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Read the attached article Now develop your response for a crisis or risk situation in your organization or field (Management Hotel Industry).Identify the stakeholders who will receive the messages,...

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Read the attached article

Now develop your response for a crisis or risk situation in your organization or field (Management Hotel Industry).Identify the stakeholders who will receive the messages, potential stakeholder questions and concerns, key messages, and supporting facts. Explain the best course of action when previous communications have been misunderstood or when communications are interrupted.

Within your homework assignment, integrate a message map matrix like the one that is mentioned in the Frohlichstein XXXXXXXXXXarticle.

Please begin your homework assignment with an introduction. The title page and reference page are not included in the minimum two-page (500 word) requirement. APA rules for formatting, quoting, paraphrasing, citing, and listing sources are to be followed. Your paper must contain at least two references.

Answered Same Day Jun 09, 2020


Arun answered on Jun 14 2020
145 Votes
Risk Mitigation of Hotel Industry
The report is about developing a response for a risk situation for hotel where I work. The stakeholders who will receive the messages, their questions and concerns, key messages and supporting facts are illustrated in this report. The best course of action for improving the previous communication is also identified. The report also includes a message map matrix.
The hotel is facing a stiff issue of identity theft and loss of sensitive information. Recently the credit card theft has been identified in the hotel and the hotel reputation is at stake. Many guests think, that the hotel does not incorporate a good network system to minimise the threat of credit cards misuse. This is the third incident in a month. There are many people having access to credit card data, no centralised location to store the data and use of fax machine that make the credit cards data vulnerable. Therefore, a proper communication with the important stakeholders of the organization is needed. For this purpose, salient stakeholders such as customers, employees, and government officials are chosen.
Employees have been questioned and they respond that the hotel staffing in recent times is reduced and therefore oversight and separation of duties do not take place. The lack of training to maintain the data obtained from credit cards is also an issue that cause rise in credit cards frauds. The government has taken a serious action against the hotel and fine is imposed. The customers are also unwilling to pay through credit cards and they do not want to stay inside the hotel due to data security reason.
Therefore, a communication plan is developed to address the grievances of the...

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