Note: You can use this as a guideline. I hope this template will assist you while you preparing your research proposal.
TITLE OF YOUR Research Study
1. Short Abstract (150 words)
· The abstract is often written at the very end of the process
· Includes a very
ief description of your study and an indication of your findings
2. Introduction / problem statement / Rationale for the study
Overview of the Study
· What you hope to find out by doing this study?
· Why this study is important?
· What your research questions are?
3. Literature Review (we do not have time to write a full literature review but we will talk about it)
· Will showcase some literature that is related to your topic and be the foundation for your study
· Use the sources to make a case for your study or show why your study is important
4. research design and methods
A. Overview the Design
· Why is a qualitative study important here – what are you trying to find out (repeat from the introduction)?
· What type of study will you do (a case study, an exploration of a topic, action research used to improve practice)?
· How will you manage bias and control the quality of the study
· What you do anticipate will happen and how will you manage this bias?
· You need to make it clear where you stand as the researcher so it is clear to readers
· What is the role of the researcher?
B. Population and Study Sample
· What will be the sample size for your study?
· How you will select the participants for your study? Why?
· What criteria will you use when selecting sample participants?
C. Research Methodology
· Here is where you will lay out your research methods (think of it like a cookbook) of hwo the study will run
· Sources of Data and Data Collection Methods
· Where will you get data? – interviews, survey, focus groups?
· How will you collect the data?
· Will you need to create an instrument (ex. survey)?
· What questions will you ask in the interview or focus group?
· Data Analysis process
· How will you analyze the data
· How are you going to code?
D. Ethics and Human Subjects and Data Management Issues
· How will you manage and store the data you collect (keep data secure)?
· How will you protect the anonymity of participants?
You will also include here:
A. Strengths And Weaknesses Of The Study
· What are the limitations of your study
· What could be done differently next time?
· What would make this study a stronger study
B. Future Research recommendations
· Where would you recommend to go based on the findings of your study?
· What are some questions you did not get answered, or new questions that came up as you were working on your research?
You will list all of the sources you reference anywhere in your study (Literature Review, Discussion, Introduction
9. Appendices
Appendixes are where you add additional data that will be helpful to people to review as they learn about your study. In our project you will add APPENDIX A. and include your full coded data analysis.
CJ 4350 – 5350
Final Project -Research Proposal
Due Date
April 30, 2024
Submission Deadline: End of the Semester (3 weeks remaining)
The Research Proposal Assignment is a significant component of this course. In order to successfully complete this assignment, please follow these instructions:
Select Your Research Topic:
Choose a research topic that aligns with the themes and concepts covered in your course. Ensure that your topic is well-defined and relevant to the course material.
Review of Research Literature:
Conduct a comprehensive literature review related to your chosen topic. Summarize key findings and identify gaps in the existing research that your proposal aims to address.
Establish Research Questions:
Develop clear and concise research questions that your proposal seeks to answer. These questions should be informed by the literature review and should guide your research.
Methodology and Data Collection Plan:
Describe the research methodology you intend to use and outline your plan for data collection. Explain how your chosen methodology aligns with your research questions and the research topic.
Potential Policy Implications:
Discuss the potential policy implications of your research. How might the findings of your study inform decision-making or policy development in the field?
It is essential to understand the course material and apply the knowledge gained to your research proposal. This assignment should demonstrate your ability to critically analyze the literature, develop relevant research questions, and outline a research plan with policy implications in mind.
Make sure to adhere to the submission deadline, and feel free to seek guidance from your instructor if you have any questions or need assistance with your research proposal. Good luck with your assignment!
See the folder named “Guidance for research Proposal” under WEEK 11 ;
Refer to "Table 11" (found in the specified file) for a clear understanding of the assignment's expectations.
Additionally, consult the file titled "A-Sample-of-Qualitative-Research-Proposal" for valuable insights.
Ensure that every section of your research proposal reflects your grasp of its details. For instance, when constructing your literature review, formulate your research question(s), compile your literature review, and elucidate your conceptual framework. Seek out relevant theories and establish connections between them and your research questions and topic.
Explicitly detail how you intend to ca
y out your investigation to address your research question in the methodology section. Each component of your methodology should be thoroughly explained.
You may find it beneficial to view the videos located in this folder, especially the ones featuring research proposal presentations. These videos can provide you with a sense of what your final research proposal should resemble.
CJ 4350
Research Proposal
Due Date
, 2024
Submission Deadline
End of the Semester (3 weeks remaining)
The Research Proposal Assignment is a significant
component of
this course. In order to successfully
complete this assignment, please follow these
Select Your Research Topic:
Choose a research topic that aligns with the themes and
concepts covered in your course. Ensure that your topic
is well
defined an
d relevant to the course material.
Review of Research Literature:
Conduct a comprehensive literature review related to
your chosen topic. Summarize key findings and identify
gaps in the existing research that your proposal aims to
Research Questions:
Develop clear and concise research questions that your
proposal seeks to answer. These questions should be
informed by the literature review and should guide your
Methodology and Data Collection Plan:
Describe the research met
hodology you intend to use
and outline your plan for data collection. Explain how
your chosen methodology aligns with your research
questions and the research topic.
Potential Policy Implications:
Discuss the potential policy implications of your
How might the findings of your study inform
making or policy development in the field?
It is essential to understand the course material and
apply the knowledge gained to your research proposal.
This assignment should demonstrate your ability to
CJ 4350 – 5350
Final Project -Research Proposal
Due Date
April 30, 2024
Submission Deadline: End of the Semester (3 weeks remaining)
The Research Proposal Assignment is a significant
component of this course. In order to successfully
complete this assignment, please follow these
Select Your Research Topic:
Choose a research topic that aligns with the themes and
concepts covered in your course. Ensure that your topic
is well-defined and relevant to the course material.
Review of Research Literature:
Conduct a comprehensive literature review related to
your chosen topic. Summarize key findings and identify
gaps in the existing research that your proposal aims to
Establish Research Questions:
Develop clear and concise research questions that your
proposal seeks to answer. These questions should be
informed by the literature review and should guide your
Methodology and Data Collection Plan:
Describe the research methodology you intend to use
and outline your plan for data collection. Explain how
your chosen methodology aligns with your research
questions and the research topic.
Potential Policy Implications:
Discuss the potential policy implications of your
esearch. How might the findings of your study inform
decision-making or policy development in the field?
It is essential to understand the course material and
apply the knowledge gained to your research proposal.
This assignment should demonstrate your ability to