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Read the assignment brief, Find a topic and three research questions. Word limit is 2500 words. References must be clear and correct ( not more than 5years old ). DONT JUST COPY STATEMENTS FROM THE...

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Read the assignment brief, Find a topic and three research questions. Word limit is 2500 words. References must be clear and correct ( not more than 5years old ). DONT JUST COPY STATEMENTS FROM THE INTERNET AND GIVE REFERENCES, try to explain the statement first and then give reference to the line. Report must be completed within the time limit, please. A sample report has been provided for reference, please do not use anything from it. Also, need a turnitin report with the solution. Thank you...
Answered 4 days After Apr 17, 2021 RES800 ICMS (International College of Management Sydney)


Tanmoy answered on Apr 21 2021
152 Votes
Business Research - Business Research Proposal – Ethical Issues Sexual Harassment
Student Name - Teja
Supervisor name - Dr Arash Najmaei/ Dr Andrew Le
1    Background of the Research....................................................................................Pg 1
1.1    Problem Statement
1.2    Research Objective
1.3    Research Questions
2    Literature Review.....................................................................................................Pg 2 & 3
2.1 Sexual harassment in workplace
2.2 Impacts of sexual harassment towards the women and her career
2.3 Actions against the sexual harasser by management
3    Research Design.........................................................................................................Pg 4 & 5
3.1    Research philosophy
3.2    Research choices, approach and strategy
3.3    Type of the research
4    Data.............................................................................................................................Pg 5, 6 & 7
4.1    Population
4.2    Sample and sampling technique
4.3    Data collection tool
5    Analytic approach.........................................................................................................Pg 7 & 8
6    Ethical considerations....................................................................................................Pg 8 & 9
7    Strength and Weaknesses of the Research.....................................................................Pg 9
8    Validity and Reliability..................................................................................................Pg 9 & 10
9    Conclusion......................................................................................................................Pg 10
10    References.......................................................................................................................Pg 11 & 12
11    Appendix..........................................................................................................................Pg 13
Background of the Research
Problem Statement
In this paper we will try to analysis and discuss on a specific ethical issue that erupts in business operations. This ethical issue is sexual harassment. Ethical issues as they arises impacts the business’s general operating standards. Hence, it is essential for the business organizations to identify these issues and evaluate so as to strategies concrete plans to mitigate or lower the risks. Therefore, it is essential for the business owner or the management of the organization to establish some concrete code of ethics to establish the basic trust and respect between the employees, suppliers, business partners and the clients of the organization (Ben Shabat, 2020).
Research Objective
The objective of the research is to identify the percentage or number of cases of ethical issues like sexual harassment which occurs in the organizations in Australia and what actions have been initiated by the management to mitigate them. This will help us to understand if the number of ethical issues in Australia is rising or has lowered compared to the past. Also we will try to understand the impact of sexual harassment on the employees and their career.
Research Questions
The three research questions that will arise on the sexual harassment issues will be as follows:
1. How the business organizations in Australia managing the sexual harassment issues?
2. What are the types of sexual harassment faced by the employees and which gender faces the sexual harassment the most?
3. How can the organizations improve on the sexual harassment issues by taking appropriate measures?
Literature Review
Sexual harassment emerged in 1970’s from North America and was
ought to the light of the public by various researchers (Gutek, 1985; Farley, 1978; MacKinnon, 1979). But, what actions can actually lead to sexual harassment was found to be sexual interests (Gutek, 1985). In some research it is discovered that explicit demands of sexual favours in exchange for work (Roiphe, 1993) are considered as sexual harassment. In other cases it is found that whistling, staring, using sexual jokes and sexual implication are considered to be natural interactions between two sexes (Wise & Stanley, 1987) and does not amounts to sexual harassments. On the contrary, the contemporary researchers discovered that ve
al comments, desires and non-ve
al behaviours are categorised as sexually harassing (Fitzgerald, 1996; Fitzgerald & Shullman, 1993; Gruber, Smith, & Kauppinen-Toropainen, 1996; Timmerman & Bajema, 1998)
2.1 Sexual harassment in workplace
Sexual harassment in workplace does not sexual acts but gender harassments. It actually shifts from sex back to sexism (Skaine, 1996). As per Mackinnon, sexual harassment in workplace is often targeted towards the women and is observed as the women’s inferior position in the workplace. Most of the women working in pink collar jobs or jobs which are considered for women like beauty industry, social care, child care, nursing and secretarial work are the victims of sexual harassment (Chamallas, Martha, 1993). Therefore, as per the various research it can be determined to some extent that most of the sexual harassment cases happens towards the women in workplace.
2.2 Impacts of sexual harassment towards the women and her career         
The impacts of sexual harassment on women can be uncomfortable and disastrous. It can even cause various health complications, financial constraints and global effect. It can result in low self-esteem and even contravention in personal relationships. It can even result in stress and anxiety for the victim. There can be even physical issues related to health like loss of appetite, weight fluctuations, headaches and sleep disorders. Further there can be consequences like hormonal imbalances, high blood pressure and poor immune system development. Finally, as the victims gets sexually harassed, she deters to come to job and losses her wages due to frequent leaves. This also leads to career issues or loss of jobs. Sometimes the victims decide to leave the jobs in order to avoid the hostile work place (Steven P Cohen, 2018).
2.3 Actions against the sexual harasser by management
In most circumstances, there may be cases like the victims may feel harassed and powerless. They think that they are not in a situation to speak up which puts them at risk of losing their jobs. In Australia as per the Commonwealth Sex Discrimination Act, 1984 and state-discrimination laws sexual harassment in Australia at work, school or in any place which involves delivery of goods, services and accommodation is illegal (Health Direct, 2019). The ways to prevent sexual harassments in workplace can be by speaking out against the harasser. By giving a ve
al warning to the harasser the victim can give a clear and loud message that the specific behaviour is unacceptable. Secondly, report the incident of harassment to the supervisor or to the HR department. Also, such report must be submitted with adequate...

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