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Reading questions for Ch. 26(The textbook is"Patterns of World History" Third Edition, written by Peter von Sivers , Charles and George.)) This is a list of questions to help you identify important...

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Reading questions for Ch. 26(The textbook is"Patterns of World History" Third Edition, written by Peter von Sivers , Charles and George.))

This is a list of questions to help you identify important concepts and themes from the reading. In order to help you organize your thoughts and contribute to our discussion, I strongly encourage you to take reading notes. Write down the ideas you think are important, as well as any interesting facts or observations. Write down words you are unfamiliar with, as well as their definition. In particular, pay attention to and make a note of anything that you react strongly to – are you surprised by something that you learned here?

1. Which were the natural and political resources that allowed Britain to industrialize?

2. What was the second wave of industrialism?

3. How were the working and living conditions of the urban working class in thenineteenth century?

4. Who was Karl Marx? Why did he call for classstruggle?

5. Why were the Impressionist and Post-Impressionist movements consider reactions against the industrialization?

Answered Same Day Mar 26, 2020


Abr Writing answered on Mar 28 2020
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1. There were certain natural and political resources that allowed Britain to industrialize. It must be noted that from the perspective of natural resources, the large supply of coal helped Britain to industrialize thoroughly in a proper manner ("Why Was Britain The First Country To Industrialize?" ). It must also be noted that politically, by the dint of imperialism and colonization, Britain had the economic resources (and financial resources) that were needed to usher the Industrial Revolution in such a precise manner. Moreover, it must be noted that a stable political climate within Britain also helped the growth of industries in the country in a steady way. In this regard it must be taken into account that “In the 1700s, Britain had a stable government after having gone through civil war and revolution in the decades before” ("Why Was Britain The First Country To Industrialize?" ).
2. The second wave of industrialism denotes the transformation of the United States through unprecedented u
anization and rapid te
itorial expansion between 1870 and 1914, paving the way for the country to emerge as...

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