Kuldeep answered on
Jan 11 2021
Impact of Globalization
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Executive Summary
Globalization is the advancement in local market where humanities and beliefs become united by transcending global communication and business networks. The term globalization is sometimes used to explicitly refer to the economic globalization. It integrates the national economy into the global economy through foreign direct investments, trade, capital flows, immigration, and dissemination of skills and technology. Market globalization refers to a process of integrating and unifying individual worldwide markets into a single market. The process integrates common standards, values, perceptions, tastes, and accessibility around the world and gradually shifts the culture to the use of common goods or services. It is widely believed that globalization is not a new phenomenon, but a phenomenon of globalization since the colonial era. This study will explain the impact of market and production globalization on the organization by explaining the case study of TESCO.
Introduction 4
Globalization impacts Tesco 5
Globalization’ impacts business 5
Things International managers must know to stay ahead of the game 9
Outsourcing and offshoring contribute to Globalization 10
Challenges, opportunities, and problems that globalization presents for business 12
Opportunities 12
Challenges 13
Problems 13
Conclusion 13
References 15
Everything has changed today. Globalization, the comprehensive internationalization of markets and companies has changed the way modern companies operate. Globalization is the process by which companies or organizations developing international influence. This means integrating the organization's operations, processes and strategies into different cultures. By emphasizing diversity, it has had a profound impact on how companies manage their employees. Organizational talent or skills can be the best source of constant competitive advantage as well as an impact vital organizational outcomes, for example, profitability, survival, and employee performance and customer satisfaction (Bacchetta, Ernst and Bustamante, 2009).
First and foremost, the global environment of business today has greatly changed the way that business is conducted across an organization and it has impacted in several ways. For example; "cross-border inter-firm agreements", "foreign direct investment" and "lowering or removing ba
iers that affect international trade" are some of the roles of HR that can be impacted. Globalization in business is both developing and stabilizing, creating both a competitive market but also adding risks. Those risks could end up turning against us. Although Globalization has been around since the beginning of time as some would say, it hasn't been as visible until recently. In today's world companies have to be competitive and if you're not pushing customers from all markets and geographical locations, business competition will markets as fluid as time is changing. For example, human resource managers need to hire people with varied backgrounds and with whom their customer can relate to because a team with diverse people can lead to a variety of ideas and influences within the organization (Daft, Murphy and Willmott, 2014). The rise and fall in the frequency of globalization are determined by some factors like shortage of talent in developing countries, the availability of low-cost labor from developing countries and technological progress. This essay is an analysis of such aspects that is how globalization effects in the business sector what all problems it has created there.
Globalization impacts Tesco
Globalization’ impacts business
One of the modern trends had taken the world towards the storm which is called as globalization. In fact, in the wave of globalization that has completely swept the world in the last few years, companies have not fallen behind. Globalization has had a positive impact on the financial system of most countries. This is also good for multinational companies like Wall Street. Today experts found that globalization can help combat some deep-seated problems, for instance, poverty and unemployment in many countries. This study discusses in detail the close analysis of the impact of globalization on business and its impact on the organizations. Most economic experts have the same opinion that the globalization has almost changed all aspects of the whole population (Dana and Dana, 2007). Economists in diverse countries agree that globalization has helped or support the economies of many countries in various ways. It makes the market more competitive, has limited the military conflicts, intensifies competition, and spreads wealth more uniformly in diverse parts of the whole world. On the other hand, the complete impact of the globalization has not yet been achieved in the workplace. As more and more companies quickly em
ace change, some changes are emerging. It is important to understand that while these changes benefit the financial situation of most companies; other companies are not good at it. In fact, small businesses have determined that they must adopt new guidelines and policies that will enable them to survive in a dynamic business world. Globalization has
ought the economies of scale in every business. It helps big companies benefit from the sale economies, ultimately enabling them to lower costs and prices. The end result is that globalization contributes to economic growth, even though it may hurt small organizations that may try to struggle with big companies. It also
ings technological innovation to most organizations (GEMMA, 2011). It promotes the technological advancement of county companies through competition. Most companies have adopted the latest technology in the production process. These new production methods enable them to reduce production costs and maximize profits.
It is always the desire of every company to reach out to new markets and opportunities. In doing so, such companies maximize sales, hence boosting the overall revenue of the company. Expanding business is today in the mindset of any other company intent on pushing aside all the competing companies. As globalization has been quickening a long time, there has been a discussion on its negative side and positive side. One fact is that everything in this world has its negative and positive side. Globalization also has its negative and positive sides. Most of the people forget to see the negative side while focusing on its positive. As we all know globalization created a vast range of positive results in the world (Gleeson, 2018). Globalization is the method of developing, creating and extending the trade, administrations or advances all throughout the world. But though it created some challenges in the business sector. Globalization involves the growing interdependence of the world’s economies. International business is complicated by different legal and political systems. It is the extension of different businesses to the worldwide markets all through the world. It requires tremendous universal speculation to create huge multinational enterprises for the around the world financial integration. Within the final few decades,...