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Respond to the following: What type of relationship do you think FEMA andthe DHS shouldhave in the future regarding the rebuilding of the nation’s all-hazards emergency management system? That is,...

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Respond to the following:

What type of relationship do you think FEMA andthe DHS shouldhave in the future regarding the rebuilding of the nation’s all-hazards emergency management system? That is, inclusionary, supervisory, equal partners, etc. Explain your answer.

Please reference and cite your readings and viewings in support of your responses.


Bullock, J. A., Haddow, G. D.,&Coppola, D. P. (2016).Introduction to homeland security: Principles of all-hazards risk management(5thed.). Waltham,MA: Elsevier.

Budget Issues:FEMANeeds Adequate Data, Plans, and Systems to Effectively Manage Resources for Day-to-Day Operations:GAO XXXXXXXXXXLinks to an external site.)(2007).GAO reports,1.EBSCOPermalink: XXXXXXXXXX&site=eds-live

Holt, K. (2011).Do we need federal agencies like FEMA?(Links to an external site.)New American, 27(22), 21–24.EBSCOPermalink: XXXXXXXXXX&site=eds-live

Thompson, B. G. (2006).FEMAreorganization.(Links to an external site.)Fire Engineering, 159(5), 219.EBSCOPermalink: XXXXXXXXXX&site=eds-live

Answered Same Day Aug 16, 2021


Ishika answered on Aug 17 2021
153 Votes
What type of relationship do you think FEMA and the DHSshould have in the future regarding the rebuilding of the nation's all-hazards emergency management system? That is, inclusionary, supervisory, equal partners, etc. Explain your answe
The involvement of FEMA in the DHS has led to various "camps"—some of which support its incorporation into the DHS and others argue that The conflicts of DHS and FEMA. FEMA is also critical of the performance of the agency as regards its poor management, strategy, emergency response plans, whether or not they are necessary. After 9/11, FEMA 's initial objective and its all-hazard mission were altered specifically. FEMA became the backburner when the DHS became formed and its major focus on te
orism remained unchanged. Many experts think the connection...

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