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Microsoft Word - INF70005 Sem XXXXXXXXXXGroup Paper and Presentation Faculty of Business and Law INF70005 – Strategic Project Management Semester 1, 2018 Assignment Three – Research and Reflective...

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Microsoft Word - INF70005 Sem XXXXXXXXXXGroup Paper and Presentation
Faculty of Business and Law
INF70005 – Strategic Project Management
Semester 1, 2018
Assignment Three – Research and Reflective Report
Due date: Friday, 22th May @ 11:59pm
XXXXXXXXXXAssignment Value = 35%
Each student is required to prepare and submit a written research and reflective report of 2550 words (anything over the word limit will be ignored and will not be marked). Write into the template provided to complete your report. Don’t set your report out in a separate structure.
The purpose of this report is to 1) research on two project management issues in which you are required to use appropriate concepts and models relevant to deepen your insights into the issues.
Your work should be of a high academic standard. Your reflection and research should be uploaded electronically to Blackboard by the due date. You are expected to follow relevant parts of the required style guide, and includes the use of Swinburne University Harvard Style referencing. Your report is to be typewritten into the table provided, in English. The report should be written in clear, plain language, so that non-expert users can easily understand it.
Project Management Issues
The research on Project Management issues are in video format and made available on Blackboard. They are prepared by a number of visiting Swinburne project management scholars.
Complete this Assignment in the tabular template format provided (incl. number of words used)
In grading this work it is expected to see evidence of the choice and usage of appropriate academic theory to deepen your insights of the selected project management issues. As well as a high quality written, appropriately referenced and supported analysis.
    Markers are therefore looking for:
· analytical substance
· argument structure
· use of supporting material
· quality of writing
· persuasiveness
· overall clarity
· internal consistency
· discerning between assumptions and value judgments vs. analysis and argument.
    Grading levels for each section:
    Grade range
    8 to 10
    7 to 7.9
    6 to 6.9
    5 to 5.9
    Less than 5
1 of 3
Your Name:             Your student ID:                                (use this template for Assignment 3)
    Issue / Concept
    Specific aspect / area of focus
    Your response
    Grade & comments
    List clearly the two chosen project management issues from the chosen international speakers.. Explain why you choose them.
[150 words]
    For the first issue, identify at least one academic theory to deepen your insights into the issue
Briefly introduce [and reference] your chosen academic theory.
Justify your choice.
[400 words]
    Using your chosen theory to explain how this helps you to gain deeper insights into the first issue.
[600 words]
    Identify your new learning and explain how this insight will influence you in the future.
[200 words]
    For the second issue, identify at least one academic theory to deepen your insights into the issue
Briefly introduce [and reference] your chosen academic theory.
Justify your choice.
[400 words]
    Using your chosen theory to explain how this helps you to gain deeper insights into the second issue.
[600 words]
    Identify your new learning and explain how this insight will influence you in the future.
[200 words]
    Presented appropriately in accordance with:
Swinburne Harvard Style Guide
    Total out of 23

1. Connecting the Front End to the Back End of a Project by Prof Andrew Edkins (URL: https:
2. Impact of Agile on Project Success by Prof Blaize Reich URL: (URL: https:
3. How Agile are you by Prof Blaize Reich (URL: https:
· From these 3 videos choose any 2.
· List clearly the two chosen project management issues from the chosen international speakers in the template provided.
· And continue as listen in the template.
This is the final assignment of this subject in this semester. Marking criteria is for 23 marks, atleast I should get 18 of 23. So, please provide me the assignment in the high academic standard. Thanks
Answered Same Day May 17, 2020 INF70005 Swinburne University of Technology


Sundeep answered on May 24 2020
165 Votes
Microsoft Word - INF70005 Sem 1 2014 Group Paper and Presentation
Your Name:             Your student ID:                                (use this template for Assignment 3)
    Issue / Concept
    Specific aspect / area of focus
    Your response
    Grade & comments
    List clearly the two chosen project management issues from the chosen international speakers.. Explain why you choose them.
[150 words]
    The videos of the international speakers were excellent and the 2 issues related to project management chosen are:
1. Strategic front and Transitional back end connection and how can they be used to generate profits?
2. Agile or Waterfall model of software development? Which one is better?
The SFE and TBE are the backbone of the project and the MNC’s have to decide which project to take so that they can create value The project development report consists of the information regarding the SFE and the TBE
The two of the many techniques of project development are the waterfall model and the Agile model. The waterfall model is the traditional model and the Agile model is the cu
ent methodology
    For the first issue, identify at least one academic theory to deepen your insights into the issue
Briefly introduce [and reference] your chosen academic theory.
Justify your choice.
[400 words]
    Reference theory paper: Artto, K., Ahola, T. and Vartiainen, V., 2016. From the front end of projects to the back end of operations: Managing projects for value creation throughout the system lifecycle. International Journal of Project Management, 34(2), pp.258-270.
The research paper has 2 analysis that has been mentioned. The first one displays the relation between the corporate and the project management strategies, something seldom addressed in the theoretical works; The second one is how project management can help
idge the gap in the requirement and the development. The project paper demonstrates the effect of the strategic planned “Front End” (Mo
is, P.W., 2009) It focuses on why the values and the welfares are the measures to be noted in comparison to the outdated project management measures of agends, budget and organisation and scope achievement. (Artto, K., Ahola, T. and Vartiainen, V., 2016)The leadership role in challenging the methodology is mentioned in this scale
The research article was chosen by me to understand the research methods and article clearly agrees the research objective of how the project management can move the business strategy and its application. The project management is a very important issue since the strategy for corporate and the project management is a comes with a worth that would be delivered after the project has been completed The resources are allocated to the project after the budget for the project has been released. (Artto, K., Ahola, T. and Vartiainen, V., 2016)An improvement in the project plan would change the way the project functions. The another reason to choose this article was that it it specifies the front end of the project management i.e when the project was under construction and was being developed. The research paper specifies the benefits of the strategy and its implementation. One of the other major reasons for selecting this research article is that it showcases the leadership and leadership qualities in the project management. The project management guide tells that there has to be a strategy to define the scope and define the way the requirements are collected and scrutinized from the clients. The scope of the project and its understanding has to be done efficiently so that the developments take place in order and at the right path.( Artto, K., Ahola, T. and Vartiainen, V., 2016)
    Using your chosen theory to explain how this helps you to gain deeper insights into the first issue.
[600 words]
    The management of project comes into play whenever a project has to be made it would either be created internally or outsourced, the need of the strategy or the task is thought upon which should be crystal clear and should be a matter of thought for the leaders The SFE of the project is the part when the project has not been developed and the idea is still under construction. This creates the start of the Strategic Front End. The scope defination, the need and the requirements, the substituent analysis are the requirements of the Strategic front end and if other strategies or other things could replace the need, the cost
enefit analysis and the development and resource analysis has to be done before the implementation of the project Once the project budget is approved, then the team sits with the leadership to gain the start of the project and decide the initialisation and it would bear if it is done internal to the organisation and the price if it is achieved outside the corporate. The leadership decides the plan of action, the budget...

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