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Research and apply evidence to practice ASSESSMENT: Written report - Research assignment – 2 topics S/NS result given. Must attain a satisfactory result. Assignment INSTRUCTIONS - Topics 1 & 2 · This...

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Research and apply evidence to practice
ASSESSMENT: Written report - Research assignment – 2 topics
S/NS result given. Must attain a satisfactory result.

Assignment INSTRUCTIONS - Topics 1 & 2
· This assessment consists of two (2) research topics
· You must complete both topics – if you submit only one topic your assessment will be deemed not satisfactory.
· Each topic asks the same questions.
· You may choose a different topic for assignment 1, but your educator must agree with the topic you have chosen prior to completing the assignment.
· Use the template provided.
· You must submit your posters/flyers at the same time you submit the two research topics on Blackboard. Label each poste
flyer clearly so your name can be identified by the educator.
· E.g. CHCPOL003 Surname_Poster1
· Word count: no more than 2,000 words per assignment (no more than 4,000 words for the whole assessment).
· Read topic 1 and topic 2 at the end of the first class.
· This assessment is to be done IN PAIRS. Educators will allocate the pairs.
· You will be assessed individually, for your submission of BOTH topics. Each student to submit their assessment via Blackboard.
· Do not wait until the last minute to complete the assessment as this is a time-consuming assessment – you should start as early as possible.
· You may use the PowerPoints for this unit and the learning activities to help you complete the assessment.
· You are required to communicate ve
ally and/or in writing with your educator throughout the assessment to ensure you understand the process and to clarify any areas of uncertainty.
· You are required to apply your Professional Standards of Practice throughout the assessment, the framework for which included:
· NMBA Enrolled Nurse Standards for Practice
· NMBA Code of Ethics for Nurses
· NMBA Code of Professional Conduct for nurses
· Health Practitioner Regulation National Law Act (National Law)
· Scope of Nursing Practice Decision Making Framework
· You are also required to apply an appropriate research approach to nursing practice within the scope of the Enrolled Nurse and use nursing research methodologies and resources appropriately.
· You will need to provide the exact number of words used at the end of the proposal.
· Word count does NOT include: The pre-existing templates, instructions and questions.
· You must use analytical processes throughout the assessment including: comparing, contrasting, challenging and reflecting.
Research Topic 1
Infection control and prevention
(You may choose a different topic, but your educator must agree with the topic you have chosen.)
    Topic 1 – Background
Read before starting your assignment
    You are a new enrolled nurse working in a clinic located in a remote area. The clinic building is an older structure and lacks the use of clinical and client information, such as posters. It has been identified that many of the staff are efficient in their roles but have some out-of-date ideas in their nursing practice.
The clinic manager has asked you to research the most cu
ent information about a specific topic, such as:
Infection control
    Plan the research activity
    1. In order to complete this assessment, you need to identify TWO (2) areas related to the topic, where research can help support and improve your own practice as an EN.
XXXXXXXXXXE.g topic: Infection control and prevention (or as agreed with your educator)
    2. Identify the reason(s) for undertaking your research from the list below.
· You may select several reasons.
· Provide a
ief rationale for each.
E.g reasons: Comparison / hypothesis testing / trend identification / own knowledge extension / strengthen quality of own practice.
    3. Write a clear statement highlighting your research question or hypothesis, e.g. “Is there a difference between hand washing protocols and actual practice”.
It may include:
· Nursing interventions applicable to the topic
· Client perceptions of the provision of this topic
· Models of nursing care that utilise the topic
· Political issues confronting nursing practice and health care provision in relation to the topic
An example of a question (the student can NOT use this example), would be:
Does hand washing among healthcare workers reduce hospital acquired infections? 
An example of a hypothesis (the student can NOT use this example), would be:
Hospital acquired infections are more likely to be passed on by hand washing with water than when hands are washed with soap.
    4. Establish and define the general research objective.
· A research objective summarises what is to be achieved by the study.
· Ensure your objective is S.M.A.R.T and relevant, logical, feasible, observable and measurable.
· The objective should be clearly phrased – use ve
s, e.g. to assess, to establish, to determine, to compare, etc.
    5. Identify ONE (1) other discipline that could be connected to this research activity.
· Briefly explain your choice of discipline.
    6. In order to gather information about the research topic, you will need to access credible sources of data and evidence.
· List two (2) sources you intend to use for this assignment.
· Copy the link address of the source and paste it next to the source’s name – this will provide the proof to your assessor that you accessed it.
· E.g. PubMed - http:
· Source 1:
· Source 2:
    HINT: This is a good time to contact your educator and discuss your research topic and ve
ally gain confirmation that you and your partner are still on track.
     Gather information for your research
    7. Evaluate and select a maximum of two (2) methods of gathering information you think would be most appropriate to answer your research question.
· Briefly explain why you have chosen a particular method over another, e.g. more time efficient.

Methods of gathering include search engine using co
ect key words, literature reviews, systematic reviews, interviews, surveys, seminars, and surveys.
    8. You are now to gather information for your research topic using a systematic approach.
Stages for your information gathering activity
1. Statement of objective – you should have already completed that step
2. Data collection, i.e. a literature search
3. Data evaluation – critiquing articles to include or exclude them from the review.
· You may use the appraisal tools developed by JBI to help you http:
4. Analysis – comparing, contrasting, challenging & reflecting
5. Presentation of findings
At this stage, select four (4) sources
Please find the hierarchy of evidence, below:
1. Systematic reviews and meta-analysis
2. Randomised controlled trials (RCTs)
3. Cohort studies
4. Case-control studies
5. Cross-sectional surveys
6. Case reports
    9. Distinguish between relevant and i
elevant information.
· Briefly explain why one (1) piece of your information is particularly relevant according to your objectives and your workplace requirements.
    10. In order to facilitate your analysis, organise the information you have found.
· You may summarise each source of information using key words.
· You may choose to order your articles in chronological order if your focus is to show an evolution of practices.
· You may order your articles following the rules of evidence, i.e. RCT > case report.
    HINT: Contact your educator and discuss your research topic and ve
ally gain confirmation that you and your partner are still on track.
    Analyse the information
    11. Prioritise information based on the research objectives.
· Using questions 9 and 10 to help you, select only TWO (2) articles that you will keep for the rest of this assignment.
    12. Compare and contrast your two (2) sources of information.
· Use the table provided in Appendix A.
· You must complete all the sections.
· Instructions in italics are to be removed.
    13. You have now thoroughly analysed the information available to you. Now draw conclusions based on your findings.
    14. As your findings may be used to establish evidence-based practice, identify one (1) impact your conclusions may have, in terms of duty of care requirements.
Answered Same Day Feb 22, 2020 CHCPOL003 Training.Gov.Au


Sundeep answered on Mar 07 2020
145 Votes
1. The topic given is minimising the language ba
ier when communicating with clients.
Clients are the most important stakeholders in business. It is the clients who are served by the services which the company offers. Satisfaction of the clients is the priority of any business. If a language ba
ier exists between the business and the client, there could be gaps in requirement understanding, objective formation and analysis of the information. If gaps persist, the project/ requirement may go out of scope and would affect the business. Hence reduction of the language ba
ier to the minimum is very important. Language ba
ier can be reduced in multiple ways also there are multiple areas
The two areas related to ‘Minimising language ba
ier when communicating with clients’ where research can help support and improve our own practice as an EN are : reduced accessing of preventive services and cancer screening rates (Navigating Language Ba
iers, 2018)
More than 58 million Americans are interviewed in this literature survey out of which 20.3 % of the American population, speak a language except the English language at home, with
French, Hindi, Tagalog, Vietnamese, Chinese and Spanish being spoken most frequently.
Nearly 25 million of these interviewed population reported that they speak English less than very well or are limited English proficient (LEP).
Language ba
iers are one of those ba
iers which play a significant role in poor health processes and outcomes, including reduced accessing of preventive services and cancer screening rates among LEP patients. These obstacles to cancer screenings for LEP patients can be reduced with language assistance. (Navigating Language Ba
iers, 2018)
3. Does patient navigation / Treatment decision system prove efficient to solve the problem of less participation of patients in English Language dominant healthcare system?
To determine the extent of better communication, understanding among hospital staff and patients and improvement in client screening rate for cancer in clients who aren’t fluent in English by the use of Navigators and TDS within a span of 1 yea
· 5. The other discipline that could be connected to the research activity is the increment in the conversion rate in the clients. i.e the clients who come for check-up for cancer and the clients who actually get admitted to the hospital for treatment. It is very important that the clients feel comfortable in the first interaction with the hospital staff. Only this would play a major factor in improving conversion rate.
(Participation in treatment decision-making among Chinese-Australian women with
east cancer, 2017)

· 6. Source1:EBSCO -
· Source2:EBSCO - http:
· Source3:EBSCO -
· Source4:EBSCO
7. I have used the method of literature reviews and interview surveys in order to gather information that would be helpful to me to answer the research question.
Literature review:
Literature review is analysing and understanding the text of a scholarly article which includes substantial findings and data, also it includes methodologies and secondary sources for further analysis. Books, theories, research papers and other sources relevant to a particular topic are critically evaluated for a literature review.
Interview survey is a method where a specific target audience is involved. In this method a questionnaire is designed where the responses of the target audience is recorded for analysis and deductions. The interviewer has to be very careful not to include any biases in the interviewsession.
I have chosen these methods since they give a deeper sense of knowledge and provide insights to our objective. The methods are time consuming, but they intend to provide deep insights and qualitative data for the research process
8. The literature research and data collection hasn’t been done separately and the research and data has been referenced in the sources provided above. The data undertaken by the research paper authors describe the demographics of the target audience and has been evaluated to be trustworthy. The answer to the given questions are present in the following answers. The analysis of...

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