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Recognizing a Problem Submit Feedback Reflect in ePortfolio Previous Next Show Description There is a tendency among managers to quickly resolve problems even though they may not full understand or...

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Recognizing a Problem

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There is a tendency among managers to quickly resolve problems even though they may not full understand or appreciate the many causal factors contributing to the problem. As a result, these managers function like firefighters, putting quick fixes to problems in hopes that they will be resolved. In reality, some problems are resolved whereas, in many cases, the perceived solution is short lived and non-effective. On the other hand, there are managers who suffer from a phenomenon known as “analysis paralysis”. They become so obsessed with identifying and analyzing “all” of the casual factors associated with a problem that the manager may never get around to implementing a solution.

Keeping in mind the case of the home health agency that we have discussed since Module 1. As Sara’s supervisor, how would you approach her case to ensure timely solution is implemented in regards to the concern of disease outbreak? What are the limitations of your approach?

I need 3-4 paragraphs, APA, 3-4 References, DS, 12 Font

Answered Same Day Aug 18, 2020


Perla answered on Aug 19 2020
154 Votes
At the outset, it is good that the manager has recognized the seriousness of the issues. Since there is always chance for a disease out
eak, it is always required to take necessary and sufficient precautions to protect other employees of the organization. Coming to the cu
ent issues, manager is not a medical professional and he is not competent to inspect whether the disease has potential to out
eak or not. Hence it is immediate responsibility of the manager to let Sara to get diagnosed of her medical records and the cu
ent condition to indicate whether the disease is in the contagious form or not. Though it is painful it is mandatory of the organization to take up the necessary steps to protect the interests of the other employees as well. Further Sara produces a certificate from a medical doctor as that her conditions is non-contagious, then the certificate and the other prevailing medical...

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