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Research Questions due by 5pm on Friday of week 7 (submit through link on Portal) The following 3 questions come from the first 4 weeks of this course and examine some of the main concepts. You will...

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Research Questions due by 5pm on Friday of week 7 (submit through link on
The following 3 questions come from the first 4 weeks of this course and
examine some of the main concepts. You will need to write approximately 300
– 350 words for questions A, B and C.
Use specific examples when discussing these concepts. Ensure that you use
APA 6 referencing, size 12 font (Arial or Times Roman) and one and a half line
spacing (formatting). Make sure that you answer all the elements of each
Use the lecture content when answering the questions as well as any relevant
Refer to the ru
ic for this assessment.
Question A
What is the difference between a Trading Company and a Wholesale
Company? Explain the characteristics of each one and give examples of
companies that you know to demonstrate your understanding of these two
company types (6 marks)
Question B
What is a business process? Why do we analyse business processes? Discuss
the different performance measures that we can use to evaluate process
efficiency. Use 2 journal articles to support your discussion of Process Analysis.
(8 marks)
Question C
Summarise your understanding of the Journal article reading from week 3
(When should a process be art? Hall & Johnson, 2009) Discuss the concept of
the article and provide some examples to support your understanding. (6
Answered Same Day Aug 06, 2020


Soumi answered on Aug 08 2020
162 Votes
Table of Contents
1. Explanation of difference between Trading Company and Wholesale Company emphasizing key characteristics and examples    3
2. Analysis and explanation of Business processes and explanation of different performance measures used in the evaluation of process efficiency    3
3. Summarization of article, ‘When should a process be art, Not Science’    4
References    6
1. Explanation of difference between Trading Company and Wholesale Company emphasizing key characteristics and examples
Trading companies are those firms which connect sellers and buyers of different kinds of products, within the same or different countries, without participating in the storage or ownership of goods. In a way, these companies specialize themselves in buying and selling of specialize range of goods and delivering those products to customers and earning revenue through sales commissions. These companies have their distribution network and are mostly involved with high volume production products such as pharmaceuticals, fertilizers, chemicals among others. As explained by Hammer (2015), following are some of the key activities of a trading company – firstly, they identify the suppliers and buyers in different locations with large capacity to handle the products. Secondly, they establish their own distribution infrastructure and negotiate the terms of sale and purchase of goods. Thirdly, they manage customs and ba
iers of trade and finally distributes goods through its retail network.
Wholesale company sells the goods to retailers, or other professional users like industrial, commercial or institutional, except to the final consumer. Unlike trading company, they have a warehouse and ship products directly to the retailers acting as an agent. As suggested by Vom Brocke et al. (2014), wholesalers work in relatively smaller areas like within city or state, while traders work in much larger geographical areas like different countries. For example, for the company Nike, the manufactured clothes are distributed to the distributors and wholesalers, and then wholesalers sell them to retailers and finally to the consumers. Nike will partner with...

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