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se Study This case study will guide you to apply professional work practice in the financial services industry. You will be provided with templates and supplementary guide questions throughout this...

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se Study

This case study will guide you to apply professional work practice in the financial services industry.

You will be provided with templates and supplementary guide questions throughout this assessment to document evidence of your completion of the relevant unit requirements addressed in this task.

The case study will provide you with all the information you will require to complete the tasks that follow. Review the case study carefully and complete the tasks according to the scenario provided.

Simulated Scenario

Accountability Now is the leading Chartered Accounting Firm in Cascade Peak. They provide accounting and bookkeeping services, tax compliance assistance, and professional specialist advice.

You are a new employee working as a bookkeeper at Accountability Now. You report directly to your supervisor, Abigail Wilson.

To ensure successful completion of the performance requirements relevant to this case study scenario, follow the steps outlined part by part in the case studies.

Where relevant, your assessor will play the role of your supervisor.

Case Study 1: Review of Client’s Records

Part 1 : Clarifying Job Requirements

Bobby’s Books is a specialty bookstore in the neighbouring city of Daisy Hill. They have come to Accountability Now to avail of the company’s services to review their records before they prepare a BAS. They require a review of their month’s sales checked against their inventory schedule. No further detail has been provided.

Your supervisor, Abigail Wilson, has assigned you to this client. Write an email to the owner of Bobby’s Books, Robert de Ville, clarifying the required output for the job and seeking required documents.

Robert’s email address is XXXXXXXXXX.

Guidance: Bobby’s Books is a specialty bookstore that sells newspapers, rare magazines, specialist books, and vinyl records.

Perform a review of records by ensuring all records are consistent with each other. (Invoices and receipts must match the inventory report. The inventory report must match the sales summary.)

Accountability Now has yet been given the data needed to perform the review.

Write the email below. There is no need to send an actual email to the specified address.




Part 2 : Clarifying Job Roles

Robert responded to your email:


You can get all the information you need from our internal bookkeeper, Natasha Kingley. She has all our records. I’ve assigned her to work with you throughout the review of our records.

You can reach Natasha at XXXXXXXXXX.

Send me the findings of the review when you are finished.



Email Natasha to clarify each other’s job roles throughout the review process.

Guidance: Robert has informed you that Natasha has access to all of Bobby’s Books’ records – receipts, invoices, and sales and inventory summaries.

Coordinate with Natasha which roles will be assigned to whom. For example, she will be in charge of collating receipts, while you will be in charge of computing values.

Write the email below. There is no need to send an actual email to the specified address.




Part 3 : Planning the Task

Natasha responds to your email:


I’ve attached copies of our receipts, invoices, and sales and inventory summaries here.

Let me know if there’s anything else I can help you with. If you need anything from the bookstore, the store clerk, Chuck, is there during opening hours.

Run your review by me before you send your findings to Robert. Perhaps you can send it to me in about three days’ time, so you can present this to Robert by next week.

To avoid the hassle of sending files back and forth, perform the review in Google Sheets, so we both have access to the file at any given time.



Check the file you were sent to ensure it works properly. Then, plan how you are to go about performing the review. Answer the guide in the next page. You may answer in bullet points.

Resource Persons

Data to be Reviewed

Tasks to Complete

Natasha’s Tasks:

Your Tasks:


Date today:

Discussion date with Natasha:

Presentation date to Robert:

Part 4 : Performing the Review of Records

Perform the necessary review of records on the information that Natasha has sent you. Then, write her an email about your findings.

Guidance: Create an inventory report and sales summary on Google Sheets. Apply corrections, if necessary. There is no need to include the invoices and receipts.

Make sure that the Google Sheet is accessible by anyone who has the link, so your assessor can access it.

A qualitative review of the reports will suffice.

Write the email below. There is no need to send an actual email to the specified address.




Part 5: Dealing with Ethical Issues

Natasha replies with the following email:

Those discrepancies are small and can easily be ignored. We can just keep those to ourselves, or say that Chuck may have made a mistake in recording the inventories. Besides, you can inform Robert that he is still making a profit.

Send Natasha a reply, informing her of your intended course of action.

Guidance: Indicate whether you agree or disagree with Natasha’s response, and then inform her of your intended course of action.

Your course of action must be based on at least two (2) pieces of legislation and/or professional codes of conduct related to bookkeeping.

Include these legislation and/or professional codes of conduct in your email. These may be summarised and must be written in your own words.

Write the email below. There is no need to send an actual email to the specified address.




Part 6: Reporting your Findings

Report the findings of your review of reports to Robert.

Guidance: Reiterate your findings from Part 4 of this Case Study. Include the link to the Google Sheets you created in Part 4.

Report to him also about Natasha’s probable role in the discrepancies. Recommend to seek legal advice about the matter.

Write the email below. There is no need to send an actual email to the specified address.




Part 7: Seeking Feedback

Seek feedback from Robert for the services you have rendered and the quality of your work output.

Send him an email that asks for his evaluation of your work performance.

Guidance: Send Robert an email seeking his evaluation of your work performance. Maintain professionalism throughout the email, and explain that this will be used to improve the services of Accountability Now.

Write the email below. There is no need to send an actual email to the specified address.




Part 8: Continuous Improvement

Robert replies to your email, stating he is happy with your performance in the review of his records. However, you recognise that improvements can still be made.

Propose a system to your supervisor, Abigail Wilson, which tackles an issue or problem you have encountered with this project, so that it can be used when encountering similar situations in the future.

Guidance: You may propose updating the policies and procedures, a standard email response, or set a standard course of action.

Tackle only one (1) issue or problem.




Case Study 2: Team Participation

Your supervisor assigned you to lead a campaign that promotes environment-friendly work practices. Part of this campaign includes organising a small company-wide competition that aims to promote the Triple Bottom Line principles. This task is divided into two parts.

Part 1 : Promoting a Cause

Design the mechanics of the competition meeting the following requirements:

· The completion must run for approximately one month

· It must include all employees as participants

· It must be relevant to the financial services sector

· It must encourage each person to work in teams and must compel participants to actively follow environment-friendly practices.

Outline the mechanics on the space provided in the following page. To ensure successful completion of the unit requirements relevant to this assessment task, make sure you follow the guidance provided below:

Guidance: Research on environment-friendly work practices and how you can help promote the Triple bottom line principles in the workplace. You are required to name your sources/references in designing the mechanics of the competition.

Include the objectives of the competition.

The mechanics must declare 1 team winner and 1 individual winner at the end of the competition.

The competition must be related to the financial services sector, in that there must be calculations involved (computing cost, computing weight, etc.). For example:

Ask the participants to form teams to collect recyclable materials (may be from outside the office), then pooling them together and selling the materials to recycling shops. The team with most money at the end of the month wins.

Specify the contest duration (indicate the dates).

Propose the cost-friendly and environment-friendly prizes for best teams and best individual performances. (take note to propose cost-friendly prizes)

Part 2 : Designing the Poster

Create a poster to promote the competition you designed in Part 1. You may use any medium you prefer. Save a softcopy of your posted using the filename:

INC401 and BKG401-Case Study 2 Part 2-Competition Poster

Guidance: The poster must indicate the contest duration.

The poster must include the criteria for winning as a team and individually;

The prize must be specified;

The poster must be inviting, and must provide all the relevant information to join the competition.

Part 3 : Announcement of Winners

The contest has ended, and you have collected all the results. Create a poster to announce the winners of the contest. Include some relevant details of how they won the competition (depending on your contest rules).

Guidance: Announce the winning team as well as a winning individual. You may come up with fictional names for this activity.

Include general feedback on all the participants’ performance.

Encourage all participants to continue following these environment-friendly practices beyond the contest duration by mentioning the positive effects the contest has brought.

You may choose any medium of your preference to do this, provided that you have the means to submit a softcopy to your assessor. Save the softcopy using the filename: INC401 and BKG401 – Case Study 2 Part 3– Competition Winners

Answered Same Day Apr 18, 2020


Amar answered on Apr 30 2020
134 Votes
Running Header: Case Study 2 – Team Participation         1
Case Study 2 – Team Participation         4
Case Study 2 – Team Participation
Case Study 2 – Team Participation
Part 1
Sustainability has long been an specified to form objective amongst for profit businesses, various non-profits as well as governments over the earlier decade. However the measurement concerning the overall extent up till which the organization shall be be sustainable, or else, pursue the sustainable form of growth could be challenging (Ahi & Searcy, 2015; Alhaddi, 2015). Triple Bottom Line shall be accounting model which shall incorporate three of the dimensions concerning performances related to social, environment as well as financial aspects (Ahi & Searcy, 2015; Alhaddi, 2015). The same...

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