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Research an event related to Currency Exchanges, or Currency Fluctuations, and how it affects the transactions of international business Be sure to use credible sources for this current event. Other...

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  • Research an event related toCurrency Exchanges, or Currency Fluctuations,and how it affects the transactions of international business Be sure to use credible sources for this current event.
Other Requirements
The original post must contain a minimum of 300 words. Students must demonstrate critical thinking by paraphrasing the material into their own words.
All citations should be in APA format with a reference listing at the bottom of the post.
Cite 2 quality sources.
Answered Same Day Sep 03, 2022


Perla answered on Sep 04 2022
67 Votes
ency Fluctuations, Exchange rates and Impact on International business:
· Research an event related to Cu
ency Exchanges, or Cu
ency Fluctuations, and how it affects the transactions of international business Be sure to use credible sources for this cu
ent event.
ency exchange value and the cu
ency fluctuations do have considerable impact on the direction of the international business and will decide the profitability as well as loss in the international business. At typical event in the history that demonstrate the variation in the foreign cu
ency fluctuations is the case of Brexit. During 2016, with the onset of Brexit evolution, the value of the British pound got depreciated against dollar drastically and got triggered to become volatile. The fall in the sterling pound value resulted in several disadvantages to the UK...

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