ 9,497    $ 13,312    $ 13,366    $ 13,325    $ 13,352    $ 13,312    $ 13,325    $ 13,352    $ 13,379    $ 13,569    $ 13,664    $ 151,695
    Americas    Educational    $ 8,472    $ 9,750    $ 13,664    $ 13,704    $ 13,677    $ 13,691    $ 13,650    $ 13,677    $ 13,691    $ 13,731    $ 13,907    $ 13,988    $ 155,602
    Americas    Government    $ 6,494    $ 7,481    $ 10,484    $ 10,552    $ 10,484    $ 10,498    $ 10,471    $ 10,484    $ 10,498    $ 10,525    $ 10,660    $ 10,728    $ 119,360
    Europe    Corporate    $ 8,352    $ 9,594    $ 13,434    $ 13,447    $ 13,447    $ 13,461    $ 13,461    $ 13,447    $ 13,461    $ 13,474    $ 13,650    $ 13,745    $ 152,972
    Europe    Educational    $ 7,108    $ 8,182    $ 11,472    $ 11,513    $ 11,486    $ 11,499    $ 11,458    $ 11,472    $ 11,499    $ 11,526    $ 11,675    $ 11,743    $ 130,632
    Europe    Government    $ 5,540    $ 6,380    $ 8,942    $ 8,969    $ 8,942    $ 8,956    $ 8,929    $ 8,956    $ 8,956    $ 8,983    $ 9,105    $ 9,159    $ 101,815
    Asia    Corporate    $ 9,350    $ 10,763    $ 15,084    $ 15,125    $ 15,098    $ 15,111    $ 15,071    $ 15,084    $ 15,111    $ 15,152    $ 15,341    $ 15,449    $ 171,738
    Asia    Educational    $ 7,977    $ 9,185    $ 12,879    $ 12,920    $ 12,892    $ 12,906    $ 12,865    $ 12,879    $ 12,906    $ 12,933    $ 13,109    $ 13,190    $ 146,642
    Asia    Government    $ 8,591    $ 9,896    $ 13,866    $ 13,907    $ 13,880    $ 13,894    $ 13,853    $ 13,880    $ 13,894    $ 13,934    $ 14,110    $ 14,205    $ 157,910
    Total Sales        $ 70,126    $ 80,728    $ 113,137    $ 113,502    $ 113,232    $ 113,367    $ 113,069    $ 113,205    $ 113,367    $ 113,638    $ 115,126    $ 115,870    $ 1,288,366
        Year to Date
        Month    Forecast Sales     Actuals Sales    Variance in Sales (Favourable/(Unfavourable)
        Jan    $70,126    $77,509    $7,384
        Feb    $80,728    $84,365    $3,637
        Mar    $113,137    $91,143    ($21,994)
        Apr    $113,502    $97,892    ($15,611)
        May    $113,232    $104,837    ($8,395)
        Jun    $113,367    $111,976    ($1,391)
        Jul    $113,069    $118,829    $5,760
        Aug    $113,205    $112,765    ($440)
        Sep    $113,367    $106,485    ($6,882)
        Oct Trend    $113,638    $123,191    $9,553
        Nov Trend    $115,126    $127,700    $12,575
        Dec Trend    $115,870    $132,210    $16,340
        Total Monthly Sales    $1,288,366    $1,288,902    $536
        Month    Cum Forecast Sales    Cum Actual + Trend Sales
        Jan    $70,126    $77,509
        Feb    $150,854    $161,874
        Mar    $263,991    $253,017
        Apr    $377,493    $350,909
        May    $490,725    $455,746
        Jun    $604,092    $567,722
        Jul    $717,161    $686,551
        Aug    $830,366    $799,316
        Sep    $943,733    $905,801
        Oct Trend    $1,057,371    $1,028,992
        Nov Trend    $1,172,496    $1,156,692
        Dec Trend    $1,288,366    $1,288,902
        Total Monthly Sales        $2,577,804
        Chart 2 Region Wise Sales -Forecast vs Actual
            Forecast Sales             Actual Sales
        Month    Americas    Corporate    Educational    Americas    Corporate    Educational
        Jan    $23,208    $25,918    $21,000    $26,550    $22,364    $28,596
        Feb    $26,728    $29,844    $24,156    $28,854    $24,399    $31,111
        Mar    $37,460    $41,829    $33,848    $31,168    $26,427    $33,548
        Apr    $37,622    $41,951    $33,929    $33,445    $28,342    $36,105
        May    $37,487    $41,870    $33,875    $35,795    $30,305    $38,737
        Jun    $37,541    $41,911    $33,915    $38,268    $32,376    $41,332
        Jul    $37,433    $41,789    $33,848    $40,618    $34,403    $43,808
        Aug    $37,487    $41,843    $33,875    $38,564    $32,672    $41,529
        Sep    $37,541    $41,911    $33,915    $36,414    $30,891    $39,180
        Oct Trend    $37,636    $42,019    $33,983    $42,101    $35,707    $45,383
        Nov Trend    $38,136    $42,560    $34,429    $43,639    $37,022    $47,039
        Dec Trend    $38,380    $42,844    $34,646    $45,178    $38,337    $48,695
        Chart 3 Customer Type - Forecast vs Actual
            Forecast Sales             Actual...

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