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School of Engineering and Information Technology ITECH7410 - Software Engineering Methodologies Assignment 1, 2018/17 __________________________________________________________________________________

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Assignment 1 – Analysis of Real-Time System


The purpose of this assessment is to provide students with the opportunity to deepen, extend and apply the knowledge and skills developed from the first 3 weeks of material. Students complete the assignment individually.

As described in this course’s third study guide - Software Analysis, Modelling and Specification - there are two main approaches to systems analysis specification – structured (or classical analysis) and object-oriented analysis. Your text, Software Engineering: A Practitioners Approach (Pressman, 2010) identifies these two paths as different approaches to requirements modelling.

There are special extensions to the structured approach to deal with real-time systems. Study guide three identifies a real-time system as “…a system that has to respond to external events in a pre-defined maximum time interval. Hence such systems differ from the normal software system in that their temporal performance forms part of their requirements”.

This assignment asks you to individually provide the requirements analysis specification for an example of a real-time system. You will be required to complete Data Flow Diagrams (DFDs) and Entity Relationship Diagrams (ERDs) as well as include RT-SASD modifications and components including Control Flow Diagram extensions (CFDs), updates to Process Specifications (PSPECs) and Data/Requirements Dictionary as well as Control Specifications (CSPECs) (using combinational or sequential FSMs as required and presented in an appropriate format as Process Activation Tables (PATs) and/or State Transition (Machine) Diagrams (STDs)).

Timelines and Expectations

Marks: Assignment will be assessed based on a mark out of 100

The following information is a summary from your Course Description:

Percentage Value of Task: 20% of the course marks

Due: Week 6, Thursday 4:00pm

Minimum time expectation: 20 hours

This is an individual assignment. There is an expectation that no two submissions will be the same.

School of Engineering and Information Technology ITECH7410 Software Engineering Methodologies Assignment 1, 2018/17 __________________________________________________________________________________

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Learning Outcomes Assessed

The following course learning outcomes are assessed by completing this assessment: S1.

Critically analyse and use complex decision making to research and determine the appropriate Software Engineering tools and methodologies to utilize in a given situation

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Answered Same Day Aug 17, 2020 ITECH7410


Meenakshi answered on Aug 21 2020
160 Votes

Assignment 1 – Analysis of Real-Time System
In this system proposal report we include context diagram, data flow diagram, erd diagram, state diagram and algorithm that system contains five components that are automation and control, real time applications. This is the new concept where we work for hardware operates by software. This project is based in automation technology and more specifically in heat control automation systems. Automation is the transfer of tasks normally performed by humans to a set of technological elements. An automated system main functionality base operation and control:
AAA is heating company that company requirement is Central Heating Control System that manufacture the heating facility equipment for residential and non-residential area. The company going to plan for release a new line of gas fired central heating systems and company having automation software that is CHSV10 is installed in conjunction with the physical central heating system and automates and controls the heating processes. In this project my role is analysis and modeling of the real-time software required for the CHCSV10.
1. Operation: Part formed by elements that act directly on the machine and make it performs desired operations. example set turn on/off set time of system for heat detection start ,system detection
2. Heat System Control: the main control of system, that working by a programmable automaton, able to communicate with all constituents of the operation part.
The steps that should be taken to achieve the expected result are the following:
Determine the scope of the application and delimit the points that each mode of operation must deal with.
1) Choose the tool and software
. 2) Electronic implementation.
3) Program on the board.
4) Program the application.
5) Build the heat program model.
6) Test and debug the application.
Summary of Propose System
· In this project we design and develop a prototype system architecture that interact with hardware using program
· The system functionality based on given case study requirement
· Based on the requirements and the proposed system architecture, develop a working application to manage information for Control Heating Systems with focus on usability, accessibility.
· This project is real time project this functionality depend of system detection...

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