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Refer to Step 3.3(page 3 in the attached file) In the "Unconstrained" or "Short Selling" version of the optimal risky portfolio, what is the weight for XOM?Write your answer as a percentage, with no...

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Refer to Step 3.3. In the "Unconstrained" or "Short Selling" version of the optimal risky
portfolio, what is the weight for XOM?
Write your answer as a percentage, with no percentage symbol ("%"), rounded to the nearest
tenth percentage point (e.g., you would write "48.1234%" as "48.1", not " XXXXXXXXXX").
Hint: You can use the same logic and Solver built from Step 3.2.
Refer to Step 3.3. In the "Constrained" or "Long Only" version of the optimal risky portfolio,
what is the weight for GOOG?
Write your answer as a percentage, with no percentage symbol ("%"), rounded to the nearest
tenth percentage point (e.g., you would write "48.1234%" as "48.1", not " XXXXXXXXXX").
Hint: You can use the same logic and Solver built from Step 3.2.
Refer to Step 3.3. In the "Unconstrained" or "Short Selling" version of the optimal risky
portfolio, what is the portfolio mean?
Write your answer as a percentage, with no percentage symbol ("%"), rounded to the nearest
hundredth percentage point (e.g., you would write "48.1234%" as "48.12", not " XXXXXXXXXX").
Refer to Step 3.3. In the "Constrained" or "Long Only" version of the optimal risky portfolio,
what is the portfolio standard deviation?
Write your answer as a percentage, with no percentage symbol ("%"), rounded to the nearest
hundredth percentage point (e.g., you would write "48.1234%" as "48.12", not " XXXXXXXXXX").
Refer to Step 3.3. In the "Unconstrained" or "Short Selling" version of the optimal risky
portfolio, what is the portfolio Sharpe Ratio?
Write your answer as a number rounded to the nearest thousandth percentage point (e.g., you
would write " XXXXXXXXXX" as "0.073").
What follows is a 5-Step description of the Project Prompt. Each week, or "Module", you are
to complete one or more of the steps before submitting your final project. Note, these Steps
cover the entire Capstone.
Each of the Steps below has a Quiz in the associated Module that asks about the figures you
are calculating and other characteristics of the portfolios at issue. To pass the course, in
addition to receiving a passing score on the final project, you must receive a score of 100% on
the Quiz in Module 1, 60% on the Quizzes in Module 2 (though you are encouraged to work
on this Module until you are confident you have co
ect figures), and 80% on the Quizzes in
Modules 3 and 5; the Quiz in Module 4 is formative, meaning it does not count for your final
Step 1.
Go to the "Historical Stock Data" link in Module 1 - and download the twelve (12) files there.
Those files are:
(i) historical daily prices for ten individual stocks (AAPL, MSFT, WFC, DIS, COP, XOM,
GOOG, BIDU, TSLA, and TTM) and for the Dow Jones market index, DJI (sample window:
June 30th 2010 – June 30th 2016); and
(ii) monthly prices for AAPL (sample window: August XXXXXXXXXXJuly 2016)
If you'd like more background on the Dow Jones index, go here.
Step 2.
Using the historical data downloaded:
2.1 Calculate the daily return for each security and DJI using both the “Close price” and
“Adjusted Close” price. Compare the difference between these two return series and think
about what causes the difference (if there’s any).
(You will be provided with a sample return to verify whether your calculations are co
2.2 Using the results you get from Step 2.1, calculate the following summary statistics of the
eturn series for the “Adjusted Close” prices:
1. mean
2. standard deviation
3. min max
4. Sharpe Ratio*
*The Sharpe Ratio is a widely used tool for measuring the riskiness of investments. For more
information on this concept, see the materials presented with Module 2. Assume the “risk
free asset” rate = 0.
In the assessment for this week, you’ll be asked to verify some of your calculations and
answer questions based on a comparison of the summary statistics of the index DJI against the
individual stocks.
Step 3.
Now imagine you are a portfolio manager at an equity quant fund with the option to invest
your portfolio in the stocks listed above. Using your knowledge of portfolio variance and the
efficient frontier (see Module 3 for more information on these concepts), complete the
3.1 If you are only allowed to invest in two stocks, MSFT and WFC, how would you allocate
your investment to a
ive at a portfolio with the minimum variance (as well as the lowest
standard deviation)? You are not allowed to hold cash, so 100% of your portfolio has to be
devoted to these two stocks.
First, calculate the approximate weights. Hint: Use a 5% increment in weights (e.g. 0%, 5%,
…, 95%, 100%) in each stock, calculate the co
esponding portfolio return and standard
deviation. Plot the efficient frontier using the portfolio characteristics for each weight.
How much weight, approximated to the nearest whole percentage, would you assign to MSFT
and WFC respectively to achieve the lowest portfolio variance?
3.2 Using the Solver function in Excel, next calculate the exact weight in WFC and MSFT for
the minimum variance portfolio, rounded to the nearest tenth decimal point. Verify your
answer with the approximation you obtained from Step 3.1 - they should be close.
Hint: You can assign your initial portfolio as an equal weighted portfolio before using the
Solver function in Excel.
Next, using the same technique, please work out the weights for the “optimal risky portfolio”
on the efficient frontier consisting of WFC and MSFT. The “optimal risky portfolio” is also
known as the “tangent portfolio” because it is where the Capital Market Line meets the
efficient frontier (the tangency point). See Module 3 for more information on these concepts.
Hint: Your goal now is to find the maximum value of the Sharpe Ratio of the portfolio. For
simplicity, always assume the risk free rate = 0.
In the assessment for this week, you’ll be asked to compare your "optimal risky portfolio"
characteristics to those of the two individual stocks used in the portfolio.
3.3 After your client reviews your proposal from the exercise involving two stocks, she really
likes the idea of risk diversification. As a portfolio manager, you are given the right to invest
in all 10 of the securities listed in the pool (note, this does not include DJI).
Can you work out your “optimal risky portfolio” (a.k.a. tangent portfolio) on the efficient
frontier using all 10 securities?
Hint: You can use the same logic and Solver built from Step 3.2.
Calculate your final portfolio weights in each stock and the portfolio characteristics (mean,
std dev, and sharpe ratio).
You should find that some of your weights come out negative. This means that the optimal
isky portfolio contemplates “short selling.” See Module 3 for more information on short
selling (if your minimum weight = 0 instead of being negative, please make sure to uncheck
the “Make Unconstrained Variables Non-Negative” option in the Solver Parameters window).
What if your mandate does not allow you to participate in short selling activity? In other
words, the lowest weight you can impose on the stocks in your portfolio is zero. What is your
portfolio composition under this ‘constrained’ or ‘long-only’ regime?
Hint: You can repeat the same exercise as in the short selling case. You only need to check
“Make Unconstrained Variables Non-Negative” this time.
tep 4.
For this optional, non-credit exercise, you will be working with the Capital Asset Pricing
Model (CAPM). See Module 4 for more on this concept.
Using Excel, calculate the Alpha and Beta loadings of the 10 securities on the market index
Hint: You can use the regression function in Excel under the “Data Analysis” add-on.
In the optional assessment for this Step, you’ll be asked to use the CAPM model results to
determine which stock is the riskiest investment and which one is the least risky.
Step 5.
You have just applied the knowledge of efficient frontier and portfolio optimization in
managing a pure equity portfolio in Steps 3 and 4. In real life, many investment strategies
utilize other assets or a mix of several, including fixed income, money market funds,
commodities, foreign cu
encies, and even real estates. For instance, among the largest 25
mutual funds, close to half invest in assets other than equity.
Using the same set of knowledge on portfolio diversification, you are now required to plan for
an investment portfolio of $5 million. Your mandate allows you to invest in the following
investment vehicles: Vanguard Total Bond Market Index Fund (ticker: VBTLX) and
Vanguard 500 Index (ticker: VFIAX). These two funds represent investment vehicles in fixed
income and equity, respectively.
Your data set for this part of the project includes the monthly prices for AAPL provided in the
"Historical Stock Data" link in Module 1, as well as the historical monthly returns data for
VBTLX and VFIAX from January 2012 to July 2016.
You are encouraged to practice retrieving and inputting the VBTLX and VFIAX returns data
a. Going to MorningStar’s website: http:
. Searching in the “Quote” box for fund performances using the ticker given, then click on
the “Performance” tab to find the monthly total returns at the bottom of the page.
c. Copying historical monthly returns data from January 2012 to July 2016 in a spreadsheet
(NOTE: The returns are percentages but are presented without a percentage sign, so make
sure that when entering them into your spreadsheet they are treated as percentages).
If you'd prefer to skip this step, the monthly returns can be downloaded here.
5.1 Your goal is to again design
Answered 43 days After May 26, 2022


Rochak answered on Jul 08 2022
86 Votes
A. 48.71%
B. 42.93%
C. 41.98%
D. 43%
E. 45.68%

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