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s: 2. Explain ethical and professional issues related to culturally appropriate assessment, diagnosis and treatment of people with psychological disorders.3. Evaluate some of the main psychological...

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2. Explain ethical and professional issues related to culturally appropriate assessment, diagnosis and treatment of people with psychological disorders.

3. Evaluate some of the main psychological approaches for treating psychological disorders in people across the lifespan.


Feedback will be available via Canvas Grades.


It is important to understand the cultural context associated with the assessment, diagnosis, and treatment of mental health conditions and the ways in which assessment, diagnosis, and/or treatment may differ across the lifespan.

It is also important to learn how to find and present current updates from the literature in clear and concise ways.

You may want to approach this assessment as though you are tasked with presenting/proposing new content for the next version of the textbook.

Select from the following disorders:Major Depressive Disorder, Bipolar Disorder (1 or 2), Panic Disorder, or Generalised Anxiety Disorder.

You then need to:

  • Findtwohigh quality peer-review articles that contribute to our understanding of the assessment, diagnosis, and/or treatment of one of the above disorders.

  • One article needs to further our understanding of culturally appropriate assessment, diagnosis, and/or treatment for one of the above disorders.

  • One article needs to further our understanding of how assessment, diagnosis, and/or treatment may require a different approach at a particular stage of life (for example adolescence or older age) for one of the above disorders.

  • Both articles may focus on the same disorder OR you may select one disorder for a cultural focus and another for the life stage focus.

  • Note that to be classified as a peer-review article, the article must be published in a peer-reviewed journal that can be accessed in databases such as PsychInfo or ProQuest.

  • The article must have a live DOI (digital object identifier) to allow tutors to freely access the article.

  • You should attempt to find an article published in the last 5 -10 years.


The objective of the assessment is to report on what each article adds to “what is currently known” that is, what is reported about the disorder in relation to the “general population”.

Approach each article in turn:

Briefly summarise the article relating toculture(approximately 50 words). The focus should be on the population/participants, methods, and key findings/recommendations.

Next, discuss how the article extends and contributes to our understanding of the cultural implications of either the assessment, diagnosis, and/or treatment of your chosen mental health condition. You will first want to compare the article content/perspective to the information provided in the textbook. Next, and you will want to draw on additional peer review literature (approximately 3-5 articles) to support your claims/perspective in relation to the cultural implications for Mental Health service provision for your psychological disorder.

Briefly summarise the article relating to a particularlife stage(approximately 50 words). The focus should be on the population/participants, methods, and key findings/recommendations.

Next, discuss how the article extends and contributes to our understanding of the life stage implications of either the assessment, diagnosis, and/or treatment of your chosen mental health condition. You will first want to compare the article content/perspective to the information provided in the textbook. Next, and you will want to draw on additional peer review literature (approximately 3-5 articles) to support your claims/perspective on the life course implications for Mental Health service provision for your psychological disorder.


  • You arenotexpected to critique the specific research methodologies associate with the two papers.

  • The summary of the paper is to orient the marker to the nature of the paper reported on and isnotincluded in the marking rubric.

  • You should dedicate approximately 300 words to reviewing each article.

  • In terms of “extending our understanding” you will want to compare the article content to material presented in the textbook (Rieger, 2007).

  • You will also want to include 3-5 additional quality peer review articles for each topic.

  • Will need an end-of-text reference list including all sources (not included in the word limit).

  • Make sure that you include the live digital object identifier (DOI) for the two articles in the end-of-text reference list. Marking of the assignment will not commence until DOIs for the reviewed articles are provided and the articles viewed.


    • 12-point black font (Times New Roman or Calibri).

    • Double line spacing, all margins = 2.54 cm.

    • All headings should be in APA 7 format.

    • Reference list should be in APA 7 format (including hanging indent).

Answered 1 days After Mar 06, 2024


Anjali answered on Mar 08 2024
23 Votes
Explain ethical and professional issues related to culturally appropriate assessment, diagnosis and treatment of people with psychological disorders (Bipolar Disorder).
According to this article the bipolar disorder is an issue of concern worldwide and it is estimated that 4.4% of Americans will be diagnosed with bipolar disorder during their life period. It is identified by conducting case study based analysis in this article that if this disease would not be treated well the number of individuals is at high risk of suicide, divorce, violence and financial difficulties. Author concluded that a teratogenic effect of drugs that has the quality to stabilize the mood such as ca
amazepine and valproate has side effects that raise an ethical challenge in clinical practice. Another ethical issue that’s addressed in this article is related to involuntary hospitalization and treatment of the patients suffering from bipolar disease during the acute episodes of hypomania. This article contributes the ethical norms and legal standards related to treatment of patients that are quite helpful for the long term treatment of the patients suffering from bipolar disease. (Appel, 2023) proposed ethical framework for dealing with the issues of bipolar disease, these principles are related to respect of autonomy, beneficence and justice for the patients suffering from bipolar disease. These principles work together to manage the mental health care of the patients. (Strakowski et al., 2015) conducted two qualitative studies to understand the care need of patients and it is analysed that more knowledge is required to identify the early signs of bipolar disease that help to manage the patients in more effective manner. Health professional having less knowledge and inadequate refe
al to the less experienced practitioner while diagnosis lead to number...

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