Read Chapter 13 in Harrison. Pay close attention to the powers of the President and the role of the President. Focus on these Key Terms on page 423: executive order, expressed powers, inherent powers, statuary powers, Works Progress Administration. Go to the White House web-site:
You must complete the following paper assignment, and you must use exact MLA-Style, just as you did for the first paper back in Week 3. Remember to visit the MLA-Style Guide web-site; see external links if you need help to navigate to that site.
Your paper should be two to three typed pages, following exact MLA guidelines. You will answer the question below, and you should be specific in your use of language and chronology XXXXXXXXXXWho do you think has been the greatest president in American history? What characteristics do you admire about the President you chose? Organize your work into good clear paragraphs: I. Your first paragraph should clearly introduce the President you have chosen to write about. There should be chronological reference to his life and his years in office. II. You should spend the next three to four paragraphs explaining this President's accomplishments and the reasons why you have chosen him. Be very clear, and BE SURE TO CITE ANY SOURCE(S) THAT YOU USE AND DO SO IN EXACT MLA-STYLE. III. Now spend a paragraph or two explaining what you admire most about the President you chose. IV. Provide a conclusion paragraph where you sum up what you have said. V. Your final page will be a Works Cited page in MLA-Style because you will have used some outside material to learn about the President you chose. Be sure to include ALL sources used, including our textbook, within your Works Cited page.
this should be 2 to 3 pages.
fallow this exact MLA FORMAT
You may use this web-site to help you with your paper. It would be cited in a parenthetical reference at the end of the "sentence in which you quoted it" (
Works Cited Entry: Accessed Fall 2017. Web.
PLEASE ANSWER THIS QUESTION IN A SEPARATE LINES : explain whether or not you had difficulty selecting a President as the basis of your paper.