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RESEARCH Short Answer Questions (2000 words) 2000 words Of the following researchscenarios, choose 4 (only) and justify a research design. Use the literature to support your choice. Analyse each...

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Short Answer Questions (2000 words)

2000 words

Of the following researchscenarios,choose 4 (only)and justify a research design. Use the literature to support your choice. Analyse each scenario and plan a research design that fits the problem and question. Outline your research method(s) and defend why you picked them.

Research scenario 1

Youth unemployment is a problem in some areas of Australia. Unemployment can have serious implications for health and well-being. You have been engaged by a non-government organisation to examine this issue for an inner city neighbourhood where there is racial diversity. The research questions are; how many young people are unemployed or not looking for work in this neighbourhood? And what are the community perceptions of the impact of unemployment on the health and well-being of young people? Please explain and justify your research design.

Research scenario 2

Suicide is a public health problem in the Northern Territory. The number of suicides has been increasing over the past decade and the suicide rate inKanawagaris 3 x the Territory average. Researchers and the community need to understand what is contributing to the problem. Kanawagais a remote township with a population of 800 people. The research question is, ‘what specific factors contribute to suicide inKanawagar?’

Research scenario 3A

Diabetes is a public health problem in the Northern Territory. One aspect of clinical care is medication. A new medication,Sweetplus®that is administeredtransdermallyweekly has been found to be safe in humans. It now needs to be tested against the standard treatment of daily insulin injection. The research question is, ‘doesSweetplus®maintain normal blood sugar levels indicated by aglycatedhaemoglobin (HbA1c) test over a 3 month period in men and women?’OR



Research scenario 3B

After experiencing askyrocketingamount of public drunkenness and associated crime and health problems the government of the small Pacific Island state ofParadisointroduced a strict ‘Sensible and safe’ alcohol policy, introduced by a fist thumping politician . A key part of the policy was that drunks who were extremely intoxicated to the stage that they littered footpaths were immediately picked up by a specially trained squad of health workers and taken to newly constructed ‘drunk tanks’, where they were registered using new electronic face recognition technology and then soberedup in special areas where they could be monitored and provided with appropriate treatment. After sobering up further details were taken and checked against health and police data bases as well as that of the drunk tanks. Where the individual had been in any of the three facilities three or more times within the last month they were according to law detained for six months of treatment. The program has been running for two years and you are required to do an evaluation of what all stakeholders from those who have been through the program to the general public feel about the policy and whether or not it is working.


Research scenario 4A

Smoking is a public health problem in the NT. Indigenous people smoke at significantly higher rates than non-Indigenous people. A public health briefcounselingintervention called “STOD” (Stop it or you will die) has been shown to be effective in reducing smoking rates in indigenous populations in the US, Canada and New Zealand. Two NT Indigenous communities with known high rates of smoking wish to test this intervention to reduce adult smoking. The research question is, ‘is ‘STOD’ intervention an appropriate and effective intervention in reducing adult smoking at 6 months of implementation?’OR


Research scenario 4B

Bizarri(2012) has made the criticism that despite a significant level of development of knowledge and theoretical understanding, the protection of vulnerable groups after a disaster is far from beingpracticedin disaster management. Your task is to design a research project to assess whether there are considerable gaps between the theory of protection of children and what has been occurring on the ground for three recent disaster areas. (You can assume that you have access to travel and interview stakeholders and access to relevant records. )


Short Answer Questions – 500 words per scenario with APA referencing.

Assessment Criteria:

As per the CDU grading matrix and the criteria below:



Interprets and analyses the research scenarios and their characteristics accurately


Applies and justifies an appropriate research design to each scenario


Outlines appropriate research methods and planning for each scenario


Clear, concise and logical written expression



Answered Same Day May 09, 2020


Anju Lata answered on May 13 2020
159 Votes
Running Head: RESEARCH
Each year many young people aged 15-24 get in the market to seek the job but find it difficult to keep it (Carvalho,2015). Since mid-2008, the unemployment rate in Australia has doubled with more than 5 lakh youth being unemployed in Australia accounting for the total 18.7% unemployment in Sep 2017.
According to Household, Income and Labour Dynamics in Australia (HILDA) Survey (2017), the recent hike in youth unemployment is due to high number of youth seeking part-time jobs. Majority of them lack reasonable experience (41.3%), appropriate qualification (32.9%), transport ba
iers (29.6%) and face strong competition (28%) (Wilkins,2017).
The main factors contributing to the unemployment are the lack of initial job opportunities for fresher level, mainly during the period of weak demand and slow growth in job. Generally, the poor standard of education in youth mainly
ought forward due to the tendency of leaving the school early, and not taking admission for further higher studies is an important contributor. Moreover, there is a mismatch observed between the employer’s demands and the experience and skills of youths seeking jobs.
The worsening unemployment directly stimulates the capability deprivation of youth and also affects the economic downturn and the GDP of a country. It impedes the talent and potential of youth permanently, eroding their self-respect and dignity. Unemployment determines the standard of living of the country. The GDP depends on the number of employed people, their average working hours, and productivity. Hence, unemployment directly affects the GDP and economic well being of a country (Henry,2014).
Unemployment leads to many ethical issues like drug abuse and co
upt use of talent for financial and personal gains. Youth fall in harmful addictions of drugs to escape the situations and few even tend to sell their body for earning money (Ba
, Miller & Ubeda, 2016).
To mitigate the damage, the government can boost the economic development. The education, industrial training programs, subsidies to employer companies and apprenticeship programs can develop skills in youth to adapt to demands of changing the economy. Training programs can improve the quality of workers. Youth can move to the areas where there are greater jobs Suwardi, 2013).
Research Design
To research the question, the best way is a mix of qualitative and quantitative design which is qualitative phenomenological in nature (Waters,2017). A survey conducted for collecting data about the number of unemployed youth can
ing forth all the trends and rates of unemployment along with community perceptions of the issue.
The survey can interview the same set of people every year, after every 5-6 months, collecting the data on relevant questions. The questions may be about job search activities performed by the youth for the last 12 weeks before being surveyed, efforts to find a job like telephoning, applying for a job and writing to the employer, responding to an advertisement, registering with unemployment job agency, using the online job portals by registering themselves on the job seeking websites, contacting friend and relatives, and seeking jobs in newspapers and internet portals (Waters,2017).
The unemployment rate can be determined through a mix of qualitative and quantitative research methods assessing the effects and providing the solutions to mitigate the problem in theoretical manner.
, A., Miller, L., & Ubeda, P. (2016). Moral consequences of becoming unemployed. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America, 113(17), 4676–4681. http:
Henry,K.(2014). Why rising youth unemployment demands our urgent attention?. Retrieved from https:
Reality Bites (2017). Australia’s Youth Unemployment in a Millennial Era. December 2017. Brotherhood of St.Laurence. Retrieved from http:
Suwardi,A.(2013). Economics: Structural Unemployment: Solution & Evaluation. Retrieved from https:
Wilkins,R.(2017). The Household, Income and Labour Dynamics in Australia Survey: Selected Findings from Waves 1 to 15. Melbourne Institute. Retrieved from https:
Waters,J.(2017). Phenomenological Research Guidelines. Retrieved from https:
Suicide is the main reason of deaths in Australians from 15-34 years of age. The thoughts of suicides occur from extreme psychological pain and distress (NT Government,2018). According to Australian Bureau of Investigation, the rate of suicides in Kanawagar, NT is approx. 26.1% while that in Australia it is just 11%. Around 81% of suicides take place only in aboriginal communities (SBS News,2017). Many social and psychological factors are responsible for it. Mainly in disadvantaged areas, the alcohol intake habits and domestic violence has increased considerably. Moreover, the kids are exposed to a lot of mental pressure due to family conflicts, relationships, competition to score better in school, and the burden of being harassed in society. The extent of suicides is five times greater in Aboriginal and To
es Islander People of Kanawagar than other Australians (NT Government, 2018).
Suicidal incidents lower the productivity of the country and they are extreme sign of pertaining...

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