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Required Reading Grass, J.C XXXXXXXXXXThe medicine shoppe v. Loretta lynch, et al.: Pharmacists and prescribing physicians are equally liable. The Health Lawyer, 28 (3), 28-37. After reading the...

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Required Reading

Grass, J.C XXXXXXXXXXThe medicine shoppe v. Loretta lynch, et al.: Pharmacists and prescribing physicians are equally liable. The Health Lawyer, 28(3), 28-37.

After reading the article in the required reading: “The medicine shoppe v. Loretta lynch, et al.: Pharmacists and prescribing physicians are equally liable.” Discuss the following:

  1. Identify and discuss the duties and responsibilities of a pharmacist toward a patient.
  2. Based upon your research and assessment of the case, did the pharmacist perform the required duties and uphold patient rights?
  3. Is the pharmacy at fault? Why or why not?
  4. What is the impact of the pharmacist’s actions on the patient and community?
  5. What precautions can be taken to ensure these types of incidents by allied professionals don’t happen to others? Should there be more regulations in place?

Length: Submit a 3-page paper.

Answered Same Day Oct 14, 2019


David answered on Dec 28 2019
160 Votes
The Duties And Responsibilities Of A Pharmacist Toward A Patient
The pharmacist plays a significant role. The duties along with the responsibilities of the pharmacist with regards to the patient stand to be crucial. The duty of the assessment of the prescription provisioned by the physician and well examining the drugs that are being offered to the patient is important.
The pharmacist also cannot be ignorant and his/her knowledge in the arena of medicine has to be sound (Cullinan, S., Fleming, A., O'mahony, D., Ryan, C., O'sullivan, D., Gallagher, P., & Byrne, S., 2015; Grass, J.C., 2016). While advising the patient, in case of any queries, the pharmacist has to be knowledgeable enough in offering the needed solution to the patients.
The pharmacist along with the prescribing physicians is equally responsible for the regulation pertaining to the dissemination of drugs (Touchette, D. R., Doloresco, F., Suda, K. J., Perez, A., Turner, S., Jalundhwala, Y., ... & Hoffman, J. M., 2014; Kaufmann, C. P., Stämpfli, D., Hersberger, K. E., & Lampert, M. L., 2015). The validation needs to be done, and the same stands to be the responsibility of the pharmacist to verify that the prescription is for a legitimate purpose and he/she also needs to do the verification by routinely calling up the respected office and to well identify in case the pharmacist is able to identify any red flags before the filling up of prescription.
Based upon your research and assessment of the case, did the pharmacist perform the required duties and uphold patient rights?
Basis the research done along with the assessment of the case provisioned....

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